Tuesday, December 21, 2021


In my life I have read books and seen movies about climbing Mount Everest -- the highest mountain on earth!

All of those who climb/"summit" Mount Everest must spend YEARS   preparing physically and mentally for the effort.  When the time comes that they arrive at the base camp --- THEN the struggle begins!!!

One of the difficulties of the climb is the TRAFFIC! ( traffic?!!?) YES, the climbing season is very brief due to the weather conditions---that include powerful winds (some winds reach "hurricane strength"!!!); plus there is MUCH ice and snow...and the air is so "thin" that you must carry your own Oxygen in bottles as you climb    toward the summit --- and that is in the "best" climbing season!

"TRAFFIC???"  YES! If someone who is ahead of you in the struggle...if they get to a place/condition to where they cannot continue---then you must WAIT (sometimes you might have to wait    for HOURS).  And many people get part or the way up, and then have to go back down---after having spent that much training, effort...without achieving the goal of "summiting" - (and some people die on the way up!) 

For those who do make it to the summit---the most difficult part is still AHEAD of them!  They have spent all their drive and desire in     

Reaching the summit --- then they have little energy left to struggle through the most DANGEROUS part --- the descent.

Those who SURVIVE the descent ---they have to come back down to the world and struggle through the difficulties of life in this world -      (like sickness, cancer, broken families, etc.).

Even the experienced guides who lead others up and down the mountain...THEY also must come back and experience the struggles of life here on earth..(and ALL of them WILL die at some time).  Even though they have climbed to the highest place on earth --- they are no CLOSER to heaven than is a little child who can hardly walk.

*** BUT!!!** We who have accepted JESUS CHRIST as our LORD and SAVIOR ---HE leads/guides/enables us T-H-R-O-U-G-H our lives!!!  

HE (JESUS!!!) climbed the mountain that was MOST difficult to climb --- One that ONLY HE could climb ---MOUNT CALVARY- to    reach HIS CROSS---and HIS death on the cross---to SAVE US from our sins!!! ****


JESUS is the T-ruth---

H-e is our SAVIOR. HE is here with us.

R - His righteousness gets us into heaven!!!

O - HE (GOD!!!) is O-mnipotent (all powerful),  O-mniscient (all knowing), AND O-mnipresent ("with us always"/Matthew 28:20/Psalm 139).

U - nderstanding -  (JESUS "became for us wisdom from GOD...." (1 Corinthians 1:30);  [ Wisdom speaks: "I AM Understanding"/Proverbs 8:14].  JESUS understands us with HIS HEART--- HE suffered rejection  (even from His own family!);  HE suffered pain, and sorrow, and ALL things that we experience.                                                                        "JESUS Wept" with sympathy (John 11:32-35);                                      "JESUS Wept with sadness and frustation (Luke 19:41-44); also ***Please read (Isaiah 53:3-5).

G- HIS G-oodness is more than powerful enough so that HE defeated all the evil of all people of all time!!!

Earlier in this message I mentioned the "efforts" of those climbing Mount Everest.....As We are carried THROUGH the mountains/difficulties by JESUS --- OUR efforts are: to SUBMIT to HIM, OBEY HIM, THANK HIM, PRAISE HIM, and WORSHIP HIM!!!

H- Heaven - ENDLESS "time" in the PRESENCE of GOD --- praising, thanking, and worshiping HIM!!!!!!!!!

Oh, earlier in this message I mentioned a mountain named "Mount Everest" --- that is "mis-named" --- only in HEAVEN can we EVER REST and Rejoice in HIS PRESENCE!!!!!!!!!

JESUS declares in John 14:6 ---"I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life."

Daily, let us Praise HIM and Thank HIM that in His Love HE paid the highest possible price for us (each and all of us!!!) and HE will lead, guide, and enable us through ALL things to HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!

Thank YOU LORD!!!!!!!!!



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