Tuesday, March 27, 2018

JESUS,   I   AM    FALLING   TO   MY   KNEES!!!!!!!!!

I delight in surrendering to thee---
Because You delight in showing me mercy.
(Micah 7:18-20)

JESUS, You are the light that God called forth in the Creation ----
GOD said  "Let there be light; and there was light.

And GOD saw the light, that it was good---suitable, pleasing, and HE approved it...
(Genesis 1:3-4a)

Let there be light, the Father said---
Knowing that in YOUR time YOU would raise YOUR SON from the dead.

LORD JESUS, YOU are the Light that GOD beamed forth  "...into our hearts
so as to illuminate the knowledge of the Majesty and Glory of GOD as it is
(2 Corinthians 4:6/Amplified Bible).

JESUS, YOU are the LIGHT that reflects from the Sea of Galilee
as the sun rises---
Just as surely as YOU rose from the dead --- (Luke 24:24-26)---then
just as surely we will rise up in YOU "as You always lead us in
triumph." (Corinthians 2:14)

LORD JESUS, YOU are the LIGHT in Heaven --- "The New Jerusalem"
---"The city has no need of the sun nor of the moon to shine in it, for the GLORY
of GOD illuminates it and the LAMB is its Light." (Revelation 21:23)

LORD JESUS,  I am falling on my knees,
Because YOU delight in showing me mercy.

"Rejoice in the LORD, you who are in right standing with GOD---and
give thanks at the remembrance of HIS Holiness." (Psalm 97:12)  

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