Tuesday, December 21, 2021


In my life I have read books and seen movies about climbing Mount Everest -- the highest mountain on earth!

All of those who climb/"summit" Mount Everest must spend YEARS   preparing physically and mentally for the effort.  When the time comes that they arrive at the base camp --- THEN the struggle begins!!!

One of the difficulties of the climb is the TRAFFIC! ( traffic?!!?) YES, the climbing season is very brief due to the weather conditions---that include powerful winds (some winds reach "hurricane strength"!!!); plus there is MUCH ice and snow...and the air is so "thin" that you must carry your own Oxygen in bottles as you climb    toward the summit --- and that is in the "best" climbing season!

"TRAFFIC???"  YES! If someone who is ahead of you in the struggle...if they get to a place/condition to where they cannot continue---then you must WAIT (sometimes you might have to wait    for HOURS).  And many people get part or the way up, and then have to go back down---after having spent that much training, effort...without achieving the goal of "summiting" - (and some people die on the way up!) 

For those who do make it to the summit---the most difficult part is still AHEAD of them!  They have spent all their drive and desire in     

Reaching the summit --- then they have little energy left to struggle through the most DANGEROUS part --- the descent.

Those who SURVIVE the descent ---they have to come back down to the world and struggle through the difficulties of life in this world -      (like sickness, cancer, broken families, etc.).

Even the experienced guides who lead others up and down the mountain...THEY also must come back and experience the struggles of life here on earth..(and ALL of them WILL die at some time).  Even though they have climbed to the highest place on earth --- they are no CLOSER to heaven than is a little child who can hardly walk.

*** BUT!!!** We who have accepted JESUS CHRIST as our LORD and SAVIOR ---HE leads/guides/enables us T-H-R-O-U-G-H our lives!!!  

HE (JESUS!!!) climbed the mountain that was MOST difficult to climb --- One that ONLY HE could climb ---MOUNT CALVARY- to    reach HIS CROSS---and HIS death on the cross---to SAVE US from our sins!!! ****


JESUS is the T-ruth---

H-e is our SAVIOR. HE is here with us.

R - His righteousness gets us into heaven!!!

O - HE (GOD!!!) is O-mnipotent (all powerful),  O-mniscient (all knowing), AND O-mnipresent ("with us always"/Matthew 28:20/Psalm 139).

U - nderstanding -  (JESUS "became for us wisdom from GOD...." (1 Corinthians 1:30);  [ Wisdom speaks: "I AM Understanding"/Proverbs 8:14].  JESUS understands us with HIS HEART--- HE suffered rejection  (even from His own family!);  HE suffered pain, and sorrow, and ALL things that we experience.                                                                        "JESUS Wept" with sympathy (John 11:32-35);                                      "JESUS Wept with sadness and frustation (Luke 19:41-44); also ***Please read (Isaiah 53:3-5).

G- HIS G-oodness is more than powerful enough so that HE defeated all the evil of all people of all time!!!

Earlier in this message I mentioned the "efforts" of those climbing Mount Everest.....As We are carried THROUGH the mountains/difficulties by JESUS --- OUR efforts are: to SUBMIT to HIM, OBEY HIM, THANK HIM, PRAISE HIM, and WORSHIP HIM!!!

H- Heaven - ENDLESS "time" in the PRESENCE of GOD --- praising, thanking, and worshiping HIM!!!!!!!!!

Oh, earlier in this message I mentioned a mountain named "Mount Everest" --- that is "mis-named" --- only in HEAVEN can we EVER REST and Rejoice in HIS PRESENCE!!!!!!!!!

JESUS declares in John 14:6 ---"I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life."

Daily, let us Praise HIM and Thank HIM that in His Love HE paid the highest possible price for us (each and all of us!!!) and HE will lead, guide, and enable us through ALL things to HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!

Thank YOU LORD!!!!!!!!!



Tuesday, November 30, 2021


In today's world, with Covid, increasing crime, possible war, etc.---    We need HOPE!!!!!!!!!

HOPE is a VITAL NEED for ALL of us!!!

WITHOUT   hope...we will fall into despair, depression and other        destructive difficulties.

In this world, when we have difficult times (like sickness, injuries, etc.), we have hope for  "when this is over".                                            In Hell there will NEVER be hope of it ending!!! 

WITH hope we can live lives of peace, and have victories, and joy!!!

When I was a young man...I often would put my hope on my expec-    tations...then when my expectations did not happen.....that led to        frustration, anger, and bitterness!  And that caused very negative effects to the people close to me!!

The DEFINITION of HOPE in the NEW TESTAMENT of the BIBLE is:                                                                                                              "hope, el pis ("el peece"), Strongs # 1680.                                              "Hope, NOT in the sense of an optimistic outlook or wishful thinking  without any foundation, but in the sense of Confident expectation based on SOLID CERTAINTY.  Hope rests on GOD'S Promises, particularly those pertaining to JESUS CHRIST'S RETURN!!! So      CERTAIN is the future of the REDEEMED that the New Testament sometimes speaks of future events in the past sense---as if they were already accomplished!!!

"For when GOD made a promise to Abraham, because HE could swear by none greater, HE swore by HIMSELF, saying, 'Surely Blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you!!!            And so, after he (Abraham) had patiently endured, he obtained the      promise.  Thus GOD, determining to show more abundantly to the heirs of Promise the unchangeableness of His purpose, confirmed it by an oath, that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for GOD to lie, we have strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before us.

This HOPE we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the PRESENCE  beyond the veil, where the Forerunner has entered for us, even JESUS, having become HIGH PRIEST Forever..." (Hebrews 6:13-20).  (From BIBLE study notes:     "An Anchor is only as secure as that to which it is attached."

So, we must put our Hope in GOD-WHO is Almighty, Unchanging, and HE loves us with His perfect love, and on His SON JESUS.

"For all the promises of GOD in HIM (JESUS) are Yes, and in HIM AMEN." (2 Corinthians 1:20).

Let it be SO in our hearts and our lives!!!

"...By the commandment of GOD OUR SAVIOR and the LORD JESUS CHRIST, our Hope." (1 Timothy 1:1)   

Tuesday, October 26, 2021



The LORD will command HIS lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night His song shall be with me---                                                     A prayer to the God of my life." (Psalm 42:8). 

All the night the storm roared...

