Thursday, August 11, 2022

++++ MAJESTY!!!!!++++

Cherry Grove Beach, South Carolina...                                                    Sitting on the balcony, looking at the Magnificent Ocean, the endless Sky, the innumerable ("uncountable") grains of sand!!!!!!!!!

Even with all the scientific research, and all the exploration that    Man has done.....Yet there still remain in the Ocean -  areas and wonders that man has not explored --- and of course not yet comprehended.

And the Sky (Space) --- HOW VAST?????????.                                     Light travels at a speed of 186,000 (one hundred and eighty-six thousand) miles per SECOND!!!  With the Hubble Telescope, and other instruments --- scientists are able to "see" stars that are so distant from earth---that the distance is measured in "Light YEARS"!!!!!!!!!  I will leave it up to You to calculate how MANY seconds there are in a year!  So how VAST IS SPACE???????

In Hebrews 1:1-3 (In the New Testament/Amplified Bible) GOD'S WORD says GOD'S "SON JESUS...upholds, maintains, guides, and propels the UNIVERSE by HIS MIGHTY WORD OF POWER"!!!!!!!!!

Let's think about the beauties of the Earth --- Majestic Waterfalls, the   intimate and rich beauty of flowers, the stars in the sky, beautiful lakes, mountains, rivers,...the Oceans .....GOD did not send HIS SON JESUS to die for the oceans, waterfalls, flowers, etc.   JESUS Died on the CROSS to Save You and Me from our sins!!!!!

AHA! You thought that you were finished with calculating the Vastness of Space, the Oceans,etc!                                                           As I look down at the beach.....HOW MANY grains of sand are in that small red bucket that is being carried by that little girl as she runs down the beach???  How many grains of sand on this Whole beach???  How about on ALL of the beaches in the World???  AND how many on ALL the Deserts of the WORLD?????

"How Precious also are YOUR thoughts to Me, O GOD!!!  How great is the Sum of them!  If I should count them, they would be MORE in number than the sand." (Psalm 139:17-18).  

Even beyond SAVING us...GOD wants us EACH ...(And HE has already paid the price for us) to have a PERSONAL RELATION with HIM!!!  JESUS loves us So Much that HE wants to give to us --- "GINOSKO"!!!!!       DEFINITION: know, ginosko, ["ghin-oce-koe"] to perceive, understand, come to know...It is the RECOGNITION of TRUTH BY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE." (John 8:32).

HIS plan is for  US to recognize the TRUTH OF WHO  HE  IS BY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE!!!  JESUS says in (John 16:13)  "HE         (The HOLY SPIRIT) will guide you into all Truth."

GOD Created the earth and all things --- So HE could live anywhere HE wants...But HE CHOOSES to live in OUR HEARTS!!!

Ask JESUS to forgive your sins, and to come live in your heart;  Ask HIM to fill you with The HOLY SPIRIT. (Mark 1:8).

So what are You and I to do?..... Through the situations in our lives, we are to continue to submit to JESUS.  As time goes on, we will experience more and more of HIM!!!

The intimacy of "knowing" (Ginosko) is already in place in HIS heart---HE knows our every thought before we think it, our every word before we speak it (Psalm 139:1-24).

HE is calling both You and me to Experience HIM for OURSELVES!!!  Let us read HIS WORD regularly, asking The HOLY SPIRIT to guide us into all TRUTH.

GINOSKO!!! PERSONALLY EXPERIENCE JESUS!!!!!!!!!  HE is Eagerly waiting for us to ask HIM!!! 

Thursday, July 7, 2022

+++++ DESPERATION ++++

Recently, I was watching a News Program on television. In one part  of the news, they did a feature story about a young actress who is acting in a new movie.  They included the information that Thousands  of fans "follow her" on social media, etc.

[I do not remember her name --- that is a clue about her "Crying out    in Desperation"].                                                                                      Definition--- Desperation: "Almost Without Hope."                           

