One afternoon, as I walked in the sunshine, (of course Jesus Christ was with me- He says in Matthew
28:20 - "I am with you always.")
So, as I walked, I was meditating on Jesus Christ "The Living Word", and the written Word (the BIBLE).
The road on which I do most of my walking is a nice quiet country road through the woods.
Once you reach the top of the first hill.....then you walk down the hill. This "down" side of the
hill is long, but not very steep. As I look down that hill.....there is not even one house or other
building. All you can see is trees and mountains.
Walking down the hill, on the left side of the road there is a small creek. As you walk along,
you can HEAR the creek...hear the water splashing over the rocks.
(Now, let me add a "parenthetical insertion" to clarify some of the names, relationships, etc.
For those of you who do not know me personally - My birth parents ( Taft and Sarah Coker),
died due to illness when I was age 6. So, I was an orphan (?), on my way to becoming a foster child. [Why the question mark after the word "orphan"?] Usually, if we hear anything on the news about
foster care.....it will be something negative! But there are many very Fine Foster Parents!!!
For 34+ years I worked for an agency that handled foster families' cases and there were/are many
Very Fine Foster Parents!!!
BUT GOD!!!!!!!
In the terms of THIS world, (technically) I was an orphan - headed for foster care.
In the TRUTH of GOD'S KINGDOM, I was NEVER an orphan!!!.....
"Blessed be the GOD and FATHER of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, WHO has blessed us with
every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ...just as HE CHOSE us in JESUS CHRIST.....
having predestined us to ADOPTION as sons (and daughters) by JESUS CHRIST to HIMSELF.....
to the praise of the glory of HIS grace, by which HE made us ACCEPTED in the BELOVED (JESUS)." (Ephesians 1:1-6).
In case you did not catch that as PERSONAL to YOU..... ALL of us were chosen, adopted, and
accepted in JESUS CHRIST. It is up to us individually to ask JESUS CHRIST to save us.....and
it is ALL DONE!!!!!!!!!
My birth Mother's sister, "Aunt Willard, and her husband Joe Taylor were my adoptive parents,
raising me as their own son, beginning at my age 6, and continuing until they both went on to
HEAVEN!!! (So, Aunt Willard became my "Mother", and Uncle Joe became my "Daddy"!!!)
I do not have many memories of my life before my 6th birthday, but my adoptive Mother Who
raised me, talked to me frequently about her sister/my birth Mother Sarah. Mother (Willard)/
"Mama Joe" - MY adoptive Mother told me that my Mother Sarah Loved!!! to walk through the
woods and pastures, and she especially Loved!!! to walk along the creeks and rivers,...and
Sarah would gather vines, flowers, , leaves, etc.,. Then Sarah would make beautiful arrangements
of these vines, flowers, and leaves, and Sarah would give these arrangements to family members,
neighbors, and friends, etc.
(Back to my walk on that road). When I walk that direction and stop at that area where there is an
opening- and I can SEE the water as it splashes on the rocks, ...and I can HEAR the water even
before I see it.
***** Stop reading for a moment, and just be still before the LORD.....can YOU hear it???
{The "water sounds" that you hear.....just may be...the sound of my tears of Joy as I write this!!!).
In that very spot - the first time that I stopped, and looked there at the vines, leaves, and flowers-----
It was THERE that GOD our HEAVENLY FATHER got my attention and reminded me that
(Psalm 139:16)-"He wrote down our every day before we were born." I believe that HE wrote them
in RED signifying the BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST - which He gave to save you and me!!!}
May I suggest that you (who read this) begin to ask GOD to reveal to you (in HIS timing) how HE
planned YOUR LIFE, and how He is fulfilling HIS plan for you!!!!!
I must include in this TRUTH that Charlotte Ragan (my wife Mary's Mother) lived with us for her last years before she went on to heaven, she loved wild flowers, and along this same road - I picked wild flowers for her enjoyment!!!
EXPECT to GROW in Faith, Thanksgiving, and Wonder as HE reveals HIMSELF to you!!!!!!!
"Worthy is the Lamb Who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and blessing.
"Blessing and honor and glory and power be to HIM WHO sits on the throne and to the LAMB,
FOREVER AND EVER. AMEN"!!!!!!!!! (Revelation 5:12-13)
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