When the morning came...the storm was o'er.

We looked on the beach, we searched the shore...

Then in the distance we heard a man's voice sing...

As we drew closer, we saw him lying on the beach.                                As He was Singing -  He was Clinging to a rock.                                    (He was Singing) "Praise YOU LORD, JESUS MY KING."

As he endured the storm, and the night, he was Clinging to                  to the everlasting/everpresent arms of his Savior. (Deuteronomy 33:27).  {The word for "everlasting", can also be translated as              "everpresent".}

You and I---through every day and every night and every storm-           --WE can cling to HIS everlasting/everpresent arms and HE will         Love us with His 'Everlasting Love'. (Jeremiah 31:3).

Through every day and every night and every storm - HE is our Rock.   "...For they drank of that Spiritual Rock...and that Rock was   CHRIST."   (1 Corinthians 10:4).

"In YOU, O LORD, I put my trust...be my refuge" (to which I may resort continually, a place wherein I can Dwell."). (Psalm 71:1-3).

"I am the LORD, I do not change." (Malachi 3:6).

"JESUS CHRIST is the Same yesterday, today, and forever." (Hebrews 13:8). 

[GOD is infinitely Creative, but His Character/His heart toward us never changes.]

"HE remains true (faithful to His Word and to His righteous Character), for HE cannot deny Himself." (2 Timothy 2:13/Amplified Bible).

"I am with you Always." (Matthew 28:20).

"Where can I go from YOUR Presence?  If I ascend into heaven, You are there...if I make my bed in sheol, behold, You are there.  If I ride  the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there  Your hand will guide me, and Your strength will support me.  I could ask the darkness to hide me - and the light around me to become night---but even in darkness I cannot hide from You.  To You the night shines as bright as the day; The darkness and the light are both alike to You." (Psalm 139:7-12/New Living Translation).

Until JESUS comes back  for you and for me---to take us to Heaven--  we Will have days, nights, and storms...

"All the night the storm roared...                                                              When the morning came, the storm                                                        was o'er...                                                                                                  We looked on the beach, we looked on the shore... then in the distance we heard a man's voice sing...as we drew closer, we saw him lying on the beach.  As He was Singing - he was Clinging to The 

Rock.  He was singing "Praise You, Lord - Jesus My King". 

Until JESUS does come to take us to heaven---                                      Let us SING Praises, Worship, and Thanksgiving to JESUS...

Let us CLING to His Everlasting/everpresent arms, Let us rest in HIM - our refuge wherein we may dwell.  

(Now, please read it again.  Thank you.) 



Tuesday, October 12, 2021

*** LIGHTNING!!!!!!!!! ****


Late on a Wednesday afternoon, in Cornelia, Ga., I was in the gym...  as I was doing my planned exercises, I could hear that it was raining very hard!!!.  I could hear the rain just "pounding" on the roof!  And  I could hear the thunder!

     After I completed my exercises, I walked to the front of the building, and I could see that it was still raining very hard!!!

I sat on a chair near the door so that I could see when the rain decreased---    planning to walk across the very large parking lot to my truck.

Indeed when the rain decreased.....I opened the door and started walking (because at age 76 I no longer run), so I walked as quickly      as I could.

(This might seem "strange", but I always pray---asking the LORD ("in which specific place I should park?").  As I reached the point where I was about half-way to my truck - - - I saw a very BRIGHT FLASH of  LIGHTNING only a few feet in front me!!!!!                                              I am sure that most everyone has seen lightning before.  The Flash is so quick and brief that it is very difficult to actually measure the duration- - - probably only 1 (one) or 2 seconds.                                          Lightning is both very quick and very powerful!!!  One lightning    strike can break a large tree; or..."knock out" the electricity for a whole town, etc.                                                                                             When that "Thunderbolt" struck in front of me, I paused for a second or two, then walked on to my truck and drove home.                      I KNOW that I did not just imagine that!  Because when I returned  to the gym 2 days later- - -2 employees of the gym told me that they    SAW the lightning!!!                                                                                      By GOD'S GRACE, I am reading through the complete BIBLE      this calendar year.  So I have a reading plan that guides me to which chapters that I am to read each day.  So as I drove home, THE LORD  brought to my remembrance---                                                                (Job 28:23-26)  "GOD understands its way, and HE knows its place.    For HE looks to the ends of the earth, and sees under the whole heavens, to establish a weight for the wind, and apportion the waters by measure.  When HE made a law for the rain, And A PATH FOR THE THUNDERBOLT."  (I read that passage only 6 days before!!! the LIGHTNING/THUNDERBOLT!!!).   And also (Psalm 139:16)---"HE WROTE DOWN OUR EVERY DAY BEFORE THE DAY OF OUR BIRTH."                                                                                                         Also as I drove toward home - I remembered that (even though the  Lightning bolt was very near to me) - - - I felt neither heat nor electrical  charge!                                                                                         I can conclude only that:                                                                     1) In TRUTH - HE did "...write down our every day before the day of our birth (Psalm 139:16); so HE knew EXACTLY where I would be at that time.                                                                                      2) HE "made a path for the Lightning bolt/Thunderbolt AROUND me  (Job 28:23-26).                                                                         3)"As for GOD, HIS way is perfect;  The WORD of THE LORD is proven; HE is a shield to all who trust in HIM".  (2 Samuel 22:31).      4) HE still has work for me to do.  "...HE WHO has begun a good work in you will complete it until the Day of JESUS CHRIST...".        (Philippians 1:6).

JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF SAYS in (John 16:13):  "HE (THE HOLY  SPIRIT) will guide you into all truth."

Let us frequently ask (and submit to) the HOLY SPIRIT to "guide me into all TRUTH".               



Thursday, September 23, 2021


 In recent days, I have been meditating on the term "Cradle".

Of course, as a NOUN, "Cradle" is a small bed in which small babies  can sleep.                                                                                                  But what is really on my mind and in my heart is the VERB "To Cradle".

I was asking GOD to "Cradle" Military men and women who suffer    Severe Struggles with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).            PTSD is caused by experiencing the PAIN, TERROR, and HORROR  of WAR.

Also, I was asking GOD to Cradle/Comfort our Christian Brothers and Sisters who are Persecuted for their faith in JESUS CHRIST.  [Persecution can range from not allowing Christian children to attend school --- to Torture and Murder].

