Tuesday, April 28, 2020

*** ONE *****

WHILE STUDYING MY BIBLE , I was reading in II Chronicles, chapters 5 and 6-----

As I read about Solomon building the temple of GOD, and His PRAISE AND PRAYER 
in the dedication of the completed temple-----

II Chronicles 5:12-14---
"As it came to pass when the priests came out of the Most Holy Place...and the Levites
who were the singers.....and one hundred twenty priests sounding with trumpets---

"Indeed it came to pass, when the trumpeters and singers were as ONE, to make ONE
sound to be heard in praising and thanking the LORD, and when they lifted up their
voice (ONE!!!) with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and praised
the LORD, saying 'For HE is good, For HIS mercy endures forever', that the house of
the LORD was filled with a cloud, so that the priests could not stand to minister because
of the cloud; for the GLORY of the LORD FILLED the house of GOD."

As I read this---the HOLY SPIRIT just lifted me up in ecstasy - when He gave to me the
understanding of how all of this comes together...

JESUS' prayer in John 17:21-24....."that they all may be ONE, as YOU, FATHER are in
ME, and I in YOU; that they also may be ONE in US, that the world may believe that YOU
Have sent ME, and have loved them as YOU have loved ME."

"FATHER, I desire that they also whom YOU gave ME may be with ME where I am, that
they may behold MY glory which YOU have given ME; for YOU loved ME before the
foundation of the world.

In Genesis 9:12-17 GOD established  His covenant with us; the SIGN of the covenant which I
make between ME and you for perpetual generations: I set MY rainbow in the cloud, and it shall
be for the sign of the covenant between ME and the earth.
[A rainbow is composed of Light, water vapor, and the Faithful,Covenant Love of GOD.
In John 8:12 JESUS declares : "I AM THE LIGHT".]

GOD'S covenant FULFILLED: The proclamation of Solomon in the temple of GOD that "the house of
the LORD was filled with a cloud...for the glory of the LORD filled the house of GOD." (II Chronicles 5:11-14).

GOD'S covenant FULFILLED: GOD enthrones HIMSELF IN our  praises...(Psalm 22:3).( as long as we are on earth and praise HIM.)

All of (the above) building into His fulfillment when we are as ONE in praise and worship as we see HIS GLORY when we are with HIM in heaven.

"HE (JESUS) upholds, maintains, guides, and propels the UNIVERSE by HIS mighty Word of Power..."  (Hebrews 1:3/Amplified Bible).

Let us bow before HIM.....And Let HIM Uphold, Maintain, Guide, and Propel US in Praise, Worship and giving JESUS ALL HONOR!!!!!!!!!!!!

AMEN!!! LET IT BE SO!!!!!!!!!  

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