Friday, November 18, 2016
The Holy Message of GOD'S BEAUTIFUL LEAVES!!!
This time of year HOLY GOD displays His Sublime Artistry in the autumn leaves. His colors range from brown, to green, beautiful orange, bright yellow (similar to many butterflies), and beautiful reds!!!
His leaves display His beautiful colors-----AND each leaf carries a Holy message for us:
The reds remind us that Jesus Christ shed His Holy Blood on His Cross---to save us from our sins. (John 3:16)
The green leaves remind us of His Everlasting (and Ever present) Love!!!(Jeremiah 31:3)
Again, EVERY leaf carries a Holy Message for EACH of us.
HOW MANY leaves are there? SO MANY that they cannot be counted!!!
And, every spring-another "crop" of leaves is added---so many that we cannot calculate them!!!
Let EVERY LEAF remind us that GOD says: "I WILL NEVER leave you nor forsake you". (Hebrews 13:5)
I love you with such GREAT LOVE I give you COUNTLESS numbers of leaves to remind you!!!!!!!
There will be times when we will (feel) "left", or "forsaken"-----But our feelings do not always lead us to the truth.
Let us accept the WORD of the "ONE TRUE GOD" (JOHN 17:3), and HIS SON JESUS (THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE /John 14:6).
Enjoy the leaves, and Let us THANK HIM and PRAISE HIM, and "...REJOICE IN HIM ALWAYS" (Philippians 4:4)
HE IS FAITHFUL TO HIS WORD (2 Timothy 2:13), and WORTHY of all praise and Thanksgiving!!!!!!!
1 (one) Carpenter and 3 nails FIXED EVERYTHING!!!!!!!
This time of year HOLY GOD displays His Sublime Artistry in the autumn leaves. His colors range from brown, to green, beautiful orange, bright yellow (similar to many butterflies), and beautiful reds!!!
His leaves display His beautiful colors-----AND each leaf carries a Holy message for us:
The reds remind us that Jesus Christ shed His Holy Blood on His Cross---to save us from our sins. (John 3:16)
The green leaves remind us of His Everlasting (and Ever present) Love!!!(Jeremiah 31:3)
Again, EVERY leaf carries a Holy Message for EACH of us.
HOW MANY leaves are there? SO MANY that they cannot be counted!!!
And, every spring-another "crop" of leaves is added---so many that we cannot calculate them!!!
Let EVERY LEAF remind us that GOD says: "I WILL NEVER leave you nor forsake you". (Hebrews 13:5)
I love you with such GREAT LOVE I give you COUNTLESS numbers of leaves to remind you!!!!!!!
There will be times when we will (feel) "left", or "forsaken"-----But our feelings do not always lead us to the truth.
Let us accept the WORD of the "ONE TRUE GOD" (JOHN 17:3), and HIS SON JESUS (THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE /John 14:6).
Enjoy the leaves, and Let us THANK HIM and PRAISE HIM, and "...REJOICE IN HIM ALWAYS" (Philippians 4:4)
HE IS FAITHFUL TO HIS WORD (2 Timothy 2:13), and WORTHY of all praise and Thanksgiving!!!!!!!
1 (one) Carpenter and 3 nails FIXED EVERYTHING!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
In the Bible, the name KORAH is most often associated with a man who led 250
(Two hundred fifty) men in a rebellion against Holy God's designated leaders---Moses and Aaron.
"Listen" to God's response through Moses: (Numbers 16:30-33) "...If the LORD creates a new thing, and the earth opens it's mouth and swallows them up with all that belongs to them, and they go down alive into the pit, then you will understand that these men have rejected the LORD.
Now it came to pass, as He finished speaking these words, that the ground split apart under them,
And the earth opened it's mouth and swallowed them up, with all their goods and households.
So they and all those with them went down alive into the pit; the earth closed over them, and they perished from among the assembly."