FIRST, I started  my search in the Holy Treasure of GOD'S WORD/    the BIBLE.

I could not find the word "Cradle" in the BIBLE.--- But far better I did find (the Verb) "COMFORT".

"Listen" to GOD'S definition "COMFORT:                                            COMFORT... (Psalm 23:4), nacham, "nah-cham", Strongs # 5162:        to console, extend compassion.  In its sense of comfort, nacham does  NOT describe casual sympathy, but with Deep EMPATHY - identification with, and understanding of another person's feelings.

EVEN BETTER, as I searched the TREASURY of GOD'S WORD---  I discovered ---"HAVE MERCY".                                                            "HAVE MERCY", racham, ("rah-chahm"), Strongs # 7355, to feel,      show compassion, tenderly love.  (*** Racham is the origin of the        Hebrew word for  "WOMB"**!!!

Let's Seal it with GOD'S WORD:                                                            "Behold, I will extend peace to her/him like a river...As one whom his/her Mother comforts,...so I will comfort you...". (Isaiah 66:12-13).

Let's Pray for wounded Warriors and Persecuted Christians...Pray that  GOD our Heavenly Father will hold them with His "Ever-lasting arms" (Deuteronomy 33:27), Pray that HE will COMFORT them, and HAVE MERCY on them.  (Write your own prayer if you wish!!!).

LET'S REMEMBER!!!  We can plant 1 (one) grain of corn...we can get one corn stalk --- with several "Ears" of corn...each ear of corn will have several Hundreds of grains !!! (Just Picture---"Corn on the    cob". (What we give out...it will come back to us multiplied!!!).

HAVE MERCY!!!!!!!!!


"Blessed be the GOD and Father of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, the     FATHER of MERCIES and GOD of all COMFORT." (2 Corinthians   1:3).

AMEN!!! (Let it BE SO IN and THROUGH our lives!!!!!!!!!). 



Thursday, September 9, 2021

"FRET --- --- --- BEST --- --- --- REST"

[Please Read This slowly. THE LORD is using these TRUTHS to make A  Blessed Change in my life!!! ]

"Do not fret.......it only causes harm". (Psalm 37:8).

In HIS GREATNESS, Our HOLY LORD GOD is continuing to transform me---(As HE promises in Philippians 1:6).

In my fleshly nature, when I misplace my glasses, or misplace my       phone, or when I can't some complete a simple physical task...then I sometimes   become frustrated and angry.....

While I was reading HIS WORD...In HIS wonderful, gracious, intimate love...Our ABBA FATHER pointed out to me a word that is  used 3 times in 1 (one) chapter of Psalms!!!  (Chapter 37):              

a) verse 1 --- "Do not fret"...;  (b) verse 7---"Do not fret...; (c) verse 8---"Do not fret...

Definition: "Fret" - "charah" - (Strongs # 2734) - to burn with anger.

Psalm 37:7 "Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for HIM ...".

So, it is SO MUCH BETTER - rather than to fret ---"REST IN THE LORD".

If you are similar to me - I have to ask THE LORD to ENABLE me    to "Rest in HIM".  In HIS gentle, patient love --- HE will do that.

IN TRUTH - It is not only Better to rest --- It is BEST!!!

(Psalm 46:10)---"Be still and know (**perceive, acknowledge***)      that I AM GOD.

*** Please bear with me---   Take the word "be"; then add the first (2)   letters of "Still"=== ***BEST**!!!

As we CONTINUE to "BE STILL and KNOW that HE IS GOD ---      HE will gradually move our "Knowing that HE is GOD..." to a New    Testament meaning of "know"---The Recognition of truth by PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.

TO Summarize:

"Do not fret...it only causes harm." (Psalm 37:8).                                    "Be still and KNOW that I AM GOD."(Psalm 46:10)

As we trust HIM, PRAISE HIM, and THANK HIM--- HE will              transform us so that HE will move us from (only) acknowledging        that HE is GOD ---to EXPERIENCING that HE IS GOD!!!

"Trust in the LORD, and do good;                                                            Dwell in the land, and FEED on HIS faithfulness...(Psalm 37:3),          ["HE is faithful to His Word and to HIS Righteous Character...              (2 Timothy 2:13/The Amplified Bible)].                                                  "Rest in THE LORD, and wait patiently for HIM." (Psalm 37:7).

Bowing Before HIM, Thanking HIM, and Acknowledging that HE      will enable us to experience  HE IS GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

HE is Eager to DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!        


Thursday, August 12, 2021


 "CHOSEN, ADOPTED, and ADOPTED" are not only words to learn about.....these are VITAL---VERY IMPORTANT NEEDS for EACH and EVERY ONE of us!!!

First, let's look at "CHOSEN" - the very opposite of "CHOSEN" is "REJECTED".

DEFINITION:  CHOSEN- the word designates ONE picked out...for special services or privileges.  It describes JESUS CHRIST as the chosen MESSIAH of GOD (Luke 23:35); angels as messengers of heaven; and believers (in JESUS CHRIST) as recipients of GOD'S favor (Matthew 24:22, Romans 8:33, Colossians 3:12).

In today's world, children (and adults) that are different, or difficult, they are often REJECTED.  Rejected by fathers, mothers, teachers, and others---and that makes them (us) vulnerable to seeking acceptance elsewhere...even acceptance from CRIMINALS. (more on that later).

DEFINITION> ADOPTION: The process by which one brings another person into his family, giving him/her the status and privileges of a biological son or daughter.

DEFINITION> ACCEPTANCE: To receive or treat with favor. In the Bible, a person is accepted by the grace, mercy or covenant love of GOD through faith and repentance.  [GOD has fully accepted believers through the mercies of JESUS CHRIST].

Earlier (above) I mentioned "seeking acceptance...even from criminals---In large cities there are criminal gangs who prEy on children, youth, adults who are vulnerable/desperately needy of being chosen, adopted, and accepted.  The way that the gang members do this is to make it clear that a person CANNOT be chosen/adopted/accepted (as a member unless they MURDER a person! 

OH!!! How NEEDY **WE*** ARE!!!!  In (John 14:6) JESUS CHRIST declares  "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE.  No one comes to the FATHER except through ME."

So WHEN we accept JESUS as our SAVIOR and LORD>>>HE makes us Chosen, Adopted, and Accepted as belonging to GOD our Holy Father as "HIS IN JESUS"!!!

