Monday, November 18, 2024

("SARA H") ...Grace!!!

]Sara is a name that we find in the BIBLE.  [Sometimes it is spelled with an "h" (Sarah)].  According to Strong's Bible Concordance, the meaning of the name (Sara) is "Princess"
Sara was the wife of Abraham, and the Mother of Isaac ("The Child of Promise"). (Genesis 21:1-7).  Sara was 90 years old!!! when she gave birth to Isaac - (far beyond her Child-bearing years).

At the age of (127), Sara died and was buried - (Genesis 23:19-20). Sara is the only woman in the Bible whose age was recorded at death-A sign of her Great Importance to the early Hebrews.  The writer of Hebrews (In the New Testament) includes Sara as one of the Spiritual Heroines in his roll call of the Faithful. (Hebrews 11:11)- (From Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary).  [I urge you to buy a copy of this Bible Dictionary - it is Filled with helpful information.

Through many years of Bible study and prayer - Our LORD GOD has

given to me understanding that---that like a Tree that has DEEP, STRONG roots ---is more able to stand During, and Through, Storms!!! --- Just So - when we teach our children/grandchildren/ and Great-grandchildren that their parents, grandparents/Great grand- parents had Faith IN, and relationships WITH JESUS CHRIST!!! ---then those "Deep, Strong Roots" give children, grandchildren, and Great -grandchildren more strength and stability During, and

Through the "storms" that they WILL experience in their lives!!! 

HOLY GOD our FATHER has in HIS Infinite, and Intimate love so arranged my life (Psalm 139:16) ---that I am frequently reminded of the Faith of my Physical and Spiritual Family.


Because both of my BIRTH parents died in the year of my 6th Adoptive Parents taught me that my Birth Parents were active Followers of JESUS CHRIST; and that my Birth Mother was a Bible Teacher!!!  Thus GOD has enabled me to go through some "life storms", And HE continues to strengthen my faith as I live and Study HIS WORD!!!


1) Sara - the wife of Abraham - These Two are the 'Mother and Father' of our Faith (see Isaiah 51:2, and Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary).  Abraham and Sara gave birth to Isaac, Isaac fathered Jacob; Jacob was the father of the 12 Tribes of Israel; Judah was the tribe from which JESUS descended.

2) Sara - my Birth Mother (A Bible Teacher).

3) Jennifer Sara- my first Daughter.  Jennifer Sara went to heaven early - (when she was just over 7 weeks old).

Approximately 10 years after our daughter Jennifer went to heaven, our Most Gracious Heavenly Father GOD brought another "Sarah "(Sarah Grace) into our lives --- "Listen" to the beautiful way that our Heavenly Father brought  THIS ("Sarah Grace") into our lives:

On a certain Sunday ---After the Morning Worship Service, our families were standing outside the church building - just talking among ourselves...while my wife (Mary) and I were talking with one of the couples with which we are close (1) of the three daughters of that couple...spoke to her Father and pointed at me (Barry)...and said: "I must talk to that man"...SO our LORD had this little girl say to me: "Today, I gave my life to JESUS!!!  (That little girl's name is "SARAH GRACE"!!!!!!!!! (She is now an adult).

In the Bible the word for "Grace" has two (2) meanings:
a) "to be merciful, compassionate toward someone, and... 
b) "to give to someone un-merited favor, un-deserved 

SO, GOD our HEAVENLY FATHER, in HIS mercy and compassion, was giving to me HIS UN-MERITED favor and HIS UN-DESERVED blessings through that little girl (SARAH GRACE)!!!

When Katy, our oldest daughter finished school, she worked in an office in Monroe, Ga.  Katy's Friend/mentor at that job was SARA Malcom.  One day while Katy was pregnant with our first grandson (Chandler)...a car drove past a stop sign and collided with Katy's car.  The first person who came to see if Katy was "OK"... was SARA Malcom.

Recently (September 2024), at age 79 I was a patient at Northeast Georgia Medical Center...To undergo two (2) procedures on my (Physical) heart.   While I was in the hospital, the Holy Spirit touched my (Spiritual) heart to remind me that one of my nurses was a special young lady named SARA!!!

Let us all continue to pass on to others - spiritual strength, blessings, and faith to those whom we encounter this side of heaven!!!

GOD says in (Jeremiah 29:11) 'I know the plans I have for you, plans for good to give you hope and a future".

"JESUS CHRIST is the SAME yesterday, today,, and forever."  Hebrews 13:8).

" these last days has spoken to us by HIS SON JESUS - WHO became the brightness of HIS glory and the express image of HIS PERSON, and HE upholds, maintains, guides, and propels the universe by HIS mighty Word of Power." (Hebrews 1:3).
ALL GLORY to GOD MOST HIGH!!! (Psalm 47:22).

Thursday, October 24, 2024


O "GOD MOST HIGH"!!! (Lamentations 3:35)

Because YOU "...are Faithful to Your Word and to Your Righteous Character..." (2 Timothy 2:12-13/Amplified Bible.)

Here on earth in the Autumn---You give the leaves of golden yellow, vibrant red, beautiful shades of orange, and Ever-green!!!!!  More shades of beautiful colors than I can name!!!!!

All of the Beautiful Colors are Testimony of YOUR HOLY ARTISTRY and  MAJESTY!!!!!!!

Not Physically visible---is the MOST HOLY BEAUTY---YOUR LOVE for us Your people!!!  The trees with their leaves produce for us Your Loving gift that meets our Most vital immediate need---Oxygen!!!!!!!!

In the spring, we welcome the new leaves; in the summer, we welcome the cooling shade of the leaves; and the music of the summer breezes as they cause the leaves to dance before Our CREATOR!!!

Picture in your mind a tree that is near to your home---HOW MANY??? leaves on that tree???  HOW MANY leaves are there on ALL the trees that you can see from your home???

HOW MANY are there on ALL the trees in your county or region???