The Words of her desperation were:                                                        "WHO AM I???  Am I who I think I am?  Am I the person (the role)    that I play in the movie???  Am I who OTHER people think that          I am???  What is my identity??????

As I watched her in her pain and confusion.....The HOLY Spirit            brought to my Remembrance (John 14:26) a little chorus/song that      I Sing as I take a shower --- here are the words to that song that I          sing:

"JESUS, YOU are my IDENTITY.  JESUS, YOU are my SECURITY.  JESUS, YOU are my EVERYTHING,                                                    and I LOVE YOU, LOVE YOU SO."                                                      ***** As the soap and water clean the outside of my body...                  the TRUTH that I am singing Cleans and Calms my heart, my Spirit,   my mind and my soul. ***                         

GOD says in HIS Word that "...HE created us in HIS IMAGE." (Genesis 1:27).

[ALL of us have Tarnished His image as shown in us - by our own sins, and by the evil that is in this world-----

So, as HE declares in HIS WORD:                                                          "And all of we continue to behold in THE WORD OF GOD...  are being transformed into HIS very image..." (2 Corinthians 3:18/      Amplified Bible).

And the HOLY SPIRIT continued to bring to my remembrance HIS      WORDS OF TRUTH to Confirm/Make more Settled in my heart, spirit, mind, and soul...the TRUTH in several categories:

(A)(1. I AM LOVED BY GOD MY FATHER:  "HE CHOSE ME,          ADOPTED ME, and ACCEPTED ME as HIS IN JESUS."                  (Ephesians 1:1-6). (2. FATHER loves me so much that HE gave HIS ONLY SON to Die for me so that I might know/experience HIS LOVE. (John 3:16).

3, Nothing can separate me (not even my faults)  from GOD'S LOVE for ME.  (Romans 8:39).

(B) I AM PLEASING IN MY FATHER'S EYE:                                      (1) "FATHER'S thoughts toward me are always good and filled with    hope for me. (Jeremiah 29:11).                                                                (2)FATHER is so pleased with me being HIS child that HE will neve    leave me and HE wants to meet all my needs. (Luke 15:31).

(C) I have PURPOSE in my Father: "I am GOD'S ambassador to the        world. (I am to re-present HIM to the world).

(D) GOD is not ashamed of me. "JESUS is not ashamed of me".          (Hebrews 2:11/Hebrews 11:16).

(E) GOD HAS FORGIVEN ME:  "GOD has redeemed me and for-      given all my sins. (Col. 1:14/1 John 1:9).

(F) I AM ACCEPTED BY MY FATHER.                                                "I am called a child of GOD".  "I am called JESUS CHRIST'S             Friend." (John 1:12/John 15:15).

(G) I AM SECURE IN MY FATHER. "My FATHER is always for me, not against me. (Romans 8:31).  "I am hidden with JESUS IN THE       FATHER. (Col. 3:3).

(H) FATHER DOES NOT JUDGE ME. "GOD did not send HIS SON   to die for me so that I might be judged by Him.  When I believe in Him, I am not judged. (John 3:16-18/John 12:47).

YOU can get YOUR OWN COMPLETE LIST at Shiloh Place Ministries

On OUR journey from Desperation ----- to Peace and Rest...I ask you   to ask the HOLY SPIRIT to (1) guide you into the TRUTH. (John 16:13).  (2) Declare these Truths Frequently Aloud to Yourself.             (3) SING the song Daily:

"JESUS, YOU'RE MY IDENTITY!!!                                                       "JESUS, YOU ARE MY SECURITY!!!                                                   "JESUS YOU ARE MY EVERYTHING!!!                                             "AND I LOVE YOU, LOVE YOU SO!!!"

"HE gave the right to become Children of GOD to those who believe in HIM." (John 1:12/Amplified Bible).

"I AM CALLED A CHILD OF GOD". (John 1:12).                                "I AM CALLED JESUS CHRIST'S FRIEND". (John 15:15).