Once again, let me share with you a Personal Experience:  On the route that I drive from my home (in Cleveland, Ga.) to Gainesville Ga.....there is a sign that reads "Whispering Angels Youth Ranch".  For many years I have driven by that place and our LORD has inspired me to pray over that place.                                                              Recently, I heard/read (the director of the youth ranch) speak of the plan that they follow with the children/youth who come to stay at the ranch:   Soon after the children arrive, they each are taken to the stables to "meet" the horses. [The horses are HIGHLY TRAINED to play their roles].  The children do NOT choose the horse they want...Instead, the children stand and wait...and the Horses CHOOSE the CHILD, walks over to the child, lowers his head before the child (in a submissive posture).  For as long as the child is there...they have the same horse.    (They feed, care for and ride (Their) horse as long as they are there.                                                                                            JESUS bowed HIS HEART in submission to FATHER GOD'S will  that HE must die to save us from our sins ('...not my will, but Yours be done' (Luke 22:42)...To save US...His rejected, damaged children.  

In worship of JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!  HE is the "Life-Giving Spirit"    (1 Corinthians 15:45).  HE is the 'Yes' and 'Amen to every promise of GOD (2 Cor. 1:20).  HE is "the Same yesterday, today, and forever."    (Hebrews 13:8).

And YOU can choose to be HIS!!!


Thursday, July 29, 2021


 That phrase ("I don't understand") is something that I have said to our HOLY GOD and FATHER a number of times in my life...                     

And now (By GOD'S GRACE!!!) I am beginning to understand what   GOD is trying to teach me---

To save time, I will list only 1 (one) personal experience that will         illustrate what HE is teaching me:

February 8 2020 I was driving from our church (in Clermont, GA.),      to our home (in Cleveland, Ga.).  It was snowing heavily---so I was      driving VERY SLOWLY and CAREFULLY: (keeping my speed at      30 - 35 miles per hour.  

When I neared Cleveland, I drove over the top of a hill---IMMEDIATELY I saw that a car was STOPPED in my lane, with NO  BRAKE LIGHTS, NOR EMERGENCY FLASHERS showing.  Because I was driving SLOWLY...I decided to try to drive AROUND the  vehicle--- but the SNOW on the highway caused my truck to collide into the rear of the other vehicle. THANK YOU LORD!!! Neither I,  nor the people in the other vehicle, were injured!!!

{Let me now list some "numbers" here to clarify this (True!!!) story}.   The small pick up truck that I was driving...we paid only $6,000 for    it.
OK, here it comes:  I said "LORD, I don't understand - I was driving  very SLOWLY and CAREFULLY, and I was praying that I would get  home safely---"I DON'T understand WHY YOU let this happen!".
     But HOLY GOD OUR FATHER first  answered the NEED:  the         Sheriff's officer who investigated the accident---He asked me to sit     in His car...and He gave me a ride (on this snowy day!) to my mail-     box at my home driveway...I ARRIVED ---TOTALLY SAFE!!!
     Over the next 5 months, my wife and I Prayed---Shopping for our      next vehicle for me to drive.  Because I did not know WHETHER my truck
could be repaired, or was it a Total Loss...We just gave the whole sit-  uation over to our LORD GOD, and we continued praying and shopping.
     A few weeks after the accident, our insurance agent called and told me to come to her office to pick up my insurance check...the total amount of the check was a little more than $11,000!!!  (Now remember---we had paid $6,000 for the truck!!!
     My wife and I continued praying and shopping for 5 months...until
we found the truck that GOD had planned for us.  Guess what the price was for GOD'S chosen truck for us.....It was $5,000!!!
     So remember, the old (wrecked) truck we paid $6,000 for it!   The
insurance paid to us $11,000+.....$11,000 Minus $6,000...Equals $5,000 (The cost of our "Replacement Truck".
     Please read with me the BIBLE verses that GOD OUR HEAVENLY FATHER is using to teach me in this:  (A).  "Be anxious
about nothing...by Prayer and THANKSGIVING let your requests be
known to GOD...(Philippians 4:6).  (B) "I KNOW the plans I HAVE for you...Plans for good..." (Jeremiah 29:11).  (C) I AM ABLE to do    things for you BEYOND what you could dream..." (Ephesians 3:20).
(D) "...cast your cares upon HIM, for HE cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7).
(E) "...the PEACE of GOD...SURPASSES UNDERSTANDING"!!!      (Philippians 4:7). 
     So now I say: "LORD, I do NOT NEED to understand, I am just going to trust YOU...". 
2:13/Amplified Bible).
     S D G     Sole Deo Gloria     GLORY TO GOD ALONE!!! 


Wednesday, July 7, 2021



Recently, Just before I awoke,I had a dream.  At first it was an unpleasant dream...(So, I thought "that dream is not from the LORD").

Let me recount for you the dream...                                                        (In the dream) I had been sent to the hospital to undergo some medical tests.  I found myself wandering around the hospital - in and out of rooms, walking through the halls; I even walked into the main office of the hospital---I was seeking ANSWERS to my QUESTIONS:

(A) "Where (geographically) is this hospital?"                                        (B) "What were the results of the medical tests?"                                  (C) "What would be next in my life---more tests?, surgery?, death?"

As I wandered through the hospital.....NO ONE would answer my questions...In Truth, NO ONE would even ACKNOWLEDGE my presence!!!  So when I awoke, NONE of my Questions had been answered.

As listed in the sub-title (above)---My first question was 'where am I?'

In current times (2021), we have "GPS" in our phones, our vehicles, etc.

In "Historical times"...(Before GPS), the primary point of information (for BOTH LOCATION and NAVIGATION) was the NORTH STAR.  Once a person could locate the North Star --- they could determine the direction of their travel.

Even in today's world, (for those of us on land); at about 12:00 noon -  if you face toward the sun -  you are looking toward the South.  Then to your right is West, to your left is East, and behind you is North.

When I arise in the morning, one of my first activities is to read/study the BIBLE.  As the FIRST part of my reading/studying GOD'S WORD, I declare to myself (speaking aloud) a **list* of GOD'S PROMISES for us whom have accepted JESUS CHRIST as our SAVIOR and LORD.

The Most Important of my questions is "WHO am I?  "WHOSE am I?"