Later passages (See Numbers 26:11) show that Korah's FAMILY WAS NOT WITH HIM WHEN "the earth swallowed him."
As we move on through the Old Testament to the book of Psalms...we find that at least ten chapters of the book of Psalms were written by the Holy Spirit through "The sons of Korah"!!!
The book of Psalms is one of the MOST WIDELY-READ portions of the Bible...So Holy God is CONTINUING to touch many lives through that which was written through "the sons of Korah"!!!!!!!
ALL of US have rebelled against God at some point in our lives. Some of us had parents , or other relatives who rebelled against God.
What a HOLY, WONDERFUL, AND GLORIOUS BLESSING it is.....that things associated with our human NOT determine our present life, and our future in JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!
BUT WHEN WE HAVE ACCEPTED JESUS CHRIST as our Saviour and Lord, that makes us belong to
Holy God our Father.........and He has CHOSEN us each, ADOPTED us and forever ACCEPTED us as HIS-IN-JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!! (Ephesians 1:1-6)
That makes both our PRESENT, and our FUTURE - filled with Holy God our "ABBA" FATHER'S Holy plans and glorious promises (Ephesians 3:20)
BUT GOD - If any person will confess their sins to God, repent (change, and give their life to JESUS).....HOLY GOD can, and WILL USE US for His kingdom, and HIS GLORY!!!!!!!
Just read the story of Saul---who became Paul - through whom God wrote MUCH of the NEW TESTAMENT!!!!!!! (BEGIN READING AT ACTS 9:1-31).
Update: Friends, Brothers & Sisters -In Jesus Christ!!!
I apologize for the long period between posts.....
From mid July thru Sept. 12th I spent most of my time doing "pre-hab" exercises getting ready for knee joint replacement surgery on 9/13/16. Beginning 9/13/16 and continuing,... I am heavily involved in (post surgery) re-hab exercising. It is time-consuming and sometimes painful.....But PRAISE GOD, He is enabling me!!!!! I have approx. 1 month of re-hab left.
For those of you who have been praying for me........THANK YOU!!!!!!! BY GOD'S GRACE, I AM DOING WELL.
I apologize for the long period between posts.....
From mid July thru Sept. 12th I spent most of my time doing "pre-hab" exercises getting ready for knee joint replacement surgery on 9/13/16. Beginning 9/13/16 and continuing,... I am heavily involved in (post surgery) re-hab exercising. It is time-consuming and sometimes painful.....But PRAISE GOD, He is enabling me!!!!! I have approx. 1 month of re-hab left.
For those of you who have been praying for me........THANK YOU!!!!!!! BY GOD'S GRACE, I AM DOING WELL.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
In these times of the uncertain economy, culture change, weather extremes, and rapid, frequent changes in almost every area of our lives-----we all need, and desire stability in our lives!!!!!!!
OUR LORD JESUS CHRTST, the ONE BORN in a stable (Luke 2: 7 fills our every need-----with HIMSELF!!!!!!!
He is our "Everlasting Father" (Isaiah 9:6), He loves us with His everlasting Love (Jeremiah 31:3). and He holds us with "His Everlasting Arms" (Deuteronomy 33:27).....the SAME arms that were nailed to His cross------bearing OUR sins!!!
Changing us........Holy God declares in (II Corinthians 3:18 "But we all ...In the Bible beholding as in a mirror the GLORY OF THE LORD, are being transformed into the same Image (Jesus!!!) from glory to glory just as by the Spirit of the Lord."
"HE WHO began a good work in you, shall complete it until the Day of the Lord." (Philippians 1:6)
SO PERECT IS HIS LOVE----- that His Son Jesus Christ---HE is responsible for our peace....."He is HIMSELF OUR PEACE" (Ephesians 2:14).
He does not change (Malachi 3:6)
"Trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord is everlasting strength."
