Tuesday, March 20, 2018


"Do you not understand...that God's Spirit has   HIS PERMANENT DWELLING IN YOU..
to be "AT HOME IN YOU!!!???!!!!  (I Corinthians 3:16/Amplified Bible).

"For GOD WHO said, Let light shine out of darkness, has shone in our hearts so as [to beam forth]
the Light for the illumination of the knowledge of the majesty and glory of GOD (as it is manifest in
the person and is revealed in the face of JESUS CHRIST". (2 Corinthians 4:6/Amplified Bible).
[PLEASE read that verse (above) again.]

OHHHHH, Our HOLY LORD knows ALL of our needs, our desires, HIS own perfect love for us..........!!!

He knows that most of us like (Love!!!) to bask in the warm Sun light.

And we know that JESUS (HIS SON) is "the Light" (John 8:12).

"Listen" to the dictionary definition of "bask":
1) to expose oneself to pleasant warmth;
2) to take great satisfaction: (example "basked in the teacher's praise")

(I believe that  GOD OUR HOLY FATHER  wants us to "bask" in the Light of JESUS, as the HOLY
SPIRIT 'guides us into all truth' of this HIS WORD---"...GOD'S SPIRIT has HIS PERMANENT
DWELLING in US---to be "at home" in us!!!!!!!!! (2 Corinthians 3:16/John 16:13)

"THE LORD bless you and
keep you;
THE LORD make His face shine
upon you,
and be gracious to you;
 THE LORD lift up His countenance
upon you
and give you peace." (Numbers 6:24-26)

"I say, 'You are my GOD-----
Make Your face to shine upon Your servant;
save me for Your mercys' sake."
(Psalm 31:16

"Restore us, O GOD;
cause Your face to shine,
and we shall be saved!"
(Psalm 80:3

"Restore us, O GOD;
cause Your face to shine,
and we shall be saved!"
(Psalm 80:7)

"Restore us, O GOD;
cause Your face to shine,
and we shall be saved!"
(Psalm 80:19)

"O GOD, to Whom vengeance belongs,
Shine forth!"
(Psalm 94:1)

" I say, 'YOU are my GOD---
Make Your Face shine upon Your servant;
Save me for Your mercy's sake."
(Psalm 31:16)

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