"JESUS, YOU ARE MY IDENTITY,                                                        AND I LOVE YOU, LOVE YOU SO!!!" 



Thursday, June 2, 2022


"CHRIST JESUS --- Therefore GOD has highly exalted HIM and given HIM the NAME which is ABOVE EVERY NAME"!!! (Philippians 2:9).

(Please, let me insert a clarifying note here: It does NOT say above every Other name - Through study I have learned that in Hebrew thought the name cannot be separated from the person---and certainly JESUS is above every person.)

"Nor is there Salvation in any other, for there is no other name under which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12).

For health reasons --- I try to average 8 hours sleep per night.  Recently, I had experienced several consecutive nights in which I slept only 5-6 hours per night.  Then I had a night which gave to me the opportunity to sleep late the next morning---so that I  could "make-up" for the sleep which I had missed.

But on that morning...I awoke Earlier than normal --- and I could Not go back to sleep!  But then the HOLY SPIRIT brought to my remembrance God's Word (As HE promises in John 14:26).  So HE guided  me to:                                                                                          1) slow my breathing rate to the normal breathing rate for sleeping;      2) HE guided and enabled me to silently REPEAT the following:          a) "JESUS' SHALOM"                                                                              b)"JESUS' REST"                                                                                    c) "JESUS' SLEEP"

So HE had me focus on JESUS, rest in Him--- JESUS IS "the WORD of GOD.  JESUS IS "the TRUTH"  (Revelation 19:13; John 14:6);  And to CONTINUE repeating those Truths/Words.  Soon, I did indeed fall back to sleep; and I did sleep for several hours --- and I awakened feeling rested and refreshed!!!

"So shall MY WORD shall not return to Me void, but it will accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11)

Definition: Peace, Shalom ("sha-loam"), Strong's # 7965.  "wholeness, completion, peace, health, welfare, safety, tranquility, rest, harmony; the absence of war and conflict. Thus SHALOM is much MORE than the absence of war and conflict; it is the Wholeness that the entire human race seeks!  (Nahum 1:15).

These Declarations shall produce Fruit - SHALOM -  in any  situation!!!                                                                                               "THE NAME - "JESUS"                                                                       "THE TRUTH - "SHALOM"                                                               "THE FRUIT - PEACE, SLEEP, REST

The night after Our LORD had me write (THE ABOVE)--- I had a Bad dream.                                                                                               After I awoke, HOLY SPIRIT reminded me to continue repeating:       THE NAME - "JESUS"                                                                           THE TRUTH - "SHALOM"                                                                      THE FRUIT - "PEACE, SLEEP" --- and there HE had me back in Peace and joy!!!!!!!!!

FOR THE GLORY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST!!!                                              

Tuesday, May 10, 2022


"For GOD, WHO gives seed to the farmer to plant, and good crops to harvest and eat...more and more seed to plant...and HE will make it that you can give away more and more...

Yes, GOD will give you much so that you can give away much... and when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will break out into thanksgiving and Praise to GOD for your help.  Those that you help will be glad not only because of your generous gifts to themselves and to others, but they will PRAISE GOD!!!       And they will pray for you with deep fervor and feeling because of the wonderful grace of GOD through you.

Thank GOD for His SON --- His  GIFT TOO WONDERFUL FOR WORDS." (2 Corinthians 9: 10-15/Living Bible).

May I share with you a Personal Experience  of "Too Wonderful for words" ---  A few years ago, on a Sunday Morning at Church...we had the Most Wonderful Worship Service --- In the Praise and Worship---  we could FEEL the Love and Presence of GOD as we Thanked and Praised and Worshiped HIM!!!

After that Service, I was driving home...and I began to Thank and Praise GOD  for that time of experiencing HIS PRESENCE!!!!!!!  I remember saying..."LORD, I would not exchange that time in YOUR Presence...for one hundred dollars!!!"  (Quickly I realized that value/numbers of money was Far too LOW.)  Then I said         "I would not exchange that experience of YOUR Presence for One THOUSAND Dollars!!!"  (Again I realized that was a value that was too small to be compared to experiencing HIS  PRESENCE!!!")  So then I said "I would not exchange that experience for One HUNDRED THOUSAND Dollars!!!"  Then I said "I would not exchange that experience with YOU for a MILLION DOLLARS!!!"

