"THE SILENT SONG' (that speaks volumes!!! about HOLY GOD OUR FATHER!!!)
Early this morning (7/3/2014) I went out to "Galilee" - ("Galilee" is a place in our front yard where I often go to worship and commune with God the Father. God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.)
As I worshiped God, I saw the sunlight reflecting from some tree leaves in the distance;
although there are many trees in this forest, the light "found its way" from God's heart through the sun (the Son of God!!!) ---to my eyes...and to my heart!!! (In John 8:12, Jesus Christ declares: "I AM the light.")
Then, as I looked closer, I could see a new spider web being formed between some trees. At the same time, I could feel a light breeze, and I could see the spider web "dancing" on the breeze. As the sunlight "danced" and flashed upon the spider web,...it illuminated the web in such a way that a
of light (shimmering light) appeared on the web!!!!!!!
Psalm 135:7 States "...God brings the wind out of His treasuries...". So, God caused the breeze.....the spider web danced in movement on the breeze.....the sunlight flashed and danced on the spider web.....revealing the cross!!!
"For God Who said 'Let light shine out of darkness, has shone in our hearts...to beam forth the Light for the illumination...of the majesty and glory of God...as it is manifest in the Person, and is
revealed in the face of Jesus Christ."!!! (II Corinthians 4:6/Amplified Bible)
(Yes, please read the above verse one more time!)
"The Holy Sprit will guide you into all truth." (John 16:13)
"...The great, mighty, and awesome God..."!!! (Nehemiah 9:32)
"Let every thing that has breath praise the Lord."!!! (Psalm 150:6)
Let us all be frequently asking the Lord our God - to "...flood the eyes of our hearts with His
light...that we may know the hope to which He has called us..." (Ephesians 1:17-18/Amplified Bible)
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