"I pray...that you may have the richest measure of the Divine Presence." (Ephesians 3:19)
Let's continually ask Him for ever more and more...of His Divine Presence.....and thank Him that Him that He will "make it so".
In these times of the uncertain economy, culture change, weather extremes, and rapid, frequent changes in almost every area of our lives-----we all need, and desire stability in our lives!!!!!!!
OUR LORD JESUS CHRTST, the ONE BORN in a stable (Luke 2: 7 fills our every need-----with HIMSELF!!!!!!!
He is our "Everlasting Father" (Isaiah 9:6), He loves us with His everlasting Love (Jeremiah 31:3). and He holds us with "His Everlasting Arms" (Deuteronomy 33:27).....the SAME arms that were nailed to His cross------bearing OUR sins!!!
Changing us........Holy God declares in (II Corinthians 3:18 "But we all ...In the Bible beholding as in a mirror the GLORY OF THE LORD, are being transformed into the same Image (Jesus!!!) from glory to glory just as by the Spirit of the Lord."
"HE WHO began a good work in you, shall complete it until the Day of the Lord." (Philippians 1:6)
SO PERECT IS HIS LOVE----- that His Son Jesus Christ---HE is responsible for our peace....."He is HIMSELF OUR PEACE" (Ephesians 2:14).
He does not change (Malachi 3:6)
"Trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord is everlasting strength."
"I pray...that you may have the richest measure of the Divine Presence." (Ephesians 3:19)
Let's continually ask Him for ever more and more...of His Divine Presence.....and thank Him that Him that He will "make it so".
Saturday, August 20, 2016
In the Bible, the very first thing God Himself spoke is "LET THERE BE LIGHT"!!! (Genesis 1:3)
What ALL was God saying when He said that?
Could it be that He was saying "Let there be my Son"??? (In John 8:12 JESUS says "I AM the light")
Could He have been saying Let My Son (the light) shine in your heart, and shine THROUGH YOU to draw others unto Me, and at the end, We will all be together in heaven---where there is NO darkness, no night---and the Lamb (Jesus) IS the Light!!! (Revelation 21:23
He SPOKE the moon, the sun, and all the stars into being (Genesis 1:16). The stars are beautiful, powerful, mysterious things --- and yet---what He rejoices over is YOU and ME!!!
"The Lord...will rejoice over you with gladness, and singing". (Zephaniah 3:17)
LIGHT WILL TRIUMPH OVER DARKNESS!!! "Listen" to God's word in (John 1:4-5)
"In Him (Jesus) was life, and the life was the light of men.
And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not "comprehend" (the light).
[The Greek word for comprehend (KATALAMBANO) Has three meanings:
1) the darkness does NOT gain CONTROL of (the light);
2) The darkness is unreceptive and does not understand (the light);
3)The darkness will NEVER BE ABLE TO ELIMINATE (the light)!!!
PRAISE AND THANK GOD ---JESUS IS THE LIGHT and HE CHOOSES to live in our hearts when we ask Him to save us!!!
(Read this ALOUD), and give Him praise!!!!!!! IN TRUTH, THE LIGHT IN US...REIGNS OVER
"For it is the God Who commanded light to shine out darkness, Who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of THE GLORY OF GOD IN THE FACE OF JESUS CHRIST"!!!
(2 Corinthians 4:6)
Oh, let's GIVE GOD PRAISE! AWE! and WORSHIP!!!!!!!!
Read that verse (above) again and GIVE GOD MORE PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!
In the Bible, the very first thing God Himself spoke is "LET THERE BE LIGHT"!!! (Genesis 1:3)
What ALL was God saying when He said that?
Could it be that He was saying "Let there be my Son"??? (In John 8:12 JESUS says "I AM the light")
Could He have been saying Let My Son (the light) shine in your heart, and shine THROUGH YOU to draw others unto Me, and at the end, We will all be together in heaven---where there is NO darkness, no night---and the Lamb (Jesus) IS the Light!!! (Revelation 21:23
He SPOKE the moon, the sun, and all the stars into being (Genesis 1:16). The stars are beautiful, powerful, mysterious things --- and yet---what He rejoices over is YOU and ME!!!
