While watching a television program about scientific research on the life of elephants-----I heard about a very interesting discovery in this field.
When young male elephants begin to get "interested" in mature female elephants.....that puts the young male elephants in grave danger. The adult bull elephants can easily kill the young males for this behavior.
But the scientists have discovered that these young bulls secrete a substance that - (by its odor) reveals to the adult males - "this young one is innocent - he is no threat" to the increase... of the adult bull's kingdom.
"The Innocence Secretion"............
In Genesis (chapters 27 & 28), Isaac is old and blind, and He is about to bless Esau, his eldest son. [To "bless" meant "to transfer - from father to eldest son - the family's material property, aspirations, and spiritual promises"].
However, Jacob (the younger son), and his mother Rebekah, hatch a plan to take advantage of Isaac's blindness-----and to trick him into giving Esau's blessing to Jacob instead!
One of the ways they accomplished this was to put Esau's clothes on Jacob - so that Jacob would smell like Esau.
Surprisingly, the trick worked!! Isaac Blessed Jacob:
"...may God give you of the dew of heaven,
and the riches of earth;...
May God Almighty bless you,
and make you fruitful and multiply you..."
(Genesis 27:27; 28:3)
Now you may be thinking - "But Jacob and his Mother sinned - and they received the blessing!?!..."
And God allowed this???
"God preferred Jacob, and rejected Esau" (Malachi 1:2-3).
[God sometimes does things...for reasons only HE knows. He is "Adonai" (Sovereign Lord)].
I sin.
You sin.
And we all desperately need, and want, God's blessings!!!
*** If we do not accept the blood of Jesus Christ for our salvation...then we are in grave danger!!! **
BUT GOD!!! Because God's Son Jesus Christ poured out His Holy blood on His cross for us.....there is forgiveness and cleansing in the blood of Jesus Christ!!!!!!!! (Hebrews 9:22/I John 1:7)
Because Jesus Christ did pour out His blood for us.....we can... "... clothe ourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 13:14)
Okay, so I can be clothed with Jesus Christ; but what about the "smell" - of my sin?
Because there is "...forgiveness and... cleansing " in the blood of Jesus Christ (Hebrews 9:22/I John 1:7)................(so) we are to God...the fragrance of Christ..."!!!!!!!!! (II Corinthians 2:15)
Available to you, to all of us under the covering of the blood of Jesus Christ is:
Salvation (Mark 14:24/Acts 4:16) Healing (Isaiah 53:5)
Protection (Exodus 12:13) Provision (Psalm 105:37a)
Life (Psalm 105:37b/Lev. 17:14/John 10:10b) Forgiveness (Hebrews 9:22)
Cleansing (I John 1:7) Redemption (Ephesians 1:7)
Justification (Romans 5:9) Sanctification (Hebrews 13:12)
Peace (Colossians 1:19-20) Washing (Revelation 1:5)
Overcoming Power (Revelation 12:11) Speaking Power ((Hebrews 12:24)
Access to the Presence of GOD (Hebrews 10:15)
Plead the blood of Jesus Christ over your family and over every area of your life!!!!!!!
(For the rest of the story - please read Genesis 1:1 through Revelation 22:21))
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