(By GOD'S GRACE!!!)  I have accepted JESUS CHRIST as my SAVIOR and LORD ---Thus "THE LORD THE MOST HIGH GOD    is my FATHER!!!" (Genesis 14:22/Romans 8:15).

The "list" (mentioned above) is titled "I AM FATHER GOD'S happy/Blessed thought".  On this list, there are 9 Major answers to  ("Who am I? Whose am I?" Each one has several verses (and their location in the BIBLE):

1) "I am loved by my FATHER..."FATHER loves me with HIS everlasting Love" (Jer. 31:3/ Eph. 1:1-6).                                               2) I am pleasing in FATHER'S Eye...  "FATHER'S thoughts toward me are always good and filled with hope for me." (Jer. 29:11).             3) "I am ACCEPTED by my FATHER..."I have been adopted by FATHER GOD." (Eph. 1:5)./"I am called JESUS CHRIST'S friend."  (John 15:15).                                                                                             4)" I have Purpose in my FATHER".  I am a witness of GOD to the world," (Acts 1:8).                                                                                    5) "I am  Secure  IN my FATHER," "I am hidden with CHRIST IN       THE FATHER." (Col.3:3).                                                                       6) GOD is NOT ashamed of me". (Hebrews 11:16/Heb. 2:11).               7) "GOD has FORGIVEN me. (1 John 1:9).                                           8)"FATHER does NOT judge me". (John 5:22/John 3:16-18).               9)"I am a new creation in JESUS CHRIST." (2 Cor. 5:17).

So, we CANNOT rely on the North Star to know "WHO we are",           "WHERE we are", "WHAT is next", "WHERE  we are going...

WE CAN-WE WILL!!!!! rely on GOD MOST HIGH (Psalm 47:2)       WHO CREATED us, paid the HIGHEST POSSIBLE PRICE for           us  (John 3:16); and HE created ALL the stars...and put them in           their place. (Genesis 1:14-27).

"HE upholds, maintains, guides, and propels the UNIVERSE by           HIS Mighty Word of POWER." (Heb. 1:3/Amplified Bible).                 ***Y0U can get the ENTIRE list at Shilohplace.org/855-744-5641.

3 More Very Important TRUTHS:                                                            A) "All the promises of GOD--- in JESUS are "YES" and "AMEN",     to the Glory of GOD through us." (2 Cor. 1:20).                                     B) "HE (the HOLY SPIRIT) will guide you into all TRUTH".                (John 16:13)                                                                                           C) HOLY GOD says in (Jeremiah 29:11):       

" *****  I KNOW *** the plans that I have for YOU.....Plans               for GOOD...to give you a future and a hope".                                        

LET'S GO !!!!!!!!! 



Tuesday, June 15, 2021

A PRAYER.........A BLESSING!!!!!!!!!!!!

 May JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, GOD OUR "ABBA FATHER" (Romans 8:15), The FATHER OF MERCIES and GOD of ALL COMFORT" (2 Corinthians 1:3) hold  YOU  with HIS "Everlasting Arms" (Deuteronomy 33:27), and with HIS  nail-scarred Hands hold you up next to HIS HEART,

May HE whisper to you of HIS love for  YOU  with the same breath that declares "I have loved YOU with an everlasting love" (Jeremiah 31:3), "FATHER Forgive them..." (Luke 23:34), the same breath that says "I chose YOU...adopted YOU...and accepted YOU as MINE in JESUS CHRIST" (Ephesians 1:1-6), with the same breath that says I have called  YOU  Friend..." (John 15:15), the same voice that says "...Receive the HOLY SPIRIT... (John 20:22), the same breath that says "Come to ME... and I will give  YOU  rest." (Matthew 11:28), the same that says "...MY Beloved is MINE, and I AM His (Hers)" (Song of Solomon 2:16), the same breath that says "...You have ravished my heart with the look of your eyes..." (Song of Solomon 4:9), the same breath that says (while JESUS was on the Cross) "It is Finished!"  (John 19:30),  with the same breath that says "...you have been faithful...enter into the joy of your LORD..." (Matthew 25:23), with the same voice that says "...Surely I AM coming quickly". (Revelation 22:20).

Let it be so in YOUR heart!!!

Thursday, June 3, 2021

WHERE IS JESUS? (A new edition of this message...with NEW ADDED MEANING!!!!!

 Today/May 12, 2021---It has been almost 5 months since Christmas.  It has been 5 weeks since Easter!!!

First, JESUS was in MARY'S HEART...When the angel Gabriel spoke to Mary: "Rejoice, Highly Favored One, the LORD is with you; Blessed are you among women...and behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a SON, and shall call HIS NAME JESUS."(Luke 1:26-31).

"Now Mary arose in those days...and entered the house of Zacharias...and greeted Elizabeth.  Elizabeth...spoke with a loud voice and said to Mary, Blessed are you among women, and Blessed is the Fruit of your WOMB!!! (Luke 1:39-45).

(The manger):  "And (the shepherds) came with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the Babe lying in a manger. (Luke 2:16).

After JESUS grew up and became a man, and spent approximately 3 and 1/2 years teaching the people, healing people...even raising 2 people from the dead!!!....HE was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, then taken to trial...then sentenced to be crucified (HE Died on the cross to save us from our sins!!!).  (Matthew 27:27-31).

(On the cross) "JESUS... breathed His last." (Mark 15:37)

"Now when evening had come...Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body of JESUS. Then Joseph (of Arimathea) bought fine linen, then took JESUS'S body down from the cross...and he laid JESUS in a tomb which had been hewn out of the rock, and rolled a stone against the door of the tomb.

"Very early in the morning, on the first day of the week...the women (who had come to the tomb with Joseph), they came to the tomb when the sun had risen...but they found the stone rolled away from the tomb...and did NOT find the body of our LORD JESUS!!!

"Then two men (angels) in shining garments, said to the women, "Why do you seek the LIVING among the dead?  HE is not here, but is RISEN"!!!  (Luke 24:5-6).


Well, let's SUMMARIZE the "locations" that we have mentioned earlier:

1) Mary's womb - EMPTY!  (2) The manger - EMPTY!  (3) The Cross - EMPTY!   (4)  The Tomb - EMPTY!

Oh! And Mary's heart-----She is in HEAVEN WITH JESUS---so her heart is  FULL FOREVER!!!!!!!

