Monday, April 22, 2024

+++++ I CONFESS...++++

 Despite the fact that television dramas, movies, and even newspapers are much about crime, detectives, who is guilty, evidence, etc; also there is much focus on...will the person(s) Confess that they (we) are guilty of the crime(s)???

Instead, I am to share with you my Personal Experiences with Confessions.....Confessions about "HOLY GOD MOST HIGH"!!!         (Psalm 47:2).  Confessing HIS Great, Holy, Intimate Love for Each, and Every one of Us!!!!!!!!

First, a little background information:                                                     I confess that just a few months from now...I will be age 79. Purely by GOD'S Grace,and Mercy...GOD has blessed me with both the time, and the ability to study GOD'S HOLY WORD (The Bible).  And I must confess that Studying and sharing HIS WORD is a most fulfilling Privilege!!!

Confessing more truth... Because GOD is so Generous in HIS Perfect Love...I do have the most Wonderful, Beautiful, Loving, and Caring Wife that our GOD MOST HIGH could give!!!  We are Blessed to have two (2) wonderful Daughters, five (5) fantastic grandsons, an excellent son in Love, And TWIN Great-Grandchildren (1 boy "CJ", and 1 girl "Clover"!!!

Continuing to confess HIS Truth---GOD has blessed me with good health for these 78+ years ---that is a huge Blessing!!!

Of course as we get older, we begin to think, and wonder about the future:                                                                                                        How long will I live?                                                                                Will  I continue to enjoy good health?                                                    Who will take care of me?                                                                        Where will I live?

I am learning/experiencing that Confessing The Truth of GOD'S WORD has Powerful, Continuing effects on my life!!!

JESUS Declares (in John 14:6): "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE!!!".                                                                                           And, JESUS (PRAYS!!!)  "that they may know (experience) YOU, the ONLY, TRUE AND REAL GOD..." (John 17:3/Amplified Bible)

I am now, and continuing, to confess several times through each day:  "Father, You have plans for me for good and for peace,  (Not for evil),  Giving to me a Future and a Hope."  (Jeremiah 29:11/Amplified Bible).

GOD Promises in (Joshua 1:5/Matthew 28:20) "I will be with you...I will Not leave you nor forsake you. Be strong and of good courage."

"Son, all that I have I have is yours...I want to meet all your needs."     (Luke 15:31.  (A helpful note: He Wants to meet ALL of our needs.     WE have to Choose, Bow, and ALLOW HIM to meet all of our needs).

Now, some Powerful Scriptures to Boost and Empower us on our journey:                                                                                                     A. THE WORDS THAT WE SPEAK: In (Genesis 17:5) GOD spoke a New name to Abram ( Abraham), and thus was arranging that Abram (now ABRAHAM) would Remember GOD'S Promise every time that he Heard his New Name.

B. SILENCING UNBELIEF: In (Joshua 6:10) we learn that we cannot always control what we see and hear, but our Refusal to Speak doubt and fear will keep our heart inclined to what GOD can do.

C. ACCEPTABLE SPEECH BEFORE GOD: In  (Psalm 19:14) We learn that we are to speak words that Confirm what we believe about GOD, HIS LOVE, AND HIS POWER.

D. WISE WORDS BRING HEALTH:  In (Proverbs 16: 23-24) GOD'S WISDOM teaches our hearts...and then flows out of our words and conduct.

Here is a list of More of HIS WORD that will both empower and comfort us on our journey to Heaven:                                                      (Numbers 13:30; 14:6-9).  (2 Chronicles 6:24-31). (Matthew 15:7-9),   (Mark 11:22-24). (Acts 3:6).  (Acts 4:33). (Romans 10:9-10).  (1 Corinthians 11:23-26). (Philippians  2:9-11). (Hebrews 4:11-13). (Hebrews 11:13-16). (Revelation 12:11).

++++ I will let YOU LOOK THESE UP...and YOU will receive: Direct, and Personal Intimate, Insight, Encouragement, Strength, Comfort, and Hope and JOY!!!!!!!!              

I look forward eagerly to hear about some of YOUR Confessions and Victories. Because of "GOD'S FAITHFULNESS TO HIS WORD AND TO HIS RIGHTEOUS CHARACTER" (Isaiah 55:11/2 Timothy 2:13/Amplified Bible).

I will Confess that sometimes HIS PLANS do not "feel" good at first...but they DO ALWAYS work out to be GOOD for me and for You.

"And we Know/Experience that ALL THINGS work together for Good to those who love God, to those who are the called according     to HIS Purpose. (Romans 8:28/Amplified Bible).

In (John 16:13) JESUS declares "HE (the Holy Spirit) will guide you into all truth,"

"If we are faithless (do not believe and are untrue to Him), HE remains TRUE (Faithful to HIS WORD and to HIS RIGHTEOUS CHARACTER), for HE cannot deny HIMSELF. (2 Timothy 2:13/ Amplified Bible).

"So shall MY Word shall accomplish what I please and prosper in the thing  for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11/Amplified).

"JESUS IS THE YES!!! AND AMEN!!! TO EVERY PROMISE OF GOD."!!!!!!!!! (2 Corinthians 1:20).


AMEN (Let it be SO) in all our hearts, words, and actions!!!!!!!!! 


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