Well, HOLY GOD our HEAVENLY FATHER --- in HIS gracious Love --- allowed me "rattle on" with numbers and words for a while --- Then as I spent some (Quiet) time before HIM---to Listen to HIM, HE gave to me understanding ---                                            (God speaking to me) - "You cannot Measure things of MY Kingdom with earthly measures like dollars, hours, days, words, numbers of prayers, etc."

HE does say in (Ephesians 3:20/Amplified Bible): "Now to HIM WHO - is able to carry out HIS purpose and do super-abundantly, far over and above all that we (dare) ask or think, infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams..."

Now, let us visit in (John 21:1-14) where the disciples experience "Breakfast by the sea."

"After these things JESUS showed HIMSELF to the disciples near the Sea of Tiberias/Galilee.   (verses 5-6) JESUS told them "Cast your net on the right side of the boat..." and then they were not able to pull in the net because of the MULTITUDE of fish."              (verses 9-12): "Then as soon as (the disciples) had come to the shore, they saw a fire of coals on the shore --- JESUS said to them   "come and eat breakfast."  Yet none of the disciples dared ask Him  'WHO are YOU?' knowing that it was THE LORD."

(From the footnotes of Study Bible): "The miraculous catch of fish and breakfast with their MASTER convinced them of WHO HE WAS, and yet left them too awed to spoil with words the wonder of HIS Presence and actions."

So now, you, and me - what are we to do?

We are to CONTINUE to Thank GOD, Praise HIM, and Worship HIM!!!!!!!!!

"WORTHY is the LAMB to receive Honor and Glory...Forever and ever!" (Revelation 5:12-13).

What about Experiencing HIS PRESENCE?
In (Psalm 22:3) HE declares: "But YOU are HOLY, Enthroned in the PRAISES of (Your people)."

THANK GOD for HIS SON - HIS GIFT too wonderful for words." (2 Corinthians 9:15/Living Bible)

Thursday, April 14, 2022

++++"NO ONE BUT YOU...++++

 JESUS..."HE is the very image of GOD'S nature, UPHOLDING and MAINTAINING, GUIDING and PROPELLING the UNIVERSE by HIS MIGHTY WORD of POWER". (Hebrews 1:3/Amplified Bible).

"HE (JESUS) said to them...truly, I say to you, if you have faith (that is living) like a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, Move from here to yonder place, and it will move...". (Matthew 17:20/Amplified Bible).

But HE (JESUS) answered and said to them...I tell you that if these (people) should keep silent (and not Praise Me), the stones would immediately cry out". (Luke 19:40).

Then HIS disciples came to HIM...saying, 'LORD, save us!  We are perishing!'  JESUS arose and rebuked the wind and the sea, and there was a great and wonderful calm". (Matthew 8:25-26/Amplified Bible).

"In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried out to my GOD. HE heard my voice...and my cry entered His ears". (2 Samuel 22:7).

"HE sent from above...HE drew me out of many waters. HE delivered me from my strong enemy...The LORD was my support.  HE brought me out of a tight place into a broad place...HE delivered me...

"Therefore I will give thanks to YOU, O LORD, among the nations, and sing praises to YOUR NAME."!!!

"HE is the tower of salvation....HE shows mercy to David and his descendants forevermore". (2 Samuel 22:7-51).

"WHO can spin the WORLD around...and hold Me ever close?

"WHO can make the rocks cry out, and make the mountains bow?

"WHO can still the powerful storm...and calm My very Soul?

"The Lord of my soul, the KING of my heart...JESUS its YOU"!!!