And.........THE THRONE IS *** OCCUPIED *****!!!!!!!!!

"JESUS, GOD'S SON...When HE had by HIMSELF purged/cleansed our sins, HE sat down at the right hand of the MAJESTY ON HIGH..."  (Hebrews 1:3/Amplified BIBLE).

Again, where is JESUS   NOW???                                                           If JESUS is NOT YET living in your heart---then JESUS is knocking on the door of YOUR heart---saying 'I paid for all your sins, now let ME live and reign in YOUR heart'!!!

(Revelation 3:20-22)---"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears MY voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him and he with ME.  To he who overcomes I will grant to sit with ME on MY throne, as I overcame and sat down with MY FATHER on HIS throne...                                                                         "He who has an ear, let him hear what the SPIRIT says...".

If JESUS is ALREADY your Savior and Lord---then HE is knocking on the door of YOUR heart, saying...Let ME in---I want to give to you EVEN MORE of MYSELF...                                              

",,,that YOU may have the RICHEST MEASURE of the DIVINE PRESENCE,"  (Ephesians 3:19/Amplified Bible).

YOU open the door of YOUR heart...NOW!!!!!!!!!  Invite HIM in!!!

From now - and INTO ETERNITY--- YOU WILL REJOICE!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 17, 2021


FIRST, I MUST (and STRONGLY DESIRE TO) give GLORY to HOLY GOD "MOST HIGH"!!! (Psalm 47:2).  As you probably read earlier in this blog...HOLY GOD "wrote down our every day before we were born". (Psalm 139:16).

 By GOD'S GRACE I am again this year reading all the way through the BIBLE.  So each day I read a passage from the Old Testament, then a passage in the New Testament.  I have a guide/plan that lists the passages for each day's reading.

I have learned to NOT look ahead and see what I will be reading/studying in future days...Because reading ahead of time/anticipating...can cause me to miss something special that GOD wants for me to see for a particular day!!!

This morning (4-5-21) I had to take a short trip BEFORE I read today's assigned Scripture...and as I was sitting in my truck...Our most Gracious GOD gave to me a "MENTAL PICTURE" of the cross of JESUS CHRIST (Before He was put on the cross).

As you know, the Cross looks similar to the letter "+" ("tee");  and beside the Cross was the Name "RUTH"!!!  So...THE Cross (+) PLUS "RUTH"=  + ruth (TRUTH)!!!

In John (14:6) JESUS HIMSELF declares  "I AM the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life".  Remember now, the "Mental Picture" that I saw was the cross plus the name Ruth.

So, soon after I returned home... I got my BIBLE and opened it to read today's assigned passage in the BIBLE...and today's assigned portion is chapters 1-4 of the book of Ruth!!!!!!!

Ruth literally means "Friendship" or "Female Friend".  Ruth's primary virtue was "tenacity of purpose": She was a woman who was steadfast. The result of this constancy led to her marriage to Boaz and the birth of Obed, who became the father of JESSE; Jesse's son was DAVID the King (Ruth 4:17).

JESUS was born of the "seed" of David/David was an ancestor of JESUS, the MESSIAH - THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD" (Luke 3:31-32)

So WHAT Lessons should we learn from this passage of GOD'S WORD?

Ruth was not a citizen of Israel...She was from the nation of Moab!!!

No matter WHAT our beginning was...No matter WHERE our beginning was--- ("FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD" (John 3:!6); when we accept JESUS CHRIST as our SAVIOR and LORD---then GOD will cause "HIS Kingdom to come, HIS will be done,,," IN and THROUGH our hearts!!! 

HE is both infinitely creative, and intimately loving of each and every one of us.

HE has "Plans for EVERY one of us to "give you a future and a Hope..." (Jeremiah 29:11).

"HE, rhe Spirit of Truth, (The HOLY SPIRIT) will guide you into all truth..." (JESUS speaks this in (John 16:13).

We should frequently submit to GOD our Heavenly Father, asking HIM to work out HIS plan for us, and to give us wisdom  

Friday, April 30, 2021


 Before I relate this story which I personally experienced...I will lay the foundation with some background information:

HOLY GOD---Our HEAVENLY FATHER has richly and intimately blessed me in and through my family!!!  I have had two (2) Godly Mothers, two (2) Godly Fathers, two Godly daughters, and two (2) marriages.  (The first marriage I messed up by failing to be the man that GOD had called me to be).

But in GOD'S ABOUNDING GRACE - HOLY GOD gave me a second chance at marriage, and in this second marriage GOD has enabled me to submit myself unto HIM, and in HIS GRACE HE continues to Bless me.

Let me clarify these family relationships by giving the names of some of these family members:

My birth Mother (SARAH) died of cancer in the year of my 6th birthday.  Her sister (my Aunt Willard), adopted me---and became my "Mother who raised me".  My Mother who raised me has always been called "MAMA JOE" by her grandchildren.

Approximately 10---12 years ago, (MAMA JOE went home to Heaven!!! ) OH!!! we all miss her So Much!!!!!

Both of my Mothers are buried in the cemetery at Sunshine Methodist Church several miles south of Toccoa, Georgia.

About 8---9 years ago, my youngest daughter ("CARRIE") drove up to visit me in Toccoa, Ga. where I was employed.

When our visit was concluded, and it was time for CARRIE to return to her family---she asked me to give to her directions to Sunshine Methodist Church - because she wanted to visit "MAMA JOE'S grave.  So very tenderly-HOLY GOD our ABBA FATHER guided me to say "It would be better if I just drive down there---and you just follow me".

When we arrived at Sunshine Cemetery, it was RAINING ("Rain at Sunshine"); (neither of us had an umbrella), but I joined CARRIE beside MAMA JOE'S grave.....we were Blessed with a very intimate time together---sharing how sweetly MAMA JOE loved us, how we loved and TREASURED Her; and how MUCH WE MISS HER!!!!!!!!!  (We both cried "tears of joy" at the Grave side; and I cried "tears of joy" as I drove back to work!!!)

BUT!!! The story DOES NOT end there...

Because MAMA JOE had given her heart to JESUS CHRIST-accepting HIM as her SAVIOR AND LORD, and because I (Barry) accepted JESUS as my SAVIOR and LORD...and CARRIE has accepted JESUS as her SAVIOR and LORD-----We will (in the LORD'S timing!!!)----- we will be in HEAVEN TOGETHER FOREVER!!!!!!!!!

