Many years ago, when I was in military service, my U. S. Navy job was to serve as a "rescue man".
At the Naval Air Station, we watched all of the planes come in on approach, landing, and taking off
again.....our job was to observe and see if the wheels, brakes, lights, etc. were functioning correctly.
And of course, anytime that a plane crashed-----our job was to extinguish the fire and to rescue
the people from the plane.
Frequently, we practiced and drilled in order to become more proficient in our duties.(Another part of our ongoing training - was to (on our own time) fly as a passenger on the different
types of planes that used our Naval Air Station. This was done in order to become better informed
about where in each plane each crewman and passenger would be positioned.....thus we would know how best to rescue them should they ever crash.
I remember clearly one such flight from our base... 90 miles to Seattle, Washington.
Before this flight, I arrived early. One of the plane crewmen spoke to all of us (passengers)
saying, "If an emergency occurs, each of you must locate your parachute, and exit the plane through
the proper door." He also told us of the various parachutes, and which person should use which
All of this information, he related to us in a very hurried manner, leaving no time for questions from us passengers. I tried to listen very carefully, but the information was insufficient.
Immediately, we were told to board the plane, and we did so.
As the plane took off, and while it flew us toward Seattle - the plane's engines were very, very LOUD!!! In truth, the engines were so loud that we (passengers) could not hear each other speak!
After flying for about an hour with these LOUD engines "clattering" away ---- we were out over the
North Pacific Ocean, no land in sight----- when "SUDDENLY" the engines all STOPPED!!! TOTAL SILENCE!!!
Suddenly, my mind started racing---"WHERE IS MY PARACHUTE ?????
through WHICH DOOR should I exit???
It SEEMED like a long time of silence.....but it actually was only a few minutes... then the engines RE-STARTED!!! OH!!! WHAT A RELIEF!!! GONE was the PANIC, doubt, and overwhelming fear!!! Soon, we found out that the flight crew had purposefully cut the engines off - just to scare
us! IT WORKED!!! During those few moments I was filled with panic!! let's talk about the SPIRITUAL side of this personal story: as you read earlier... we were
NOT well informed about what to do "In case of Emergency."
In our personal life --- (WHEN, not if, but WHEN) the ultimate emergency happens: when we believe that we are about to die.....Are you ready??? Have you accepted JESUS CHRIST as your personal Savior??? If you do not know JESUS CHRIST as YOUR Savior---NOW is the day, the hour, the moment for you to ask JESUS to forgive your sins, and to save you!!!!!!!
As we read and study God's Word (THE BIBLE), we will be well informed about what to do ---
"Where is my parachute?" JESUS declares in Matthew 28:20 - "I am with you always." Also, God says in Isaiah 41:10,13..."Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I AM your GOD. I will Strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with MY Righteous right hand."
and (verse 13)- "For I, the LORD YOUR GOD, will hold your right hand, saying to you, 'Fear not, I will help you.' "
Also, let's remember Deuteronomy 33:27---"The Eternal God is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting (ever present) arms."
Again - Through (by) which door do I exit? In John 10:7 JESUS says 'I AM the door of the sheep' "
further - Jesus declares 'I am the way, the truth, and the life,' " No man goes (to heaven) except thru Me." (John 14:6).
Some business Executives/owners have what is called a "Golden Parachute". A "golden parachute" is usually an agreement which obligates his employer to pay him or her a large amount of money -
to fund retirement, etc.
Of course most of us are not business executives, nor do we have a "golden parachute".....
BUT, if we have accepted JESUS as our Savior and Lord----- He will be there with us and He will take us to land safely in Heaven where the STREETS are GOLD!!! (Revelation 21:21), the gates
are PEARL, and we will FOREVER live in the PRESENCE of OUR HOLY GOD AND FATHER
and worship HIM FOREVER!!!
How do we get there?
Start at John 3:16; then to (Acts 2:38) to "receive the gift of the HOLY SPIRIT". For the balance of the journey - ask the HOLY SPIRIT TO "guide you into all truth(John 16:13).
What about FOOD for the journey??? " in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land, and 'FEED ON HIS FAITHFULNESS" (Psalm 37:3);
"HIS FAITHFULNESS" - " He is Faithful to His WORD and to HIS RIGHTEOUS CHARACTER, for HE CANNOT DENY HIMELF." (2 Timothy 2:13/Amplified Bible).
I will see you on "THE WAY, IN THE WAY (JESUS)and BY THE WAY, (John 16:13/John 14:6).
(JESUS ) " Your love and mercy,
Your peace and kindness, will follow me, will follow me -
all the days of my life, and
I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever." (Psalm 23:6)
i really liked this post!! awesomeness!!