Thursday, June 4, 2020

JESUS IS!!! COMING BACK----------QUICKLY???-------YES!!!!!!!!!!

Hmmmmm--- We will get to the rest of the answer of that question in a few minutes.....
But for now, let's look at  GOD and time...

A number of years ago, before I retired from my job, I had an experience that demonstrated
to me how VERY QUICKLY things can happen.

In my work office, my furniture was arranged so that I could sit at my desk and look out
the window.  Just outside my office was a small parking lot, and just beyond the parking lot
was a city street.

Near 6:00 PM on a certain day, I was working at my desk, and I saw a car coming down the
street .....the  car was moving at a very high speed!!!  Suddenly I heard the car's tires "squealing"
as if the driver were trying to stop very quickly!!!

The very INSTANT that I heard the sound of the tires "squealing".....I began praying for the
people in the vehicle-----Approximately 2 seconds later I heard a VERY LOUD  "CRASH-BANG"
as 2 vehicles slammed together!!!!!

Immediately, I arose from my desk and walked to the front of the building---where I could go
outside and clearly see the scene of the collision.  I watched an ambulance arrive,
and saw the emergency medical team load one patient into the ambulance, and then watched
the ambulance drive away.

As I watched closely, I discerned that the vehicle which I saw speed by my window.....had crashed
into a small car---which had been crossing the intersection.

A day or two later, I found out that the small car ...which had been struck---had been driven by my
co-worker and friend Agnes  Smith; and I learned that she was the person whom the ambulance
had transported to the hospital.

Another day later I learned that Agnes had sustained a "serious injury" in the accident.  (Of course I continued praying for Agnes!!!)  Only a few weeks later, Agnes returned to work---
--she was feeling "fine, and ready to work".  PRAISE GOD INDEED!!!!!!!!!
Now, let us take a careful look into how very quickly things can happen.....First, we will examine
"quickness" from a Biblical  example:  (1 Corinthians 15:52...titled 'Our Final Victory)':
"Behold, I tell you a mystery;  We shall NOT all sleep, but we shall ALL be changed....In a MOMENT, in the TWINKLING  of an eye, at the last trumpet.  For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we all shall be changed."
"IN  A MOMENT".....

MOMENT,  atomos ("at-om-oss") Strong's Concordance #823: Compare 'atomic".    Un-cut. indivisible, un-dissected, infinitely small.  The word, when used of time, it represents an extremely
short unit of time, a flash, an instant, a unit of time that cannot be divided.  A second can be  calibrated to one-tenth,  one-hundredth, and  one-thousandth of a second.  But how do you calibrate an Atomic second??? JESUS CHRIST'S return will be in an atomic second."

I have spent much time re-examining the time that passed between me seeing that car FLASH
through my vision.....and the time that I heard the CRASHING sound of the collision of the cars.
I am very SURE that it was no more than 2 seconds. ( IF that is difficult for you to believe...I PERSONALLY  experienced this incident.

Knowing that HOLY GOD can do more than we dare ask (Ephesians 3:20)...Through that 2 second prayer...HOLY GOD saved Agnes for how many days, weeks, months, years!!!
ONLY GOD KNOWS those details!!!
Another question: How many people will JESUS save through Agnes' life???
For how many days will those people live???
As we  move from life into eternity...where there is NO END???
ONLY HOLY GOD knows the answers.  HE holds the people in His heart!!!

WE must commit to GOD that we will pray whenever He calls on us; knowing that HE will answer in accord with HIS RIGHTEOUS CHARACTER!!!

In closing, let's see in HIS WORD what HE says about HIS answers to our prayers:
(from Ephesians 3:20/The Amplified bible): 
"Now to HIM WHQ by His power that is at work in us is able to carry out HIS purpose and do
superabundantly, far over and above all that we dare ask or think---infinitely beyond our highest
prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams...TO HIM BE ALL GLORY!!!!!!!!!

Let us say "Amen" with our lips, our thoughts, our hearts, and our actions.  

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