HOW MANY LEAVES are there on ALL the trees on ALL the earth????????

GOD OUR HEAVENLY FATHER has given to me understanding that there are COUNTLESS NUMBERS of leaves........So that we will have Countless numbers of reminders that                                              "HE WILL NEVER LEAVE US NOR FORSAKE US!!!!!!!!! (Joshua 1:5 and Hebrews 13:5).

Of course those who have accepted JESUS CHRIST as our SAVIOR and LORD - will leave earth one day to live with HIM in HIS HOUSE FOREVER!!! (Psalm 23:6).

In (2 Corinthians 1:20) We have GOD'S WORD that HE, JESUS, is the YES and AMEN to every Promise of GOD..."

++++JESUS   -    THE TRUTH++++ (John 14:6) DECLARES "I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS" (Matthew 28:20).

We receive a new "crop" of leaves every year!!!

O LORD OUR GOD May our every breath give YOU Thanks! Praise! Worship! Glory! and Honor!!! (Psalm 23:6).


Monday, September 16, 2024


 In 1 Samuel 14: 1-45 We find (ISRAEL'S) King Saul leading Israel into battle against the Philistines.

(A brief note to explain the presence of 8 crosses (+) in the title and elsewhere in the messages: In the the translation of the Greek into English...the letters of JESUS = have a numerical value total of (8).    So, When I put (8) crosses (4+4) around a sentence or a title...I am intending to Emphasize the Majesty and Authority of JESUS!!!).

First we see that Jonathan (the son of King Saul) and Jonathan's armor-bearer/loyal friend [just the two of them] go up to battle against the Philistines.  

Jonathan said, "nothing restrains the LORD from saving by many or by few." (1 Samuel 4:6).  Indeed The LORD GOD enabled the 2 (two) of them to be so victorious - "that the Philistines were Trembling...all were Trembling...the garrison (small fort) and the Philistine raiders also trembled and the earth quaked." (1 Samuel 14:15).

"Saul said to Ahijah (the priest), bring the Ark of God here (1 Samuel 14:18)." (At that time in Israel's history-the Ark of GOD represented  the ++++ Presence of GOD++++).  (Saul was asking the priest to seek GOD'S wisdom.)

(verse 19)- "Now it happened, while Saul talked to the priest, that the noise which was in the enemies' camp continued to increase; so Saul said to the priest, 'Withdraw your hand' ."

(From the footnote: 'withdraw your hand' meant, 'stop trying to get guidance for me; I don't have time.'  In verse 20 we see that there was then great confusion."

SAUL'S RASH OATH: (verse 24) "And the men of Israel were FATIGUED that day, for Saul had the people under oath, saying 'cursed is the man who eats ANY food until evening, before I have taken vengeance on my enemies.'  So none of the people tasted food.

(verse 25-26) "Now all Saul's people came to a forest, and there was honey on the ground...but none of the people ate any of the honey- for the people feared the oath.

(verse 27) "But Jonathan had 

Not heard his father's he dipped his rod in a honey comb and put his hand to his mouth; and his eyes brightened!"

(v. 28) "Then one of the people said to Jonathan, 'Your father charged the people with an oath, saying 'cursed is the man who eats food this day.  And the people were faint."

(v. 31)"Now they had driven the Philistines back that day.  So the people were faint.  (v. 32) "And the people rushed  upon the plunder, and took sheep, oxen, and and calves and slaughtered them ...and the people ate them---with the blood!"

(v. 33) Then they told Saul, saying, 'look, the people are sinning against the LORD by eating with the blood.' "

In verses 33b-34 Saul tries to "fix" what had doing things his own way rather than GOD'S way'

(v. 37) "So Saul asked counsel of GOD, 'Shall I go down after the Philistines?  Will YOU deliver them into the hands of Israel?'  But GOD did not answer Saul that day."

(v. 43-44) "Then Saul said to Jonathan, tell me what you have done...'Jonathan told him and said...'I only tasted a little honey... Saul answered 'You shall surely die, Jonathan."

(v.45 "But the people said to Saul,'shall Jonathan die, who has today accomplished this great deliverance in Israei???  Certainly Not!  So the people rescued Jonathan and he did not die."

++++So, in v. 19 Saul said 'Stop trying to get guidance for me, I do not have time.'  (V. 24-31 Saul made a Rash oath---causing the people to sin.     (v. 44-45)- Saul sentenced his son Jonathan to die.++++

++++MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE:                                                           Many years I was driving I drew near an intersection, the Holy Spirit prompted me to stop, and go into a store.  I examined the items that were for sale...and found nothing that I wanted to buy.  So I asked Our LORD, saying, "I don't see anything I should buy for myself nor for anyone else...So why did YOU direct me to stop here?"  Our MOST GRACIOUS LORD gave me understanding...'Remember that time in Toccoa when a car pulled from a side street, and you missed hitting them by a "split second"?  If you had not stopped here at this would have been involved in a very Serious accident before you reached home." I BOWED and THANKED HOLY GOD OUR FATHER++++

REMINDERS:  (A) In our battles in this life---If needed. GOD can even cause an earthquake  to help us!!! [1 Sam 14:15]  (B) Saul was listening to the "Noise" from the Enemies' camp. (1 Sam. 14:15).         You and I are to "listen" to what GOD'S WORD tells us!!! 

John 1:1-15 /Jesus speaking:  "I am the Good Shepherd...The Good Shepherd gives His life for His Sheep...My sheep know My voice...and they follow Me...they will not follow the voice of a stranger...for they do not know the voice of a stranger."

++++Stop and pray///Be still and Know GOD///Trust and Obey.....       ...for there is no other way to be Blessed-In-JESUS++++ 

++++JESUS! YOU!!! ARE THE WAY"(John 14:6)++++


Wednesday, August 14, 2024


"And GOD said to Moses, 'I AM WHO I AM AND WHAT I AM, and I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE: "and HE said, you shall say to the people, I AM has sent ME to you." (Exodus 3:14/Amplified Bible).