"The Lord...will rejoice over you with gladness, and singing". (Zephaniah 3:17)
LIGHT WILL TRIUMPH OVER DARKNESS!!! "Listen" to God's word in (John 1:4-5)
"In Him (Jesus) was life, and the life was the light of men.
And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not "comprehend" (the light).
[The Greek word for comprehend (KATALAMBANO) Has three meanings:
1) the darkness does NOT gain CONTROL of (the light);
2) The darkness is unreceptive and does not understand (the light);
3)The darkness will NEVER BE ABLE TO ELIMINATE (the light)!!!
PRAISE AND THANK GOD ---JESUS IS THE LIGHT and HE CHOOSES to live in our hearts when we ask Him to save us!!!
(Read this ALOUD), and give Him praise!!!!!!! IN TRUTH, THE LIGHT IN US...REIGNS OVER
"For it is the God Who commanded light to shine out darkness, Who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of THE GLORY OF GOD IN THE FACE OF JESUS CHRIST"!!!
(2 Corinthians 4:6)
Oh, let's GIVE GOD PRAISE! AWE! and WORSHIP!!!!!!!!
Read that verse (above) again and GIVE GOD MORE PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Recently, while listening to some church music...I heard an old hymn titled "When I survey the wondrous cross".
As I heard the choir continually singing the refrain "When I survey" "when I survey........I began to think about the definition of the (verb) "survey".
SURVEY: 1 (to inspect carefully; 2) A general view. 3) To determine the location, form, or boundaries of (a tract of land) by measuring the lines and angles in accordance with the principles of geometry and trigonometry.
Considering the (above) definitions, the one that WE should do is #1 - "to inspect carefully".
Of course, what is most important is not the cross itself, but what TOOK PLACE on the cross------the completed action.
The cross is an instrument on which Jesus Christ---THE SON OF GOD---was tortured to death.
THE PUNISHMENT DUE FOR EVEERY SIN COMMITTED BY EVERY PERSON WHO EVER LIVES (OR LIVED) WAS PUT UPON JESUS CHRIST---to save us from our sins---and to AFFORD FOR US ALL HIS ABUNDANT LIFE (JOHN 10:10) ON EARTH, AND ETERNAL LIFE with Him in heaven!!!!!!!! Also, the stripes on His body (made by cruel whips) are what paid the cost for us to be healed of all our diseases and injuries!!!
So, back to the definition of "survey" the cross:
We cannot measure "things" of GOD'S KINGDOM.....(God's gift of salvation through Jesus Christ) with measuring instruments nor quantities from the kingdom of this world.
(You can't use darkness to measure light!!!)
The only numbers that are applicable in "measuring" Jesus' purchasing our salvation is:
can be saved.!!!!!!!
We cannot "measure" by numbers the peace and joy of being saved, forgiven, and healed. You cannot "measure" the infinity of heaven.--- By definition, infinity is "endless, immeasurable".
You cannot use geometric nor trigonometric formulas to determine the "location , boundaries, and angles of heaven!!!
So, when we "survey" His wondrous cross-----we must "examine, and inspect with careful detail"
the price that Jesus Christ paid for each of us. One of the best places to start this is to read Isaiah chapter 53. YOU read that chapter!!! For the moment, I will give you verse 5 of Isaiah 53:
"But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was crushed for our iniquities;
The chastisement necessary for our peace was put upon Him,
and by His stripes we are healed."
And we must ACCEPT" ---that the price paid for each of us BY JESUS .......demonstrates FOREVER our value to God!!!!!!!
Let's begin today-----THIS VERY MOMENT--- Thanking and praising God for WHO HE IS and WHAT HE HAS DONE FOR US!!!!!!! AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Recently, while listening to some church music...I heard an old hymn titled "When I survey the wondrous cross".