HOLY GOD our FATHER made EACH and EVERY one of us a UNIQUE person. (Psalm 139).  HE paid the same price for EVERY one of US. (John 3:16).  No one ELSE can fulfill the purpose that HE has planned for YOU and for Me. (Jeremiah 29:11).

"WHO can spin the WORLD around...and hold Me ever close?

"WHO can make the rocks cry out, and make the mountains bow?

"WHO can Still the powerful storm...and calm My very Soul?

"The LORD of my soul, The KING of My heart...JESUS its YOU!!!

PLEASE - receive HIS Blessing as you read aloud to yourself (these questions above) 12 times in the next 15 days.  Better yet, because songs are easier to remember - Get the CD from Hillsong Music titled "AWAKE"...Sing Along! 

JESUS declares "I AM with you always". (Matthew 28:20).

"WHO can spin the World around...and hold Me ever close?


 NO one but YOU.

Friday, March 25, 2022

*** "REMEMBER" **

 ALL of us like to be remembered.                                                           NO ONE likes to be forgotten.

Let's look in the Old Testament of GOD'S WORD (The BIBLE) at the Book of 1 Samuel, Chapter 1:1 - 2:21:                                       

Hannah, the wife of Elkanah, strongly - even desperately - wanted to have a child ----- and she could not.

(1 Samuel 1:7)- So it was, year by year, when she went up to the house of the LORD...she wept and did not eat.

(1 Samuel 1:11)- "So she (Hannah)...said, 'O LORD of HOSTS, if YOU will...look on me (Your maidservant) and remember me, and not forget me, and give to me a male child, then I will GIVE HIM to the LORD all the days of his life..."

(verse 19) Then they rose early in the morning and Worshiped before the LORD, and returned to their home.  And Elkanah knew Hannah  his wife, and the LORD remembered her.  (v. 20) So it came to pass in the process of time that Hannah conceived and gave birth to a son, and she called his name "Samuel".  (The meaning of the name "Samuel" is "heard by GOD").

In (1 Samuel 1:19) "...and the LORD remembered her..." does Not imply that HE had forgotten her, but rather that HE is now going to bring HIS ANSWER TO HANNAH'S PRAYER and unfold HIS PURPOSES!!!

(1 Samuel 2:18)  "...and Samuel served before the LORD even as a child...".

The similarities between JESUS and the boy Samuel are striking!        Both were children of Promise.  Both were dedicated to GOD before birth.  Both were "bridges" of transition from one stage of the nation's (Israel) to another stage.  Samuel combined the offices of Prophet and Priest;  JESUS CHRIST is Prophet, Priest, Messiah, and King (of Kings!!!)  (Revelation 19:16).

HOLY GOD does Not forget You -He does not forget me:                      "How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O GOD.  How great is the sum of them: They are more than the grains of sand." (Psalm 139:17-18).

Most all of us have visited, or seen, a beach...HOW MANY grains of sand were on the beach that you saw?  How many grains on All the beaches in the WORLD???  How many on All the DESERTS of the world?

Our GOD MOST HIGH (Psalm 42:7) does remember us.  HE WILL CONTINUE to REMEMBER us!!!

Here, now, let me add an additional note about Hannah:                       "And the LORD attended to Hannah, so that she conceived and bore a total of Four sons and two daughters,"  (1 Samuel 2:21).

So... YOU and Me---what are we to do?                                                 (As did Hannah) We are to pray-pour out our hearts to GOD, PRAISE HIM, Thank HIM, fast before HIM, Worship HIM!!!  And Trust that HE Will (in HIS Perfect time (Psalm 139:16) bring to us HIS answer to our prayers, AND unfold HIS purposes!!!

HE will remember/answer in accord with HIS character - "...more than we can dream "...or dare ask..." (Ephesians 3:20/Amplified Bible).  REMEMBER, Hannah asked for "...a male child"; GOD gave to her 4 sons and 2 daughters!!! (1 Samuel 2:21).

