Monday, March 11, 2019

"JOURNEY    TO    THE    SUN (SON OF GOD!!!!!!!!!

" A Revelatory manifestation, especially of a Divine Being."
*****Please, pray now- asking the HOLY SPIRIT to "guide you into the truth".****
Hey!!! Have you experienced one of those recently?  Of course the BIBLE Lists many
of these:
JESUS IS HIMSELF  the most important, crucial ONE:
(crucial-  definition: extremely important or significant; (from the Latin "crux", cruc, cross).
JESUS manifests the  HEART OF GOD!!!

In recent years Mary (my wife from God) and I have prayerfully chosen to go to the beach
in October --- when children are in school (and thus the beach is less crowded and noisy).

During October of a recent year, Mary and I were at Daytona, Florida for a few days ---
On a particular afternoon, Mary and I came in from the beach earlier than usual - because
the weather was getting quite cool.

It was cool in our room also.  We attempted to turn the air conditioning off; and turn the heat on...
We could not get the heat to come on.  Because of that I was uncomfortably cool.
I then decided to go down the first floor, and walk outside the westward-facing door - so
that I could sit on a bench facing the sun.

[ Please, allow me to insert a parenthetical note here]. 
Our  gracious and most Holy
God has taught me over the years to pray about wherever I go --- even for a moment to sit in
the sun. 
Which way (or which route I take) to a location determines who I will see and/or determines
who will see me.  Both are important - Because  GOD  guides and enables me---and I will
pray for whom I see,  and/or whomever sees me will see the WORD OF GOD on the t-shirt
which I am wearing at the time.....and it could be they will pray for me also. [As I have frequently
stated in this blog  -  in Psalm 139:16 it is written that GOD has "written down our every day before
the day of our birth"] HE already knows who needs my prayer, and who HE wants to pray for

I apologize for the length of that inserted note  -  But it is crucial for clarity in the following story.

So, as I arrived at the ground floor of the building, then I stepped out into the warm sunlight,
I noticed that there were three (3) benches facing the  GOD'S GRACE - I chose to sit on
the end of the 3rd bench.
As I sat on the end of the 3rd bench, I asked the man who was already sitting there -"Do you
mind if I sit with you?"  He welcomed me to sit there.

While we sat there, we began to discuss  GOD'S WORD/THE BIBLE ; we both agreed that we

As we  continued talking, the Man said that He was waiting to catch the bus to Orlando, Florida,
and that He had a good recommendation for a good job in Orlando, and that He had been out of
a job for a long time.

WE continued talking, and the Man asked me if I would please give to Him 56 cents (fifty-six cents).
He said that was all the money that He lacked in order to pay for the bus ticket.

Quickly I searched all of my pockets, and I found  ONLY a key to our room in which my wife and I
were staying.  So I asked Him, "PLEASE wait right here, and I will go up to my room, get the money, and bring it to You"...  He agreed to wait.  As I rode the elevator up to our room, I decided to give to Him MORE  than (fifty six cents).  I found a $10.00 bill in our room, and purposed to give that to him.

He received the $10.00 gratefully.  At about that time the bus to Orlando stopped directly across from
us, so He stood up, we exchanged "good bye"s,  and as He walked away, I told Him that "I will be praying for You".  He thanked me.

Because the bus stop was on the far side of the street, I could not actually see Him board the bus; but when the bus pulled away...I could see that He was no longer on the sidewalk.
I remember thinking "..when I first sat by the Man --- (that) HE had the most serene peace and gentle love about Him...

As I have prayed about this (encounter) over the intervening years, I have concluded that this was indeed an "epiphany": ('A revelatory manifestation-especially of a Divine Being).

We must remember that  JESUS CHRIST   - HE WHO   IS   "THE TRUTH" (John 14:6),
states in Matthew 28:20  "I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS."

(1 Chronicles 16:29-30)            

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