As I heard the choir continually singing the refrain "When I survey" "when I survey........I began to think about the definition of the (verb) "survey".
SURVEY: 1 (to inspect carefully; 2) A general view. 3) To determine the location, form, or boundaries of (a tract of land) by measuring the lines and angles in accordance with the principles of geometry and trigonometry.
Considering the (above) definitions, the one that WE should do is #1 - "to inspect carefully".
Of course, what is most important is not the cross itself, but what TOOK PLACE on the cross------the completed action.
The cross is an instrument on which Jesus Christ---THE SON OF GOD---was tortured to death.
THE PUNISHMENT DUE FOR EVEERY SIN COMMITTED BY EVERY PERSON WHO EVER LIVES (OR LIVED) WAS PUT UPON JESUS CHRIST---to save us from our sins---and to AFFORD FOR US ALL HIS ABUNDANT LIFE (JOHN 10:10) ON EARTH, AND ETERNAL LIFE with Him in heaven!!!!!!!! Also, the stripes on His body (made by cruel whips) are what paid the cost for us to be healed of all our diseases and injuries!!!
So, back to the definition of "survey" the cross:
We cannot measure "things" of GOD'S KINGDOM.....(God's gift of salvation through Jesus Christ) with measuring instruments nor quantities from the kingdom of this world.
(You can't use darkness to measure light!!!)
The only numbers that are applicable in "measuring" Jesus' purchasing our salvation is:
can be saved.!!!!!!!
We cannot "measure" by numbers the peace and joy of being saved, forgiven, and healed. You cannot "measure" the infinity of heaven.--- By definition, infinity is "endless, immeasurable".
You cannot use geometric nor trigonometric formulas to determine the "location , boundaries, and angles of heaven!!!
So, when we "survey" His wondrous cross-----we must "examine, and inspect with careful detail"
the price that Jesus Christ paid for each of us. One of the best places to start this is to read Isaiah chapter 53. YOU read that chapter!!! For the moment, I will give you verse 5 of Isaiah 53:
"But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was crushed for our iniquities;
The chastisement necessary for our peace was put upon Him,
and by His stripes we are healed."
And we must ACCEPT" ---that the price paid for each of us BY JESUS .......demonstrates FOREVER our value to God!!!!!!!
Let's begin today-----THIS VERY MOMENT--- Thanking and praising God for WHO HE IS and WHAT HE HAS DONE FOR US!!!!!!! AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, July 15, 2016
"From the rising of the sun, to it's going down the Name of the Lord is to be PRAISED."
(Psalm 113:1-3)
A: "The Alpha and the Omega".
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, says the Lord, Who is and Who was and Who is to come, the Almighty." (Revelation 1:8)
"The Apostle of our Confession".
"Therefore, holy brothers, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Christ Jesus." (Hebrews 3:1)
B. "The Brightness of His Glory".
"He (Jesus) is the sole expression of the Glory of God, [the radiance of the Divine]." (Hebrews 1:3/Amplified Bible)
C. "The Captain of our Salvation".
"For it was fitting for Him, for ARE all things and BY are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect (complete)." (Hebrews 2:10)
D. "The Door of the Sheep".
"Then Jesus said to them again, 'Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep."
(John 10:7) [The picture is one of security and safety in Jesus as the door to our daily comings and goings.]
"For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." (Isaiah 9:6) *** The Hebrew word for 'everlasting' can also be translated as 'ever-present'**
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Mercies and God of all comfort." (II Corinthians 1:3)
F. "Faithful and True".
"Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war." (Revelation 19:11)
G. "Great King above all Gods".
"For the Lord is the great God, and the Great King above all Gods." (Psalm 95:3)
"Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be thy name." Rejoice IN THE LORD always.