Now. YOU who are reading this message---JOIN us in THANKING, PRAISING, and WORSHIPING GOD for HIS PERFECT LOVE, HIS ABOUNDING GRACE, and HIS RICH MERCY!!!!!!!!!  (Read 1 John 4:18/Romans 6:1/Ephesians 2:4 !!!!!!!!!). 


DO NOT DELAY!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Too soon.....the time 

Tuesday, April 13, 2021


The BEST thing to do in that situation is to PRAY FOR THEM!!!

According to Psalm 139:1-4 (Living Bible), GOD knows our thoughts before we think them and our words before we speak them.  And HE certainly is ready to answer our Prayers!!!

Of course, when that face or name comes to our mind---We might think that we don't know HOW best to pray for them...so we should just simply PRAY: "LORD, come YOUR kingdom, be done YOUR will" ---That is the BEST thing to pray!!!

Let me share with you a personal experience that illustrates that principle:

When I was a young man (Years ago!) I was working a full-time "day-job, AND also working at a convenience store on the "night-shift".  As the night shift person, one of my duties was to sweep and mop the entire floor each night.

Late on a particular evening, as I was mopping the floor, there was a customer in the store - he was playing a game on the "pinball machine".  (For you "younger people" that is similar to today's video games).

In order to mop the entire floor, I had to (kindly) ask the young man to move...so I could mop where he was standing.  The young man was not pleased...but he did move for a moment.

A while later, the young man left the store.

Another while later, I heard a car drive into the parking area, then I heard a loud noise and commotion at the door---Then, quickly two (2) policemen came in the door---and they explained to me the "commotion" that I had heard at the door---

The SAME YOUNG MAN that I had asked to move so I could mop---had driven into the parking area, got out of his car,,,and was walking toward the door with a KNIFE in his hand!!!

The policemen had been parked across the street - watching the store, then saw the young with the knife, stopped him, and took him away!!!


If the policemen had not been watching the store --- I would probably have been seriously injured, possibly killed!!!

And thus I would have missed seeing my two daughters grow up, I would have missed meeting and marrying my "wife-from GOD-MARY...AND our five wonderful grandsons, And our twin Great-Grandchildren that we have!!!

"Hear my prayer, O LORD: Answer my plea.  Let me see YOUR kindness to me in the Morning, for I am trusting YOU.  Show me where to walk, for I my prayer is sincere.  Help me to do YOUR will, for YOU are my GOD.  Lead me in good paths, for YOUR SPIRIT is GOOD." (Psalm 143: 1-10/THE LIVING BIBLE)

REMEMBER!!!  When that name, or that face comes to your mind---PRAY!!!!!!!!!  Someone will be HELPED!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, March 24, 2021


 The year was 1980---I remember in which house I was living---

I was recently divorced, working 2 jobs, lonely, depressed, angry, and suffering many of the results of being divorced.

I remember in which room I was sitting, in which chair I sat...anxious about both the present and the future...

At that time, I had ALREADY given my heart to JESUS CHRIST...so I got down on my knees behind the chair---and I cried out ....."OH GOD, I CANNOT LIVE this Christian life: YOU will just have to live it THROUGH me!!!!!

At the time, I realized that might not be the BEST way to phrase that cry---but that was the TRUTH from my HEART!!!

As I look back now, I realize that I was indeed confessing the genuine truth.

JESUS CHRIST ["THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE". (John 14:6)] said it this way:

"Abide in ME, and I in you.  As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in ME.

"I AM the vine, you are the branches.  He who abides in ME, and I in him, bears much fruit, for without ME you can do NOTHING." (John 15:4-5).  Not very long after that time of confessing/crying out that "I can't live this Christian life, YOU will have to live it out through me".....JESUS filled me with THE HOLY SPIRIT/"THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH---as HE says just a few verses later in John: "But when the HELPER comes, whom I shall send to you from the FATHER, THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH WHO proceeds from the FATHER, HE will testify of ME.  And you also will bear witness because you have been with ME..." (John 15:26-27).

"HELPER" - parakletos - ("par-ak-LAY-toss"),,,[Strong's #3875.  The word signifies an intercessor, comforter, helper..."].

HOLY GOD OUR FATHER still has much to do in order to transform me into the image of JESUS (2 Corinthians 3:18); but "HE WHO has begun a good work in you WILL complete it..." (Philippians 1:6).

The word "Restoration" is in the subtitle at the top of this message...GOD is not restoring me ONLY to how I was before the divorce---INSTEAD HE is restoring me to the FULLNESS of "the life HE has planned for me" (Jeremiah 29:11).

A very IMPORTANT part of HIS restoration of me is that HE brought me together with MARY - a truly Godly woman who HE called (us) to become MAN AND WIFE.  Also, HE has restored me to the point that HE enables me to share JESUS with you through this blog and through the mail.  All of this HE is accomplishing by HIS GRACE; in NO WAY could I be restored by my own merit!!!

In (John 18:15-36) Peter DENIED JESUS three (3) times (verses 17-27).

Later on, JESUS three (3) times asked (Peter)-"Do you love ME?" Peter answered 'Yes' 3 times.

Still later, after JESUS' resurrection, Peter "LED" the disciples of JESUS (Acts 1:15-26); and Peter preached at Pentecost and >"3,000 souls were added to them"!!!


May I boldly urge EACH and EVERY ONE of us to submit to GOD - asking HIM to restore us!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, March 9, 2021


 (II PETER 1:13 - 19)

"...Yes...It is right, as long as I live in this (body), to stir you up by 

reminding you...For JESUS CHRIST received from GOD the FATHER honor and glory when such a voice came to HIM from


in WHOM I AM well pleased,'

     And we heard THIS VOICE which came from heaven when we

were with HIM on the holy mountain.  ...we made known to you the power and coming of our LORD JESUS CHRIST {we} were eye witnesses of HIS majesty."

     MAJESTY (meg-al-eye-OT-ace); Strong's # 3168: Sublimity, grandeur, glory, magnificence, splendor, superbness, greatness.  (Luke 9:43),

     King David (Jesus' ancestor) (Matthew 1:6-17), reigned over all Israel (2 Samuel 8:15),  JESUS THE MESSIAH shall reign FOREVER over Israel and ALL nations!!!