***  "REMEMBER ** 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022


 "Because YOU, LORD, are my Shepherd, I will not lack anything that I truly need.  YOU have bedded me down in Lush Meadows, You find for me quiet pools to drink from.   YOU restore my soul...       (True to Your Word---You let me pause and catch my breath).  YOU lead me in paths of righteousness for YOUR NAME'S SAKE.

Yes, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no evil--- for YOU are With Me.  Your Shepherd's Staff makes me feel secure.

YOU serve me a six-course dinner in front of my enemies; YOU anoint my head with Your oil; my cup runs over with YOUR BLESSINGS!!!

SURELY YOUR LOVE AND MERCY will follow me ALL the days of my life; and I will live WITH YOU in Your house forever"!!!                   (Psalm 23:1-6 New King James Bible/The Message).

++++++++PICTURE THIS in your Mind and Your Heart:

(Acts 9:3-5) "As he (Saul) journeyed, he came near Damascus, and suddenly --- a BRIGHT LIGHT shined around him from Heaven.         Then he fell to the ground...and he heard a voice speaking to him... and he said, 'Who are You, Lord?'  Then the Lord said...I AM JESUS...".

Now ++++ PICTURE THIS:  It COULD BE that The Light of GOD shined down on the Valley of Elah where David fought the giant Goliath.  Goliath was 6 cubits (approximately 9 feet 9 inches) tall --- surely Goliath would have cast a Shadow...and Goliath certainly told  David  that he was going to put him to death (in this Valley).  So (by God's Grace) David prevailed... "and Goliath crashed face-down in the dirt." (! Samuel 17: 32-51/The Message).

***Pardon me - But I MUST interject a Powerful note here:                (a) The HOLY SPIRIT wrote many Psalms through David; this Psalm 23 (at the beginning of this message); and HE also wrote Psalm 22 through David:                                                                                        (b) The Valley where David killed Goliath was in the territory of Judah. (*** The name Judah means "Praise").                                        (c) In Psalm 22:3 GOD'S WORD states GOD"... enthrones HIS PRESENCE in the praises of (His people)..." !!!

(Psalm 46:10) "Be still and know, that I am GOD, I will be exalted      (Praised and worshiped) among the nations".

(Isaiah 41:10) "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I AM your GOD,  I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with MY righteous right hand."

May I paraphrase, Please...

++++This next section---Read this aloud to yourself 12 times in the next 15 days.....your days will be Blessed!!!  ["He is Faithful to HIS WORD and to His Righteous Character." (2 Timothy 2:13/Amplified 

Be still and know, that GOD is in control.                                                Be still my soul; stand and watch the giants fall.

Rest in the LORD, don't strive; watch your faith and His grace align.  I won't be afraid, YOU are with me, YOU hold me with your righteous right hand.

"Surely Love and Mercy, YOUR Peace and Kindness will follow me, will follow me.

Surely Love and Mercy, YOUR Peace and Kindness will follow me, will follow me.

Surely Love and Mercy, YOUR Peace and Kindness will follow me, will follow me..."

{Even better than reading it aloud to yourself.....                                   HillSong Music has a Wonderful CD titled "There Is More" that includes a song titled "BE STILL".  (And you know that songs are more "touching", and easier to remember.                                                ++++ I urge you.....Give to yourself the Gift of buying that CD and listen to it!!!}

++++ You may have noticed that I sometimes put the plus (+) sign to  draw your attention to a particular part of this (HIS) message...            I put-- 4 -- crosses as a reminder that In Revelation 4:1 HIS WORD says "...a door standing open...and HE is saying..."...Come up here, and I will show you things that must take place..."  


Tuesday, February 8, 2022

**** "SAFE" ****

"IN JESUS it is just as if I had never sinned". (Romans 5:1)

                              "By entering through faith into what GOD has always wanted to do for us - set us right with HIM, make us fit for HIM - we have it all together with GOD because of JESUS; and that's not all:  we throw open our doors to GOD and discover at the same moment that HE has already thrown open HIS doors to us.  We find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand - out in the wide open spaces of  GOD'S grace and glory, standing tall and shouting our praise to HIM"!!! (Romans 5:1/The MESSAGE).

