Thursday, September 23, 2021


 In recent days, I have been meditating on the term "Cradle".

Of course, as a NOUN, "Cradle" is a small bed in which small babies  can sleep.                                                                                                  But what is really on my mind and in my heart is the VERB "To Cradle".

I was asking GOD to "Cradle" Military men and women who suffer    Severe Struggles with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).            PTSD is caused by experiencing the PAIN, TERROR, and HORROR  of WAR.

Also, I was asking GOD to Cradle/Comfort our Christian Brothers and Sisters who are Persecuted for their faith in JESUS CHRIST.  [Persecution can range from not allowing Christian children to attend school --- to Torture and Murder].

FIRST, I started  my search in the Holy Treasure of GOD'S WORD/    the BIBLE.

I could not find the word "Cradle" in the BIBLE.--- But far better I did find (the Verb) "COMFORT".

"Listen" to GOD'S definition "COMFORT:                                            COMFORT... (Psalm 23:4), nacham, "nah-cham", Strongs # 5162:        to console, extend compassion.  In its sense of comfort, nacham does  NOT describe casual sympathy, but with Deep EMPATHY - identification with, and understanding of another person's feelings.

EVEN BETTER, as I searched the TREASURY of GOD'S WORD---  I discovered ---"HAVE MERCY".                                                            "HAVE MERCY", racham, ("rah-chahm"), Strongs # 7355, to feel,      show compassion, tenderly love.  (*** Racham is the origin of the        Hebrew word for  "WOMB"**!!!

Let's Seal it with GOD'S WORD:                                                            "Behold, I will extend peace to her/him like a river...As one whom his/her Mother comforts, I will comfort you...". (Isaiah 66:12-13).

Let's Pray for wounded Warriors and Persecuted Christians...Pray that  GOD our Heavenly Father will hold them with His "Ever-lasting arms" (Deuteronomy 33:27), Pray that HE will COMFORT them, and HAVE MERCY on them.  (Write your own prayer if you wish!!!).

LET'S REMEMBER!!!  We can plant 1 (one) grain of corn...we can get one corn stalk --- with several "Ears" of corn...each ear of corn will have several Hundreds of grains !!! (Just Picture---"Corn on the    cob". (What we give will come back to us multiplied!!!).

HAVE MERCY!!!!!!!!!


"Blessed be the GOD and Father of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, the     FATHER of MERCIES and GOD of all COMFORT." (2 Corinthians   1:3).

AMEN!!! (Let it BE SO IN and THROUGH our lives!!!!!!!!!). 



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