"Then GOD spoke all these words: "I AM THE LORD YOUR GOD     WHO has brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the land of        bondage/slavery." (Exodus 20:1).

"You shall have no other gods before or besides Me."

"You shall not make for yourself any graven image (to worship it) or any likeness of any thing that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth, or that is in the water under the earth."

"You shall not bow down yourself to them, for I AM the LORD your GOD showing mercy to a thousand those who love ME and keep MY  commandments.

"You shall not take the name of the LORD your GOD in vain (in false affirmations or profanity.)

"Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy (dedicated to God).

"Treat with honor, due obedience, and courtesy your father and mother, that your days may be long in the land the Lord gives you.

"You shall not commit murder.

"You shall not commit adultery.

"You shall not steal.

"You shall not witness falsely.

"You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, house, servant, ox, or donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's.  (Covet = wanting something at the expense of others, or from a motive of jealousy or envy." (Exodus 20:1-20).

"Hear, O Israel (My people), the LORD our GOD is one LORD (the Only Lord). (Deuteronomy 6:4).

"Know, recognize, and understand therefore that the LORD your GOD, HE is GOD, the Faithful GOD, WHO keeps covenant and steadfast love and mercy with those who love Him and keep HIS commandments, to a thousand generations," (Deuteronomy 7:9).

"...and thus says the LORD, WHO created you, and HE WHO formed you: 'Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name.  You are MINE. I will be with you." (Isaiah 43:1-2).

"Thus says the LORD, the KING of (you my people), and your REDEEMER, the LORD of HOSTS: I AM the FIRST, and the LAST; besides ME there is no GOD." (Isaiah 46:6).

"For I AM the LORD, I do not change." (Malachi 3:6).


(JESUS prays) "...that they may all be one, as YOU, FATHER, are in ME and I in YOU, that they may also be one in US, that the world may believe and be convinced that YOU sent ME." (John 17:21).

JESUS says "I AM the bread of life." (John 6:48). (From the footnote: Jesus is the True heavenly Bread, the true life-sustaining power; anything else, regardless of its religious significance in past or present, is an inadequate substitute. +++(This is the first of 7 "I AM" statements of JESUS, exclusive to John's Gospel).

(JESUS Says) "I AM the Light of the world." (John 8:12) Footnote- "the world is in darkness apart from JESUS").

"JESUS said to them "...most assuredly I say to you 'I AM the door of the sheep. (John 10:7),  Footnote-"He who enters by ME will be saved, and will go in one and out and find pasture. (The phrase "go in and out" does Not mean that one can vacillate about being in JESUS one moment and outside the next.  The picture is one of security and safety in JESUS as the door to the sheep's daily comings and goings.

"I AM the Good Shepherd.  The Good Shepherd gives HIS life for the sheep.  I AM the Good Shepherd; and am known by MY own. (John 10:11-14).

"I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life." (John 14:6).

PLUS (+) "I AM coming quickly", (Rev. 22:20).

In Matthew 16:15 JESUS asks His EARLIEST Disciples: "WHO do You say that I am?"

For us (You and me)---with our thoughts, our words, our actions---Who do you and I say JESUS is???

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


 HOLY GOD OUR ETERNAL FATHER is NOT limited by time.           HE was before time began.

HE is, and will be "I AM WHO I AM" into eternity. (Exodus 3:14).

HE uses time to help us regulate our lives.

HE wrote down our every day - before the day of our birth. (Psalm 139: 16).

HE uses Time to PREPARE us for ETERNITY.

When we choose JESUS as our Savior and Lord (John 3:16), we choose to be with HIM forever (Psalm 23:6), choosing HIM---HE WHO chose to pay the HIGHEST Possible price for us!!!

"I AM the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life.  No man comes to the Father (in heaven) except through ME". {John 14:6).

Some Personal Experiences:                                                                      1) On a certain day in May 2024 --- I had planned to drive to the White County Library, in order to have some letters copied.  My plan was: First-I would go to a grocery store to get some cash - so that I could pay for the copies; then I could go the library.  But.....I drove Past the grocery store.....then I had to turn around and go Back to the grocery store for cash.  Then - while in the grocery store, I forgot I walked back into the grocery store---then back to my car, and drove to the Library.  (*Note. I am listing all of these steps..... in order to illustrate GOD'S Perfect timing!!!).

I arrived in the Library parking lot, as I started walking toward the building...then the cord by which my glasses hang around my neck... the cord fell off my glasses --- so I had to remove my glasses and carry them in my hand.  From previous visits to that library, I knew that just inside the library door - there is a table at which I could sit and repair my glasses.

A minute or two after I sat down, a very young boy walked away from his Mother, and he went to the nearest bookshelf, picked up a large book.....and he brought it to me.  I THANKED him for bringing the book to me.  Immediately - he went back to the bookshelf, picked up another book and brought it to me.  A third time, he picked up a very large, heavy book - and walked toward me.  This third book was much larger, so he Struggled to carry the book--so I reached out and helped him bring the book to the table,  Again, I Thanked him...then our Lord prompted me to put my hand on his hand...and I Blessed him in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST!!!

As I left the library, I spoke with the Mother of that little boy, and asked her, How old is your child?  She answered, he is eighteen (18) months old, and he loves books."

Only a few days after I blessed that little boy in the library...I had another Divine Appointment.

2) First, allow me to set the background for This Divine Appointment.

For several months I had been trying to think of a way to contact a friend that I knew before I retired.

Sara is a dear friend/Sister in JESUS CHRIST.  I enjoyed the Privilege of working with her for several years!  As I said (above)- I had no way to contact Sara - (no phone number, no mailing address).

