[Please Read This slowly. THE LORD is using these TRUTHS to make A Blessed Change in my life!!! ]
"Do not fret.......it only causes harm". (Psalm 37:8).
In HIS GREATNESS, Our HOLY LORD GOD is continuing to transform me---(As HE promises in Philippians 1:6).
In my fleshly nature, when I misplace my glasses, or misplace my phone, or when I can't some complete a simple physical task...then I sometimes become frustrated and angry.....
While I was reading HIS WORD...In HIS wonderful, gracious, intimate love...Our ABBA FATHER pointed out to me a word that is used 3 times in 1 (one) chapter of Psalms!!! (Chapter 37):
a) verse 1 --- "Do not fret"...; (b) verse 7---"Do not fret...; (c) verse 8---"Do not fret...
Definition: "Fret" - "charah" - (Strongs # 2734) - to burn with anger.
Psalm 37:7 "Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for HIM ...".
So, it is SO MUCH BETTER - rather than to fret ---"REST IN THE LORD".
If you are similar to me - I have to ask THE LORD to ENABLE me to "Rest in HIM". In HIS gentle, patient love --- HE will do that.
IN TRUTH - It is not only Better to rest --- It is BEST!!!
(Psalm 46:10)---"Be still and know (**perceive, acknowledge***) that I AM GOD.
*** Please bear with me--- Take the word "be"; then add the first (2) letters of "Still"=== ***BEST**!!!
As we CONTINUE to "BE STILL and KNOW that HE IS GOD --- HE will gradually move our "Knowing that HE is GOD..." to a New Testament meaning of "know"---The Recognition of truth by PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.
TO Summarize:
"Do not fret...it only causes harm." (Psalm 37:8). "Be still and KNOW that I AM GOD."(Psalm 46:10)
As we trust HIM, PRAISE HIM, and THANK HIM--- HE will transform us so that HE will move us from (only) acknowledging that HE is GOD ---to EXPERIENCING that HE IS GOD!!!
"Trust in the LORD, and do good; Dwell in the land, and FEED on HIS faithfulness...(Psalm 37:3), ["HE is faithful to His Word and to HIS Righteous Character... (2 Timothy 2:13/The Amplified Bible)]. "Rest in THE LORD, and wait patiently for HIM." (Psalm 37:7).
Bowing Before HIM, Thanking HIM, and Acknowledging that HE will enable us to experience HE IS GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
HE is Eager to DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!
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