"IN JESUS it is just as if I had never sinned". (Romans 5:1)
"By entering through faith into what GOD has always wanted to do for us - set us right with HIM, make us fit for HIM - we have it all together with GOD because of JESUS; and that's not all: we throw open our doors to GOD and discover at the same moment that HE has already thrown open HIS doors to us. We find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand - out in the wide open spaces of GOD'S grace and glory, standing tall and shouting our praise to HIM"!!! (Romans 5:1/The MESSAGE).
Now "PICTURE" This in your mind and heart:
In the game of baseball, when a batter/baserunner hurries to Touch the base Before the defensive player can receive the ball and touch (the baserunner)---The Umpire/Official watches this action...and if the runner is successful in reaching the base--- the Umpire holds both his (own) hands out in front of himself---holding his hands flat - --spreading his hands and arms apart in a "sweeping" motion, and He declares the runner "SAFE".
And as the "baserunner" (me!/us!) Submit to, and rely on GOD our Heavenly Father---we will reach home (Heaven!) "SAFE"!!!
***Please, One more time...Picture this in your mind/heart: ### The "sweeping motion" of the umpire's arms represents JESUS CHRIST's arms being spread apart on the cross (and being nailed there), and HIS Blood/GOD's Word Wiping away all our sins!!!!!!!!! And so that makes us "as if we had NEVER SINNED"!! (Romans 5:1).
GOD is NOT an umpire - to call us "out", or "safe"--------HE IS our FATHER!!! By HIS SPIRIT within us HE is "our strength and our song", "always with us", "wisdom" (Isaiah 12:2/Matt. 28:20/Psalm 139/1 Cor. 1:30). IN HIM we can be SAFE here on the way...in HEAVEN we will be SAFE FOREVER from thieves, sorrow. fear, death, pain, sickness etc.!!!
"The punishment necessary for us to have peace was put upon HIM." (JESUS)!!! (Isaiah 53:5).
"The ETERNAL GOD is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting ARMS..." (Deuteronomy 33:27).
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