On a certain day, I had an appointment with a doctor in Gainesville, Ga.  My wife Mary went with me to the doctor's office.  At the doctor's office, first, there is a large waiting area - where your insurance is processed etc. Next, you are sent to a smaller waiting room...this is an area where patients wait their turn to be processed  before leaving the building.  (*Again, all these details are to illustrate GOD'S Timing).  As Mary and I waited our turn to be "processed out".....MARY heard a nurse call out the name of the next person (to consult the same Doctor that I had seen)...Mary whispered to me "Sara is the next person coming in here"!!!

HALLELUJAH!!! Immediately I stood up at the door and greeted  SARA!!!    Because the doctor was waiting for Sara---we did not have much time to talk.  So I got one of my business cards from our car, wrote my text/phone number on the back of it, and asked the nurse to give it to Sara.  A few days later, Sara texted me, so now we can share prayer requests, and maintain contact.                                                    *** Even more personal experience/proof that it was ONLY GOD'S Perfect timing---my original appointment with this Dr.---had been RE-scheduled to this date!!!

So, in GOD'S Perfect timing HE had me there for that Little boy at the Library!!!  GOD used a few minutes of my time---plus HIS answers to my Ongoing prayers---to change the eternity of that little boy!!! And the same for others Whom HE will touch through that little boy!!!

Some great Truths I have learned as I study HIS WORD:                      -"Bring our thoughts captive to Jesus Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5).        -He knows our thoughts before we think them, and our words before we speak them (Psalm 139:1-6).                                                              -The Holy Spirit will "guide you into all truth". (John 16:13).

YOU: ask JESUS to save you from your sins.                                          -Ask JESUS to fill you with the HOLY Spirit.                                        -HE has "good plans for you to give to you a future and hope".  29:11).                                                                                                       -Submit to Him so He will do things through you beyond what you would dare ask. (Ephesians 3:20).                                                           -Read His Word (the Bible) regularly.  You can read through the Bible in one year (30-40 minutes/Day. Get your own reading plan-at

"BLESSED BE THE LORD GOD AND FATHER OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, THE FATHER OF MERCIES, AND GOD OF ALL COMFORT, CONSOLATION, AND ENCOURAGEMENT." (2 Cor. 1:3).                                                                                                           "JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME YESTERDAY,  TODAY, AND FOREVER." (Hebrews 13:8).               

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

JESUS...The Sea...You...and me...

Picture this in Your Mind----

"If we are faithless (Do not believe and are untrue to HIM) HE remains True (Faithful to His Word and to is HIS Righteous Character), for HE cannot deny HIMSELF." (2 Timothy 2: 13/ Amplified Bible).

"When JESUS went ashore and saw a great throng of people, He had     Compassion (pity and deep sympathy) for them and healed their sick.

"When evening came, the disciples came to HIM and said, this is a remote, barren place...Send the multitudes away into the villages to buy food for themselves.  

"JESUS said, they do not need to go away; You give them something to eat.

"They said to JESUS, we have nothing here but five (5) loaves and two (2) fish."  

HE said, Bring them here to me."

"Then JESUS ordered the crowd to sit down on the grass; and HE took the five loaves and the two fish, and, looking up to Heaven, HE gave Thanks and Blessed and broke the loaves and handed the pieces to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people."

And they all ate and were satisfied.  And they picked up twelve (12) baskets full of the broken pieces left over, ++++(HE is our compassionate Provider.++++).

"Immediately, JESUS urged HIS disciples to get into the boat and go before HIM to the other side, while HE sent the multitudes away."

"And when HE had sent the multitudes away, HE went up on the mountain by HIMSELF to pray.  Now, when evening came, HE was still there alone."

"But the boat was now in the midst of the sea, tossed by the waves, for the wind was against them."

"Now, in the 4th watch (between 3:00 am and 6:00 am), JESUS went to them, walking ON the sea."

"And when the disciples saw HIM walking on the sea, they were terrified and said, it is a ghost!  And they screamed out with fright!".

"But instantly JESUS spoke to them saying, Take courage!  "I AM". Do not be afraid." ++++[Exodus 3:14 "And GOD said to Moses,

"I AM WHO I AM"/Matthew 14:27 "JESUS said, take courage! I AM.]...

"And those in the boat kneeled and Worshiped HIM, saying, Truly YOU are the SON OF GOD!" (Matthew 14:14...33/Amplified Bible).

(From further study and prayer, our LORD gave to me understanding:                                                                                                                    JESUS walked on the water (1) to demonstrate HIS authority over nature, and (2) to demonstrate that HE always know where we are,      (see Psalm 139:16), and that HE will walk with us Through the storms of our life.  In (Matthew 28:20 JESUS says "I AM with you always.").

++++ Now Picture this in YOUR HEART and YOUR SPIRIT ++++...

The sUnlight danced on the waves of the sea...then a Rainbow appeared...

"JESUS the SON of GOD WALKED ON the sea.."(Matthew 14:25-27/Amplified Bible).

"GOD SAID 'I set MY rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant/Solemn Pledge between ME and the earth... for All future generations..." (Genesis 2:13/Amplified Bible),                     

"JESUS CHRIST...for ALL the promises of GOD are in HIM  (YES, and in HIM  AMEN),  to the Glory of GOD through us."  (2 Corinthians 1:20).

Now What is to be Our Response to this HIS TRUTH revealed???

Frequently, we are to Bow in Reverent Awe toward GOD, and              Confess:  "O GOD, teach me how to respond to YOU!!!" 



Friday, May 17, 2024


4-11-24 (AM)  I Awoke from what seemed to be a long  dream...In the dream, my wife Mary and I were attending a Christian Conference...there were many, many people at this conference, and we all were moving to different buildings to hear different speakers and teachers.

++++OH Please ASK and Allow the "Holy Spirit to guide you into all Truth" (John 16:13)!!!!!++++

SUDDENLY, a powerful wind storm blew into the area.  The wind      gusts were blowing so forcefully that one building rolled over on its    side!

In the confusion caused by the storm --- different groups of people      were surging in different directions.....trying to understand where they were---and where to go next!!!

At that time, I realized that I did Not know where Mary was.....I did not know where my phone was --- so I could not call her...