On an early morning in early March...I was watching the sunrise and it was SPECTACULAR!!!!!!!   The whole eastern sky was a beautiful pink color---that continued to expand---It was just TRANSPORTING me in joy and AWE of GOD---and HE gave to me understanding to put into

 words what I was SEEING and FEELING:

"O HOLY GOD!!! YOU write MAJESTY in the skies with every sunset and every sunrise.

YOU write MAJESTY in our eyes---so that we can SEE YOUR MAJESTY!!!

YOU write MAJESTY in our hearts!!!

Because of YOUR MAJESTY...we are together forever---never apart.

O Worship HIS  MAJESTY!!!


Now, YOU join me in WORSHIP OF JESUS!!!!!!!!! 


Tuesday, February 23, 2021


 V-I C-T-O-R-Y!!!!!!!!!

(HE) Volunteered

        Initiating (Beginning)


         The (enemy"s) opposition




In       Yahweh (GOD)>

  What was JESUS' response to GOD?

JESUS (The TRUTH) (John 14:6) said to GOD (He prayed) "FATHER, If it is YOUR will, take this cup (His death on the cross) away from ME; never the less NOT MY will, but YOUR will be done," (Luke 22:42).

So on the cross, JESUS defeated death, hell, sin, and the grave!!!

HE said "IT IS FINISHED!!! And bowing HIS head, HE gave up His spirit. (John 19:30).
"IT IS FINISHED", The Greek tense indicates that the work of redemption has been COMPLETED ONCE FOR ALL and it's RESULTS ARE ABIDING CONTINUOUSLY.

And HE gave the VICTORY to US!!!
So what is to be our response?

A) Be imitators of JESUS---As Paul said in (1 CORINTHIANS 11:1) "Imitate me, just as I 
imitate CHRIST".

HE IS WORTHY!!!!!!!!! (Rev. 5:12).  HIS essential priority for us is Worship!!!

"Now therefore, if you will indeed obey MY voice and keep MY covenant, then You shall be
a SPECIAL treasure to ME...a kingdom of priests and a holy nation." (Exodus 19:5-6)

Let us (You and me) share HIS victory by Worshiping HIM and Loving others.

LORD JESUS, "YOU are my Shepherd, I shall not lack. YOU cause me to lie down ln green pastures, YOU lead me by still waters, You restore my soul.  You lead me in paths of righteousness for YOUR NAME'S SAKE.

Surely Your goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will live with YOU in YOUR house FOREVER> (Psalm 23::1-6) {Living Bible]


Tuesday, February 2, 2021


As long as I worked at my last job - (approx. 32 years) - I drove from our home in Cleveland, Ga. to my work place in Toccoa, Ga: and of course back home in Cleveland in the evening.
   Each trip took about 50 minutes.  Early in my working life, Our LORD gave me understanding that I should make good use of that
travel time by praying as I drove.  [All those years, I was blessed to travel alone. (But of course JESUS was and is) "with me always" as 
HE promises in Matthew 28:20)].
     Of course I prayed much for our family; but gradually the LORD
expanded my horizons, guiding and enabling  me to pray for the families that lived in the houses that I passed by, as well as hospital
patients and their families, and for people who worked at the various
businesses that I saw.  
     Not knowing the specific identities of the individuals, nor specific
needs---I prayed "Father, come Your kingdom, be done Your will on
earth as it is in heaven, in and through their lives and their families.
     Calculating the number of work days in that 30+ years,  the sum
is 13,000+ trips!!!
     Recently I learned that in one of the houses that I prayed for the
family---years later , one member of that family became my personal friend!!!
     Another time I learned that a man who lived in a subdivision that
I prayed for---later, he became the associate pastor of the church that I attended!!!
     So what lessons/principles can we learn from my personal ex-
periences and HIS Faithfulness??? (read 2 Timothy 2:13 in the Amplified Bible).
1)"I know the plans that I have for you, says the LORD..." (Jeremiah
2) " Pray on every occasion..."(Ephesians 6:18).
3) "Now to HIM who is able to do infinitely beyond all that  you dare or ask, beyond what you could dream..." (Ephesians 3:20 in the
Amplified Bible).
     PRAY!!! in the NAME OF JESUS---
(2 Corinthians 1:3).
HE is waiting to hear from you and ready to answer!!!!!!!!!!!!           

Thursday, January 14, 2021


(THE POWER OF JESUS' JOY!!!!!!!!!) "...Looking unto JESUS, the Author and Finisher of our faith, Who for the JOY that was set before HIM endured the cross..." (Hebrews 12:2). "JESUS...endured the cross...". "Endured the cross" sounds like a very SIMPLE phrase...describing maybe a person surviving a time of very difficult trials---perhaps a very serious illness, or multiple injuries suffered in a terrible accident---but they DID make it through (endured). But "SIMPLE" is not always "easy". For example - if you want to get to the summit of the highest mountain on earth (Mount Everest)...it is simple - just climb it! But the "endurance" part of it includes hour after hour, day after day, climb- ing over and throughsnow and ice, sometimes fighting through winds of "hurricane force winds...all this and more while the air is so "thin" that if you don't CARRY supplemental oxygen...you will probably die! Simple but the very OPPO- SITE of easy! Then, you may be "on top of the world"-but that will NOT get you into heaven! For a personal example of endurance-if you are going to run a marathon (26.2 miles)...it is simple - just put one foot in front of the other for approxi- mately 46,112 steps- up and down hills, thirsty,tired beyond measure steps! But JESUS - enduring the cross-"numbers" fall short of illustrating all that JESUS endured on the cross! There are almost 8 billion people on earth at this time; and ONLY our LORD knows how many more will be here before JESUS comes back for us! What JESUS endured for us was the punishment necessary to forgive put ALL the sins of Hitler, Salin, Sadaam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, ALL the sins of BARRY COKER and all your sins! How can I, how can YOU thank JESUS "enough" for enduring the cross??? Daily: Pray, Thank Him, Praise Him, obey Him, and share Him with others- with our hearts, our lips, our thoughts, forgiving others, study His Word, sub* mit to HIS transforming us into HIS image. (Philippians1:6/2 Cor. 3:18). LET'S GET TO IT!!! WORTHY IS THE LAMB!!! (Rev. 5:12)