H. "Holy and Awesome"
"He has sent redemption to His people;
He has commanded His covenant Forever:
Holy and Awesome is His name." (Psalm 111:9)
"Our Father in Heaven, HALLOWED be thy NAME." Rejoice IN THE LORD always, again, I say rejoice." (Colossians 4:4)
H. "Our Hope".
"Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the commandment of God our Savior and the Lord Jesus Christ, our Hope." (I Timothy 1:1)
"Our Father in Heaven, HALLOWED be thy NAME." "Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say, Rejoice." (Colossians 4:4)
I. "The Resurrection and the Life".
"Jesus said to her, I AM the resurrection and the life." (John 11:25)
"Our Father in heaven, HALLOWED be thy NAME." "Rejoice IN THE LORD always. Again I say, Rejoice." (Colossians 4:4)
Let us (you and me) DO as His word commands us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PRAISE AND THANK YOU LORD JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"From the rising of the sun, to it's going down the Name of the Lord is to be PRAISED."
(Psalm 113:1-3)
A: "The Alpha and the Omega".
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, says the Lord, Who is and Who was and Who is to come, the Almighty." (Revelation 1:8)
"The Apostle of our Confession".
"Therefore, holy brothers, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Christ Jesus." (Hebrews 3:1)
B. "The Brightness of His Glory".
"He (Jesus) is the sole expression of the Glory of God, [the radiance of the Divine]." (Hebrews 1:3/Amplified Bible)
C. "The Captain of our Salvation".
"For it was fitting for Him, for ARE all things and BY are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect (complete)." (Hebrews 2:10)
D. "The Door of the Sheep".
"Then Jesus said to them again, 'Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep."
(John 10:7) [The picture is one of security and safety in Jesus as the door to our daily comings and goings.]
"For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." (Isaiah 9:6) *** The Hebrew word for 'everlasting' can also be translated as 'ever-present'**
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Mercies and God of all comfort." (II Corinthians 1:3)
F. "Faithful and True".
"Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war." (Revelation 19:11)
G. "Great King above all Gods".
"For the Lord is the great God, and the Great King above all Gods." (Psalm 95:3)
"Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be thy name." Rejoice IN THE LORD always.
H. "Holy and Awesome"
"He has sent redemption to His people;
He has commanded His covenant Forever:
Holy and Awesome is His name." (Psalm 111:9)
"Our Father in Heaven, HALLOWED be thy NAME." Rejoice IN THE LORD always, again, I say rejoice." (Colossians 4:4)
H. "Our Hope".
"Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the commandment of God our Savior and the Lord Jesus Christ, our Hope." (I Timothy 1:1)
"Our Father in Heaven, HALLOWED be thy NAME." "Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say, Rejoice." (Colossians 4:4)
I. "The Resurrection and the Life".
"Jesus said to her, I AM the resurrection and the life." (John 11:25)
"Our Father in heaven, HALLOWED be thy NAME." "Rejoice IN THE LORD always. Again I say, Rejoice." (Colossians 4:4)
Let us (you and me) DO as His word commands us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PRAISE AND THANK YOU LORD JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, June 27, 2016
Deity - God.
Oh Holy God - You're not a distant deity, You are Holy God Who by your Sprit lives IN ME. (I Cor 3:16).
Though everywhere present You're never far from me.....You're not just He was, or He will be---You are the I AM Who is always WITH ME. (Psalms 139:7-19/Matthew 28:20)
And my life is "Hidden with Jesus Christ IN THEE". (Colossians 3:3)
You know our thoughts before we think, You know our words before we speak. In Your holy love, you're with us and for us from conception through birth, throughout life, and THROUGH death!!!!!!!
