"Because YOU, LORD, are my Shepherd, I will not lack anything that I truly need. YOU have bedded me down in Lush Meadows, You find for me quiet pools to drink from. YOU restore my soul... (True to Your Word---You let me pause and catch my breath). YOU lead me in paths of righteousness for YOUR NAME'S SAKE.
Yes, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no evil--- for YOU are With Me. Your Shepherd's Staff makes me feel secure.
YOU serve me a six-course dinner in front of my enemies; YOU anoint my head with Your oil; my cup runs over with YOUR BLESSINGS!!!
SURELY YOUR LOVE AND MERCY will follow me ALL the days of my life; and I will live WITH YOU in Your house forever"!!! (Psalm 23:1-6 New King James Bible/The Message).
++++++++PICTURE THIS in your Mind and Your Heart:
(Acts 9:3-5) "As he (Saul) journeyed, he came near Damascus, and suddenly --- a BRIGHT LIGHT shined around him from Heaven. Then he fell to the ground...and he heard a voice speaking to him... and he said, 'Who are You, Lord?' Then the Lord said...I AM JESUS...".
Now ++++ PICTURE THIS: It COULD BE that The Light of GOD shined down on the Valley of Elah where David fought the giant Goliath. Goliath was 6 cubits (approximately 9 feet 9 inches) tall --- surely Goliath would have cast a Shadow...and Goliath certainly told David that he was going to put him to death (in this Valley). So (by God's Grace) David prevailed... "and Goliath crashed face-down in the dirt." (! Samuel 17: 32-51/The Message).
***Pardon me - But I MUST interject a Powerful note here: (a) The HOLY SPIRIT wrote many Psalms through David; this Psalm 23 (at the beginning of this message); and HE also wrote Psalm 22 through David: (b) The Valley where David killed Goliath was in the territory of Judah. (*** The name Judah means "Praise"). (c) In Psalm 22:3 GOD'S WORD states GOD"... enthrones HIS PRESENCE in the praises of (His people)..." !!!
(Psalm 46:10) "Be still and know, that I am GOD, I will be exalted (Praised and worshiped) among the nations".
(Isaiah 41:10) "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I AM your GOD, I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with MY righteous right hand."
May I paraphrase, Please...
++++This next section---Read this aloud to yourself 12 times in the next 15 days.....your days will be Blessed!!! ["He is Faithful to HIS WORD and to His Righteous Character." (2 Timothy 2:13/Amplified
Be still and know, that GOD is in control. Be still my soul; stand and watch the giants fall.
Rest in the LORD, don't strive; watch your faith and His grace align. I won't be afraid, YOU are with me, YOU hold me with your righteous right hand.
"Surely Love and Mercy, YOUR Peace and Kindness will follow me, will follow me.
Surely Love and Mercy, YOUR Peace and Kindness will follow me, will follow me.
Surely Love and Mercy, YOUR Peace and Kindness will follow me, will follow me..."
{Even better than reading it aloud to yourself..... HillSong Music has a Wonderful CD titled "There Is More" that includes a song titled "BE STILL". (And you know that songs are more "touching", and easier to remember. ++++ I urge you.....Give to yourself the Gift of buying that CD and listen to it!!!}
++++ You may have noticed that I sometimes put the plus (+) sign to draw your attention to a particular part of this (HIS) message... I put-- 4 -- crosses as a reminder that In Revelation 4:1 HIS WORD says "...a door standing open...and HE is saying..."...Come up here, and I will show you things that must take place..."