Monday, November 18, 2024

("SARA H") ...Grace!!!

]Sara is a name that we find in the BIBLE.  [Sometimes it is spelled with an "h" (Sarah)].  According to Strong's Bible Concordance, the meaning of the name (Sara) is "Princess"
Sara was the wife of Abraham, and the Mother of Isaac ("The Child of Promise"). (Genesis 21:1-7).  Sara was 90 years old!!! when she gave birth to Isaac - (far beyond her Child-bearing years).

At the age of (127), Sara died and was buried - (Genesis 23:19-20). Sara is the only woman in the Bible whose age was recorded at death-A sign of her Great Importance to the early Hebrews.  The writer of Hebrews (In the New Testament) includes Sara as one of the Spiritual Heroines in his roll call of the Faithful. (Hebrews 11:11)- (From Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary).  [I urge you to buy a copy of this Bible Dictionary - it is Filled with helpful information.

Through many years of Bible study and prayer - Our LORD GOD has

given to me understanding that---that like a Tree that has DEEP, STRONG roots ---is more able to stand During, and Through, Storms!!! --- Just So - when we teach our children/grandchildren/ and Great-grandchildren that their parents, grandparents/Great grand- parents had Faith IN, and relationships WITH JESUS CHRIST!!! ---then those "Deep, Strong Roots" give children, grandchildren, and Great -grandchildren more strength and stability During, and

Through the "storms" that they WILL experience in their lives!!! 

HOLY GOD our FATHER has in HIS Infinite, and Intimate love so arranged my life (Psalm 139:16) ---that I am frequently reminded of the Faith of my Physical and Spiritual Family.


Because both of my BIRTH parents died in the year of my 6th Adoptive Parents taught me that my Birth Parents were active Followers of JESUS CHRIST; and that my Birth Mother was a Bible Teacher!!!  Thus GOD has enabled me to go through some "life storms", And HE continues to strengthen my faith as I live and Study HIS WORD!!!


1) Sara - the wife of Abraham - These Two are the 'Mother and Father' of our Faith (see Isaiah 51:2, and Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary).  Abraham and Sara gave birth to Isaac, Isaac fathered Jacob; Jacob was the father of the 12 Tribes of Israel; Judah was the tribe from which JESUS descended.

2) Sara - my Birth Mother (A Bible Teacher).

3) Jennifer Sara- my first Daughter.  Jennifer Sara went to heaven early - (when she was just over 7 weeks old).

Approximately 10 years after our daughter Jennifer went to heaven, our Most Gracious Heavenly Father GOD brought another "Sarah "(Sarah Grace) into our lives --- "Listen" to the beautiful way that our Heavenly Father brought  THIS ("Sarah Grace") into our lives:

On a certain Sunday ---After the Morning Worship Service, our families were standing outside the church building - just talking among ourselves...while my wife (Mary) and I were talking with one of the couples with which we are close (1) of the three daughters of that couple...spoke to her Father and pointed at me (Barry)...and said: "I must talk to that man"...SO our LORD had this little girl say to me: "Today, I gave my life to JESUS!!!  (That little girl's name is "SARAH GRACE"!!!!!!!!! (She is now an adult).

In the Bible the word for "Grace" has two (2) meanings:
a) "to be merciful, compassionate toward someone, and... 
b) "to give to someone un-merited favor, un-deserved 

SO, GOD our HEAVENLY FATHER, in HIS mercy and compassion, was giving to me HIS UN-MERITED favor and HIS UN-DESERVED blessings through that little girl (SARAH GRACE)!!!

When Katy, our oldest daughter finished school, she worked in an office in Monroe, Ga.  Katy's Friend/mentor at that job was SARA Malcom.  One day while Katy was pregnant with our first grandson (Chandler)...a car drove past a stop sign and collided with Katy's car.  The first person who came to see if Katy was "OK"... was SARA Malcom.

Recently (September 2024), at age 79 I was a patient at Northeast Georgia Medical Center...To undergo two (2) procedures on my (Physical) heart.   While I was in the hospital, the Holy Spirit touched my (Spiritual) heart to remind me that one of my nurses was a special young lady named SARA!!!

Let us all continue to pass on to others - spiritual strength, blessings, and faith to those whom we encounter this side of heaven!!!

GOD says in (Jeremiah 29:11) 'I know the plans I have for you, plans for good to give you hope and a future".

"JESUS CHRIST is the SAME yesterday, today,, and forever."  Hebrews 13:8).

" these last days has spoken to us by HIS SON JESUS - WHO became the brightness of HIS glory and the express image of HIS PERSON, and HE upholds, maintains, guides, and propels the universe by HIS mighty Word of Power." (Hebrews 1:3).
ALL GLORY to GOD MOST HIGH!!! (Psalm 47:22).

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