Thursday, May 10, 2018


Of course we (ALL) have some difficult times, "bad day", "bad night", or we go through times in our
lives in which we feel like we are in a "dry Patch".

In times like these--------- HOW can OUR LORD instruct/command us to:

"Rejoice IN THE LORD always.  Again I will say "REJOICE"!!!" (Philippians 4:4-7)


Well, because in MATTHEW 26:17-30 IT IS WRITTEN---
(Please, please, NOW before you read this any further, read Matthew 26:17-30 (It is only 14
" JESUS celebrates Passover with HIS disciples.

MATTHEW 26:30 "And when they had "sung a Hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives".

Next, they go to the Garden of Gethsemane---where JESUS PRAYS, IS BETRAYED,
and HE IS ARRESTED. (Matthew 26:36-56)

For a moment,  let's go back to (Matt. 26-30)---Where they "sung a hymn".

Study notes in the Bible verify that it was "it was customary to conclude the Passover,
by singing the "Hallel" (a part of Psalm 115---118)."   This occurred just before
JESUS is Accused, spat upon, and Beaten.

Now then, let's make a closer examination of WHAT exactly JESUS SANG:
It is indeed Psalm 115 - Psalm 118 (the "Hallel"); we will not print out the complete
text, but should read it for yourself!!!

We will look more closely at a few "crucial verses":
[By the way..."crucial" is from the Latin word  "crux"  meaning "cross"].

Psalm 118:23-24--- "This was the LORD'S doing; it is marvelous in our eyes:
"This is the day the LORD has made; We will  REJOICE and be glad in it."

***So, on that most stressful (crucial) day---JESUS REOICED !!!!!!!!****

Our LORD  KNOWS  that we all have "Rough days", "dry patches" in our lives.

When we do have them - Let us be reminded that JESUS has made a way
by HIS BLOOD, and by the "living water" that  HE gives to us so that we can
go "HIS WAY"...and by the HOLY SPIRIT we can "REJOICE IN THE LORD"!!!
We can REJOICE     IN  THE  LORD!!!!!!!!  HE went before us, HE is "with us
always" (JESUS DECLARES THAT IN (Mathew 28:20).  We can REJOICE IN
THE LORD ("the LORD...the fountain of living waters" /Jeremiah 17:13); also,
we can REJOICE IN THE LORD because HE REJOICES OVER US!!!!!!!!! (Zephaniah 3:17).

Let us continue to pray for each other, and help each other through each day (good days and
rough days.

"Rejoice in the LORD always. Again  I will say Rejoice." (Philippians 4:4-7)

By GOD'S GRACE-----I have myself done this (Rejoiced IN  THE  LORD on some difficult
days/situations and THE HOLY SPIRIT guided and enabled me...
HE  did  indeed make me able to rejoice IN THE LORD, and enabled me to triumph!!!!!!!!!

REJOICES Definition: sus ("soos") Strong's #7797:
To rejoice, be glad,, be greatly happy.

Rejoicing can include singing, spinning around/dancing.
Rejoicing is a pervasive, irresistible joy.


SDG  -  Soli Deo Gloria  -  "For the GLORY of GOD alone"

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