In years past, my Wife (Mary) and I --- on the First Friday of each month --- would fast until late
afternoon, praying for the USA, and for our Government Officials.
After the conclusion of prayer, Mary and I usually drove to Atlanta to eat at a restaurant.
On a particular First Friday a few years ago, during prayer - Our LORD gave me understanding
that we were NOT to go "in the usual direction" after prayer.
From that, I concluded that we were to go back (northward) - in the direction toward our home
near Cleveland, Georgia.
So as we drove back toward home, I began thinking of restaurants at which Mary and I could eat in Cleveland - asking our LORD (at WHICH restaurant He wanted us to stop). All of them I asked
Him about --- the answer was "No", so we continued PAST our home, further northward.
Finally, at a local restaurant several miles north of Cleveland --- The LORD gave me peace about
stopping and eating at "Turner's Corner Café".
We had a good meal there, prayed for all the people that we saw there, and went home.
As I continued praying about this for a few days, our LORD gave me more understanding of
what He was trying to teach me: (Please bear with me, as I try put it into words):
The understanding He gave to me was this message: "I know that if I told you to go to a specific restaurant to eat - you would have done that, and you would have prayed for the people there.
" But I (GOD) want MORE than that with you. I want you to HAVE ONGOING CONVERSATION with ME."
And HE added to my understanding - "If you are already talking WITH someone - then you
(already) have their attention, and thus they can hear you more readily and clearly. When you ask someone a question - you are already LISTENING for their answer!
Our example of this principle..,? JESUS CHRIST!!!
While on earth, He was constantly in touch with His FATHER---
A. " Then Jesus answered and said to them: Most assuredly, I say to you, the SON can do nothing of
HIMSELF, but what He sees the FATHER do, for whatever HE does, the SON also does in like manner." (John 5:19)
B. " ' I do nothing of Myself; but as My Father taught Me, I speak these things' ". (John 8:28-29)
C. "For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the FATHER Who sent Me gave Me a command, What I should speak!" (John 12:49-50)
Let us all (continually), MORE and MORE ask our HOLY GOD to enable us to have
And let us ask the HOLY SPIRIT to "...guide us into all the truth..." of this- as Jesus speaks (in
John 16:13).
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