THEN I awoke from the dream, opened my eyes --- and saw that I was in our bedroom and Mary was right beside me!!!

++++OH! what a relief that was!!!++++

[A brief interjection here---for those who are too young to remember/  understand Alka-Seltzer commercials on television.  (Alka-Seltzer is an "over the counter" medicine, taken by mouth, to relieve a headache, upset stomach, etc.)

In the television commercials---the two (2) Alka-Seltzer pills are dropped into a glass of water (Plop-Plop)---as the pills hit the water, these words are spoken:                                                                            "Plop Plop - fizz fizz---OH!!! What a relief it is!!!"                           

As long as we are on the earth---We WILL have Weather storms, AND other storms/trials!!!

IF you have Already accepted JESUS CHRIST as your Savior and LORD --- JESUS IS "always with us."                                          


"For HE HIMSELF is our PEACE ..."(Ephesians 2:14).                   

"JESUS CHRIST is the same yesterday, today, and forever." (Hebrews 13:8).

NOW, let us read about JESUS and HIS (earlier) disciples:                     In (Mark 4:35) JESUS says  "Let us go over to the other side" (of the Sea of Galilee).                    

"And a great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that it was already filling.  But JESUS was in the stern asleep on a pillow. And they awoke Him and said to Him, 'Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?'

"Then (JESUS) AROSE and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea 'PEACE, be still!  And the wind ceased and there was a great calm."

And (the disciples) were filled with great AWE and said to one another, 'WHO can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey HIM?"  (Mark 4:35-41).

A lesson to be learned here: When JESUS says "Let's go OVER"---then we are NOT going under!!!

LET US ALWAYS give great REVERENCE to JESUS' words!!!           In (JOHN 6:63) JESUS SAYS "...the words that I speak to you are spirit and they are life."


**** PLEASE STOP NOW, read this again from the beginning.....       and then Answer this Question:

Are you ready to go Over with JESUS.....                                              OR, are you Going UNDER???


Monday, April 22, 2024

+++++ I CONFESS...++++

 Despite the fact that television dramas, movies, and even newspapers are much about crime, detectives, who is guilty, evidence, etc; also there is much focus on...will the person(s) Confess that they (we) are guilty of the crime(s)???

Instead, I am to share with you my Personal Experiences with Confessions.....Confessions about "HOLY GOD MOST HIGH"!!!         (Psalm 47:2).  Confessing HIS Great, Holy, Intimate Love for Each, and Every one of Us!!!!!!!!

First, a little background information:                                                     I confess that just a few months from now...I will be age 79. Purely by GOD'S Grace,and Mercy...GOD has blessed me with both the time, and the ability to study GOD'S HOLY WORD (The Bible).  And I must confess that Studying and sharing HIS WORD is a most fulfilling Privilege!!!

Confessing more truth... Because GOD is so Generous in HIS Perfect Love...I do have the most Wonderful, Beautiful, Loving, and Caring Wife that our GOD MOST HIGH could give!!!  We are Blessed to have two (2) wonderful Daughters, five (5) fantastic grandsons, an excellent son in Love, And TWIN Great-Grandchildren (1 boy "CJ", and 1 girl "Clover"!!!

Continuing to confess HIS Truth---GOD has blessed me with good health for these 78+ years ---that is a huge Blessing!!!

Of course as we get older, we begin to think, and wonder about the future:                                                                                                        How long will I live?                                                                                Will  I continue to enjoy good health?                                                    Who will take care of me?                                                                        Where will I live?

I am learning/experiencing that Confessing The Truth of GOD'S WORD has Powerful, Continuing effects on my life!!!

JESUS Declares (in John 14:6): "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE!!!".                                                                                           And, JESUS (PRAYS!!!)  "that they may know (experience) YOU, the ONLY, TRUE AND REAL GOD..." (John 17:3/Amplified Bible)

I am now, and continuing, to confess several times through each day:  "Father, You have plans for me for good and for peace,  (Not for evil),  Giving to me a Future and a Hope."  (Jeremiah 29:11/Amplified Bible).

GOD Promises in (Joshua 1:5/Matthew 28:20) "I will be with you...I will Not leave you nor forsake you. Be strong and of good courage."

"Son, all that I have I have is yours...I want to meet all your needs."     (Luke 15:31.  (A helpful note: He Wants to meet ALL of our needs.     WE have to Choose, Bow, and ALLOW HIM to meet all of our needs).

Now, some Powerful Scriptures to Boost and Empower us on our journey:                                                                                                     A. THE WORDS THAT WE SPEAK: In (Genesis 17:5) GOD spoke a New name to Abram ( Abraham), and thus was arranging that Abram (now ABRAHAM) would Remember GOD'S Promise every time that he Heard his New Name.

B. SILENCING UNBELIEF: In (Joshua 6:10) we learn that we cannot always control what we see and hear, but our Refusal to Speak doubt and fear will keep our heart inclined to what GOD can do.

C. ACCEPTABLE SPEECH BEFORE GOD: In  (Psalm 19:14) We learn that we are to speak words that Confirm what we believe about GOD, HIS LOVE, AND HIS POWER.

D. WISE WORDS BRING HEALTH:  In (Proverbs 16: 23-24) GOD'S WISDOM teaches our hearts...and then flows out of our words and conduct.

Here is a list of More of HIS WORD that will both empower and comfort us on our journey to Heaven:                                                      (Numbers 13:30; 14:6-9).  (2 Chronicles 6:24-31). (Matthew 15:7-9),   (Mark 11:22-24). (Acts 3:6).  (Acts 4:33). (Romans 10:9-10).  (1 Corinthians 11:23-26). (Philippians  2:9-11). (Hebrews 4:11-13). (Hebrews 11:13-16). (Revelation 12:11).

++++ I will let YOU LOOK THESE UP...and YOU will receive: Direct, and Personal Intimate, Insight, Encouragement, Strength, Comfort, and Hope and JOY!!!!!!!!              