Now "PICTURE" This in your mind and heart:

In the game of baseball, when a batter/baserunner hurries to Touch the base Before the defensive player can receive the ball and touch (the baserunner)---The Umpire/Official watches this action...and if the runner is successful in reaching the base--- the Umpire holds both his  (own) hands out in front of himself---holding his hands flat - --spreading his hands and arms apart in a "sweeping" motion, and He declares the runner  "SAFE".

And as the "baserunner" (me!/us!) Submit to, and rely on GOD our Heavenly Father---we will reach home (Heaven!) "SAFE"!!!

***Please, One more time...Picture this in your mind/heart:                 ### The "sweeping motion" of the umpire's arms represents JESUS CHRIST's arms being spread apart on the cross (and being nailed there), and HIS Blood/GOD's Word Wiping away all our sins!!!!!!!!!  And so that makes us "as if we had NEVER SINNED"!! (Romans 5:1).

GOD is NOT an umpire - to call us "out", or "safe"--------HE IS            our FATHER!!!  By HIS SPIRIT within us HE is "our strength and our song", "always with us", "wisdom" (Isaiah 12:2/Matt. 28:20/Psalm 139/1 Cor. 1:30).  IN HIM we can be SAFE here on the HEAVEN we will be SAFE FOREVER from thieves, sorrow. fear, death, pain, sickness etc.!!!

"The punishment necessary for us to have peace was put upon HIM."  (JESUS)!!! (Isaiah 53:5).

"The ETERNAL GOD is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting ARMS..." (Deuteronomy 33:27).



Thursday, January 20, 2022

****"NURTURE LIFE!!!"****

Recently, I had a dream.....In the dream I was among a large group of people in an outside area, it was night.   Every person in the group was carrying a candle, and each person had already lit their candle.

The crowd started a game---the object of the game was to see which person could blow out/extinguish the most candles (candles which others were holding).

During the game...I blew out/extinguished the most candles.

In the days following the dream...HOLY GOD our FATHER put together the happenings of the dream with with some events from earlier times in my life:
1) On a hot summer afternoon, I was taking a walk along a paved road near our home.  As I arrived at the top of a hill, I saw a butterfly on the pavement - it was injured, it could not fly.  Very carefully, I picked up the butterfly, and carried it across the road.  I gently placed it in the grass (well away from the road), and in a place where the sun was shining brightly on that grass.

2) On yet another sunny summer afternoon, I stepped out of our garage-onto the gravel in front of our garage... Although there was ONLY  gravel there (no flowers nearby), still, there was a beautiful butterfly perched on the gravel.  It, also, was unable to fly.  So I gently picked it up and carried it over to the edge of the woods where there  
were some flowers growing in the warm sunshine.  I placed the butterfly near the flowers in the warm sunshine.

 HOLY GOD OUR FATHER began to give me the understanding that I am to be one who NURTURES LIFE.

Many of you already know that butterflies are considered to be a symbol of LIFE.

I Thessalonians 2:7 - "But we were gentle among you, just as a nursing mother cherishes her own children." 

The Greek word (thalpo) (Strongs # 2282) used here in the New  Testament---means: to cherish, to warm, to tenderly care. The word means literally "keep warm".  Also, the Greek word (pneuma) is used for "spirit", "air", and "wind". (Strongs # 4151),
(John 6:63) (JESUS speaking) - "It is the Spirit Who gives life...The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life."

So, what are you (and I) to do???
We are NOT to blow out/extinguish the candle in others.

We are to frequently ASK, and ALLOW, the Holy Spirit to speak JESUS' words through our thoughts, our words, our prayers, and our actions --- to nurture...nourish...tenderly care for ...keep warm---His life in others.

JESUS says "I AM the light." (John 8:12).

(JESUS speaking) "It is the Spirit WHO gives life...the words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life." (John 6:63).