Saturday, August 19, 2017

HOW      GOOD      YOU      ARE!!!!!!!!

HOW GOOD YOU ARE, we don't yet know,
but when to heaven we do go,
we will know it is only by grace,
Could it be.........we will then see YOUR FACE?!!!?

We will get there in Faith (not by sight),
There is no darkness there, for The LAMB
IS the light!!! (Revelation 21:23)

Oh shine Your Face on us while we're still on earth (Numbers 6:23-27)
For Your Presence and Your WORD
Give us a Hunger and a Thirst.
Apart from YOU - We have no worth.

YOUR death on Your cross - paid for our new birth,
Your resurrection - Gave to us YOUR life,
Transferring us to Your kingdom of light!!!!!!!

Oh, for YOUR PRESENCE and Your Word,
Give us a Hunger and a Thirst,
Apart from You we have no worth.
Through our lives will display YOUR WORTH!!!!!!!
                                       (Revelation 5:12)

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