I look forward eagerly to hear about some of YOUR Confessions and Victories. Because of "GOD'S FAITHFULNESS TO HIS WORD AND TO HIS RIGHTEOUS CHARACTER" (Isaiah 55:11/2 Timothy 2:13/Amplified Bible).

I will Confess that sometimes HIS PLANS do not "feel" good at first...but they DO ALWAYS work out to be GOOD for me and for You.

"And we Know/Experience that ALL THINGS work together for Good to those who love God, to those who are the called according     to HIS Purpose. (Romans 8:28/Amplified Bible).

In (John 16:13) JESUS declares "HE (the Holy Spirit) will guide you into all truth,"

"If we are faithless (do not believe and are untrue to Him), HE remains TRUE (Faithful to HIS WORD and to HIS RIGHTEOUS CHARACTER), for HE cannot deny HIMSELF. (2 Timothy 2:13/ Amplified Bible).

"So shall MY Word shall accomplish what I please and prosper in the thing  for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11/Amplified).

"JESUS IS THE YES!!! AND AMEN!!! TO EVERY PROMISE OF GOD."!!!!!!!!! (2 Corinthians 1:20).


AMEN (Let it be SO) in all our hearts, words, and actions!!!!!!!!! 


Tuesday, March 19, 2024


"But now, Thus says the LORD...WHO created you...WHO formed you...Fear not,  for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name, you are MINE...for I AM the LORD your GOD, the HOLY ONE of ISRAEL, your SAVIOR." (Isaiah 43:1-3),

"Rejoice IN THE LORD ALWAYS (Delight, Gladden yourselves IN HIM!!! Again I say REJOICE!!! (Philippians 4:4/Amplified Bible).

"Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything...But IN every circumstance and IN prayer with Thanksgiving, continue to make your requests known to GOD." (Philippians 4:6/      Amplified Bible).

"For unto us a Child is born, to us a SON is given; and the government shall rest on HIS shoulder, and HIS NAME shall be called WONDERFUL COUNSELOR, MIGHTY GOD, EVERLASTING FATHER, PRINCE OF PEACE, of the INCREASE of HIS GOVERNMENT and of PEACE there shall be no end..." Isaiah (9:6-7)/Amplified Bible).

"And HE shall be a sanctuary (a Sacred and Indestructible safety) to those who REVERENTLY FEAR AND TRUST IN HIM..." (Isaiah 8:14/Amplified Bible).         

"...Brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, Fix your mind on/MEDITATE on these things..." (Philippians 4:8/Amplified Bible).

MEDITATE: Quietly repeating the Scriptures in a soft sound, while     Utterly Abandoning outside distractions...continually repeating JESUS' NAME, Thanking HIM... for JESUS HIMSELF is our peace.  (Ephesians 2:14)...

"And GOD'S peace shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its Salvation through JESUS CHRIST, and so fearing nothing from GOD and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace which transcends all understanding shall garrison and Mount Guard OVER your hearts and minds IN JESUS CHRIST. (Philippians 4:7/Amplified Bible).

Definition: "Peace, Shalom, ("shah-loam"), Strong's #7965. Completeness, wholeness, peace, health, welfare, safety, soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony; the absence of agitation or discord.  Thus Shalom is much MORE than the absence of war and conflict: it is the Wholeness that the entire human race seeks". (Nahum 1:15/Word Wealth).

The angels understood at HIS birth that JESUS was to be the great peace-bringer, as they called out: "Glory to GOD in the highest; and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!". (Nahum 1:15 Word wealth/Luke 2:14-17/Isaiah 9:7).

In (John 14:27) JESUS says "Peace I leave with you.  MY peace I give to you; NOT as the world gives do I give to you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

++++Please be sure to ask, and Allow, "the HOLY SPIRIT to guide you into all truth.  (John 16:13). ++++

"If we are faithless (do not believe and are untrue to Him) HE remains true (faithful to HIS WORD and HIS righteous character) for HE cannot deny HIMSELF." (2 Timothy 2:13)/Amplified Bible).

PLEASE DO READ this  ALOUD to yourself 12 times in the next 2 weeks; and frequently thereafter!!!

You will be Amazed at what all the HOLY SPIRIT teaches YOU!!!!!



Monday, March 4, 2024


In 1 Kings, Chapters 5:1 - 8:66  We learn that GOD chose Solomon to build a House/Temple for the NAME of GOD!!!

Let's seek GOD'S WORD to learn what GOD wants to teach us through His plans, materials, etc. for building His temple...And seek ALL that HE wants us to learn...

Oh HOLY SPIRIT, I submit myself to YOU - asking YOU to guide me into all truth in writing this (as JESUS says in John 16:13).

To those who are reading this - I ask You to pray/ask-Submit to the HOLY SPIRIT to guide You into all truth!!!

First, let's look at some "numbers" about the temple that Solomon built.  ++++(Please be alert for More truths about "numbers" through this message!).++++

A) How many Men did Solomon have working to build the temple?    He had 30,000 men of Israel, Plus 70,000 men who carried burdens, and 80,000 men who quarried stone in the mountains.  (These 70,000 + 80,000 men were Sidonians/Phoenicians from other nations). (1 Kings 1: 1-18).

B) Materials:                                                                                            1. (see above for) 80,000 men who quarried stone.                                2. The pillars for the temple, and some of the implements, were made of bronze.                                                                                                   3. Many of the articles used in the temple were made of Silver!            4. GOLD: Ahhh... the gold!!!                                                                   In the temple that Solomon built for The NAME of GOD...                    (a) The tables, the lampstands, etc. were made of Gold.                        (b) He overlaid the inside of the temple with pure Gold.                        (c) "The whole temple he overlaid with Gold. (1 Kings 6:22).

So, it took a total of approximately 180,000 men to build the temple.  "So he was seven years in building it." (1 Kings 6:38).

