Monday, January 13, 2020

MY SAVIOR!!!!!!!     MY STRENGTH!!!!!!!     MY SONG!!!!!!!    MY VICTORY!!!!!!!!!

"...Looking unto JESUS, the Author and Finisher of our faith, Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross..." (Hebrews 12:2).

It happened in January, 1984, in Athens, Georgia.....

When I was much younger, I enjoyed running for exercise.  I was never able to increase my running speed; but (by God's grace) He did enable me to build up my endurance; so that I
was able to run a marathon each year (for several consecutive years). [ A marathon is 26.2 miles]

In order to complete a marathon, I usually started my training and preparation approximately
6 months before the race.

During the fall of 1983 --- Because of very stormy weather on most weekends....I was not able
to complete many long runs.

Also an important part of my pre-race preparation ---was to arrive at the starting line about 1/2
hour early---so that I could rest and "loosen" my muscles after a long drive to the race site.
Of course - Long before race day I realized that my preparation was incomplete because of the
inadequate number and duration of long runs that I had completed.

In addition to that inadequacy...I arrived at the starting line so late that I had NO time to
rest and loosen my muscles ---so I had to run to the starting line and begin running the race!

(Please allow me to add an interjection here)---
Well before race day I had prayerfully decided to fill the race time with praise songs to JESUS CHRIST, and to pray for the other runners, as well as pray for the families who lived along the race route).

As I drew nearer to the finish line-----at about the "mile 23 mark", it became clear the final 3
miles...we would be running DIRECTLY INTO a stiff wind!!!

Of course I was already very tired at that stage --- then my "Savior" appeared.

My good friend/brother in Jesus Christ/running partner Wayne Douglas had found out that I was running the marathon that day--- so when Wayne completed the 5k (3.1 miles)---He went to the finish line for the marathon, started there, and ran the route in that he met me at "mile marker 24!!!

AND, Wayne told me "I will run in front of you and break this wind for you; you just "tuck" yourself behind me, and I will take you to the Finish Line."

So!  With JESUS being "my Strength and my Song", and my brother Wayne helping me to the
finish line ---and JESUS being my FINISHER --- my elapsed time for that marathon was my fastest ever (a personal record)!!!

When compared to other elapsed time was not fast...but for me it was a personal


I realized later on that Wayne's sheltering me through the wind...
is like JESUS CHRIST'S protecting us and making  "the way" to our finish line/

"He is faithful to His word and to His righteous character...for He cannot deny HIMSELF".
(2 Timothy 2:13/Amplified Bible).

ALL PRAISE TO JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!(Revelation 12:5)

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