Monday, June 27, 2016

HOLY   GOD --- NOT   A   DISTANT   DEITY!!!!!!!

Deity - God.

Oh Holy God - You're not a distant deity,  You are Holy God Who by your Sprit lives  IN ME. (I Cor 3:16).

Though everywhere present You're never far from me.....You're not just He was, or He will be---You are the  I AM   Who is always  WITH ME. (Psalms 139:7-19/Matthew 28:20)
And my life is "Hidden with Jesus Christ  IN THEE". (Colossians 3:3)

You know our thoughts before we think, You know our words before we speak.  In Your holy love, you're with us and for us from conception through birth, throughout life, and THROUGH death!!!!!!!

If we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord and Shepherd  ---  then death is  only  a door (John 10:7) which Jesus opens for us to the Holy eternal Majestic Presence of God!!!  There, pain, tears, death,  EVEN DARKNESS  -  are no more!!!(Revelation 21:2)

Jesus opens the door to the NEW JESUSALEM----where the LAMB is the Light!!! (Revelation 21:23).   THIS IS WHAT WE WERE   TRULY  MADE FOR!!!!!!!!

until that Day, I must remember ---  I am still only God's little boy, 
with child-like faith, and child-like wonder, with child-like belief that Jesus Himself is my Peace and joy (Ephesians 2:14/Psalm 23:4).

Jesus also is my Strength and my song (Isaiah 12:2).
In Jesus I both rejoice and rest.
JESUS is all I will ever need.
Jesus is more than I could ever dream or want. (Ephesians 3:20)

Jesus only.

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