The temple was destroyed approximately 400 years later by Nebuzaradan (the captain of the army of Nebuchadnezzar).                  (2 Kings 25: 8-10).

Now, another bit of information revealed to me about "numbers" by the Holy Spirit through my personal experience:

One Sunday, as I drove home after morning Worship Service...I began (speaking aloud) Thanking Holy GOD Our FATHER for enabling us to experience HIS PRESENCE during Worship!!!  I struggled with words (like): "Father, I would not exchange that experiencing YOUR PRESENCE for a Thousand Dollars!!!".  (Right away I knew that was too small a number!).  So I then said "I would not exchange that experiencing YOUR PRESENCE for a Million Dollars!!!

Over the next few days GOD our FATHER gave me understanding: "You cannot measure things of MY kingdom with earthly measures."

One more example of me trying to measure with "numbers": During my work/career, I drove the same route from home to work, then back home more than 12,000 times.  Almost every time that I crossed the Chattahoochee River bridge---I prayed for a specific person to accept JESUS as his Savior and Lord!!!

After I retired from my job I (again, foolishly) said "LORD, I have prayed thousands of times for (that person)...How many Prayers is it going to take to get him to accept JESUS as his Savior and LORD? Our Ever-Unchanging LORD ("JESUS CHRIST is the SAME yesterday, today, and forever"/1 Timothy 1:1/Malachi 3:6)...HE gave to me understanding - "you cannot measure things of MY Kingdom with earthly measures.  Continue praying."

Of course HOLY GOD MOST HIGH (Psalm 47:2) supplied all of the lumber, stone, bronze, silver, and gold that was used by Solomon to build the temple.

Let's now consider the Present days, and the Future---                            "...your body is the temple (the very sanctuary) of the HOLY SPIRIT WHO lives within you, WHOM you have received (as a gift) from are not your own.  You were bought with a price [purchased with a preciousness and paid for, made His own].  So then, honor GOD and bring glory to HIM in your body." (1 Corinthians 6:20/Amplified Bible).

We have learned that "numbers" are wholly inadequate to "measure" Heaven.                                                                                                    While we are here on earth HE can use numbers to teach and guide us EACH and ALL:

JESUS says in HIS prayer in (John 17:3):  "YOU, the ONLY True and real GOD..."

GOD sent his ONLY BEGOTTEN SON to pay the price for you and for me (EACH and every ONE!!!). (John 1:14/John 3:16).

GOD our FATHER, JESUS His SON, The HOLY SPIRIT--- 3 in 1 (three in ONE)!!!

Solomon's temple was destroyed in 400 years.

In Heaven we will live ETERNALLY!!!

How are You and I to respond to HIS TRUTH Revealed???

++++Frequently Read HIS Word++++                                                  ++++Frequently Bow before HIM and Thank HIM, Praise HIM, and Worship HIM!!!++++                                                                              ++++ASK, and ALLOW the HOLY SPIRIT to " us into all Truth..."(John 16:13) - So that through us HE can bring---Each and Every One with us into heaven++++

When You and I eat at a fast-food restaurant...often we are asked if we will "upgrade" to get a Full Meal--- rather than just one burger.

As we "Upgrade" by frequently bowing before HIM, Thank HIM, Praise and Worship HIM, ASK and ALLOW/SUBMIT The HOLY SPIRIT to "Guide us into all Truth---What will GOD give to us as HIS UPGRADE???

In Solomon's days, Gold was a most valuable thing; here on earth, we walk on dull gray concrete side walks.  In Heaven we will walk on STREETS of PURE GOLD!!!! (Revelation 21:21).

"Now to HIM WHO in HIS power that is at work within us, is able to carry out HIS purpose and do Supernaturally, far over and above all that we dare ask or think [beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams---To HIM be glory in HIS church and in CHRIST JESUS throughout all generations Forever and Ever. AMEN So be it." (Ephesians 3:20/Amplified Bible).





Wednesday, February 7, 2024

"Darkness"...JESUS says..."

It has been said that"...the culture of the world--- And the culture of our society in our nation (USA) is growing darker and darker."

Some examples: (1) Increasing violence:                                               --attacks on Law Enforcement Officers,                                               --shootings in childrens' schools, and universities,                               --shootings in synagogues and Christian Churches                            (2) Our youth in confusion about their gender...                          3)Entertainment  is more and more filled with explicit behaviors and words that are clearly wrong and Opposite to what JESUS teaches, and opposite to JESUS' life... HE laid down HIS Life to die on HIS cross to save us from our sins---and to show to us that HE is THE WAY, THE TRUTH, And THE LIFE!!! (John 14:6).  JESUS IS THE  LIVING WORD !!!                                         

GOD"S WORD Says:  "For GOD is NOT the Author of Confusion, but of PEACE and ORDER." (I Corinthians 14:33)/Amplified Bible).

As we who Follow JESUS...we are to Follow both THE TEACHER and HIS Teaching!!!

JESUS SAYS: "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another;  as I have loved this all will know that you are MY DISCIPLES, if you have love for one another." (John 13:31-35).

Judas, identified as the one who betrayed JESUS to those who wanted to Kill JESUS--- "...having received the bread, he then went out immediately. And it was night".  (Please Read John 13: 18-35).

FOOTNOTE under John 13---"The statement that 'it was night' has not only a literal meaning, but also a symbolic/theological meaning as well.  To leave the fellowship of JESUS is to exchange the Light for inevitable darkness."

GOD'S WORD says: ("Now the SPIRIT expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith (no longer following JESUS), giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons." (1 Timothy 4:1). 

WE (YOU and I) who have accepted JESUS as our SAVIOR and LORD  (John 3:16) --- we are to "... walk as children  of Light." (Ephesians 5: 1-21).

JESUS SAYS "I AM the Light...Follow ME" (John 8:12/Matthew 9:9).

"And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it." (John 1:5).

Definition: Comprehend, Strongs #2638:  the word is capable of three (3) interpretations:                                                                        1) to seize, lay hold of, overcome. As such, verse 5 could read "the darkness does NOT gain control of it (the Light).                              2) to perceive, attain, lay hold of with the mind; to apprehend with mental or moral effort.  With this meaning  the verse could be translated "The darkness is unreceptive and does not understand (the Light).   3) quench, extinguish, snuff out the Light by stifling it.  The darkness will NEVER be able to eliminate (the Light)."          Light and darkness essentially are antagonistic.  The Christian's Joy is in knowing that Light is not only greater than darkness but will also outlast the darkness." HALLELUJAH!!! HALLELUJAH!!! HALLELUJAH!!!

GOD made the human eye (Psalm 139: 12-13)  so that on a dark night we can see a lit match or a flashlight  at a great  distance.

Better yet --- JESUS is ++++the Way, the Truth, and the Life++++ (John 14:6).  JESUS SAYS "The HOLY SPIRIT will guide you into all truth." (John 16:13).

So, the Holy Spirit will guide us THROUGH the dark---to JESUS the LIGHT---and You and I can follow JESUS the LAMB to the city (New Jerusalem) in heaven - where JESUS/THE LAMB IS the  LIGHT.  (Revelation 21:23).

JESUS  "...HIMSELF is our peace". (Ephesians 2:14).

Let us Each and All read the Book of John (in The New Testament), and FOLLOW "...Peace and order."          1) Corinthians 14:33)---all the Way to Heaven---and live with        HIM FOREVER!!!!!!!!!

JESUS IS THE LIGHT.....FOLLOW HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!                


Tuesday, January 9, 2024


JESUS HUMBLED HIMSELF........I sometimes judge others.....                    

When GOD "...formed us in our Mother's womb..." (Psalm 139:13)---HE was already preparing you and me to become like JESUS!!!

GOD built into our KNEES --- the Anterior Cruciate Ligament, and the Posterior Cruciate Ligament. They are named "Cruciate" because these two (2) ligaments CROSS in the knee joint!!!  The word "cruciate"  is from the Latin word "crux" (cross).

[I did ask my Primary Care Doctor if this is correct - and he verified this is Correct.]

If you want --- you can "Google" 'knee joint ligaments --- and see that these two ligaments do CROSS between the patella and the tibia in the knee joint.

JESUS: The only place in the Bible where JESUS describes HIS own Character is (Matthew 11:29) - "...learn from ME, for I  AM gentle (meek) and lowly in heart...".

Definition: meek - "an attitude of humility toward GOD, and genrle toward men, springing from a recognition that GOD is in control." (Nelson Bible Dictionary).

JESUS submitted to GOD'S Plan---which led to HIS death on the cross in order to save you and me from our sins.

In both (Isaiah 45:23 and Romans 14:11)- IT IS WRITTEN "...that to ME, every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess to GOD."

EVERY knee shall bow, EVERY tongue shall confess to GOD..."

Because of GOD'S grace to us - in our acceptance of JESUS as our SAVIOR and LORD.....

GOD gives to us the BLESSED PRIVILEGE that we ++++ CAN and SHALL ++++ KNEEL before HIM in prayer, in Worship, in giving thanks to HIM, in Praise of HIM Many times every month, every week, every day---until HE comes to take us HOME in Heaven!!!

JESUS Says:  "...I AM meek, and lowly in heart,,," (Matthew 11: 29).

As for me, and perhaps you---we often JUDGE others.  I MUST CONFESS that I am the WORST in Judging others.

In (Matthew 7:1) JESUS HIMSELF says:  "Judge not, that you be not judged."

I (Barry) confess that I do judge others...And the HOLY SPIRIT is convicting Me that I MUST CEASE that!!!

When we judge others---we (WRONGLY!) feel that we are ABOVE, or OVER those whom we judge.

For example, I will share two (2) instances when I experienced Judgement:                                                                                               a) As a young man, early each weekday morning---(for exercise) I ran several miles with some friends.  Our usual route was about 4 miles in length,  On a certain morning - I was running several hundred yards BEHIND my group of friends.  One of my friends remarked to me -  "Barry, it looks like you are taking it easy this morning."  What my friend did not know was that on that specific morning---I had already run TWELVE (12) miles BEFORE we started our usual four (4) mile run. (So i was already tired before we started running together!!~!       b) On a different day, I was with a large group of runners at rhe starting line for a marathon race (26.2 miles).  

As I looked around at the other runners--- I noticed a lady who was dressed in very nice clothes.  All the articles of her clothing were detailed with colors that EXACTLY MATCHED!!  I remember thinking to myself:  "She is not a 'SERIOUS RUNNER'--- she is here just to look good."

Guess what happened!!!!!  Only a few miles after the start.....that same lady PASSED me-----and I finished the marathon so far BEHIND her---that I never saw her again!!!!!

So I welcome your prayers that I will keep my heart Humbled, bowed down before our LORD GOD, and confess HE IS WORTHY to be PRAISED and "...keep my thoughts captive to the obedience of JESUS CHRIST!!! (2 Corinthians 10:5).

JESUS SAYS: "...learn from ME, for I AM meek (gentle) and lowly in heart..." (Matthew 11:29).

(James 4:10) "Humble yourselves in the sight of the LORD, and HE will lift you up." 

"But we all, with unveiled face, beholding the Glory of the LORD, are being transformed into the same image, just as by the SPIRIT of the LORD." (2 Corinthians 3: 18).

HOLY GOD demonstrated HIS perfect love by sending JESUS to the Cross to save us from our sins.  By HIS Perfect love HE has crafted HIS perfect plan for EACH and EVERY one of us. (Jeremiah 29:11).

"Now thanks be to GOD WHO always leads us in triumph in JESUS CHRIST...". (2 Corinthians 2:14).

JESUS says: "...HE, the Spirit of Truth, will guide you into all truth..." (John 16:13).