If we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord and Shepherd --- then death is only a door (John 10:7) which Jesus opens for us to the Holy eternal Majestic Presence of God!!! There, pain, tears, death, EVEN DARKNESS - are no more!!!(Revelation 21:2)
Jesus opens the door to the NEW JESUSALEM----where the LAMB is the Light!!! (Revelation 21:23). THIS IS WHAT WE WERE TRULY MADE FOR!!!!!!!!
until that Day, I must remember --- I am still only God's little boy,
with child-like faith, and child-like wonder, with child-like belief that Jesus Himself is my Peace and joy (Ephesians 2:14/Psalm 23:4).
Jesus also is my Strength and my song (Isaiah 12:2).
In Jesus I both rejoice and rest.
JESUS is all I will ever need.
Jesus is more than I could ever dream or want. (Ephesians 3:20)
Jesus only.
Deity - God.
Oh Holy God - You're not a distant deity, You are Holy God Who by your Sprit lives IN ME. (I Cor 3:16).
Though everywhere present You're never far from me.....You're not just He was, or He will be---You are the I AM Who is always WITH ME. (Psalms 139:7-19/Matthew 28:20)
And my life is "Hidden with Jesus Christ IN THEE". (Colossians 3:3)
You know our thoughts before we think, You know our words before we speak. In Your holy love, you're with us and for us from conception through birth, throughout life, and THROUGH death!!!!!!!
If we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord and Shepherd --- then death is only a door (John 10:7) which Jesus opens for us to the Holy eternal Majestic Presence of God!!! There, pain, tears, death, EVEN DARKNESS - are no more!!!(Revelation 21:2)
Jesus opens the door to the NEW JESUSALEM----where the LAMB is the Light!!! (Revelation 21:23). THIS IS WHAT WE WERE TRULY MADE FOR!!!!!!!!
until that Day, I must remember --- I am still only God's little boy,
with child-like faith, and child-like wonder, with child-like belief that Jesus Himself is my Peace and joy (Ephesians 2:14/Psalm 23:4).
Jesus also is my Strength and my song (Isaiah 12:2).
In Jesus I both rejoice and rest.
JESUS is all I will ever need.
Jesus is more than I could ever dream or want. (Ephesians 3:20)
Jesus only.
Friday, June 10, 2016
"There is no fear in love; but perfect
love casts out fear, and we have known
and believed the love that God has for us."
(I John 4:16-18)
"But God, who is rich in mercy, because of
His great love with which He loved us..."
(Ephesians 2:4)
"And God is able to make all grace
abound toward you... (II Corinthians 9:8)
"For God so loved the WORLD that He
gave His only begotten Son, that whoever
believes in Him should not perish but
have everlasting live." (John3:16)
"O Lord....You know my sitting down
and my rising up; You understand my
thoughts afar off." (Psalm 139:2)
"And in Your book they all were written
the days fashioned for me." (Psalm 139:16)
"For you did not receive the spirit of bondage
again to fear, but you received the Spirit of Adoption
by whom we cry our, 'Abba Father'.
"The Spirit Himself bears witness
with our spirits that we are children of God."
(Romans 8:15-16)
He certainly has a BIG Holy-loving heart filled with
HIs Holy love---Perfect love (I John 4:18),
rich in mercy (Ephesians 2:4), abounding in grace
(II Corinthians 9:8)--- Enough to love BILLIONS
of people (John 3:16) with His love so intimate
that He knows our thoughts before we think them,
having written our every day down BEFORE we
were born!!! (Psalm 139:16)
His heart is SO BIG --- I believe that he DOES have
a "lap". Because He has given us a "Spirit of Adoption"
by which we call Him "Abba Father"; and He has
made His Son JESUS the only way to the Father -
"Jesus said...'I am the man comes to the
Father except through Me' ". (John 14:6)
So we are WELCOME to crawl up into His lap
frequently, and REST in WHO HE IS --- and all that
He wants to be FOR US. And THROUGH us;
to "Cast on Him all our cares and fears" (I Peter 5:7)
Let's go there FREQUENTLY - Tell Him "THANK YOU"!!!,
Tell Him "I LOVE YOU", And BLESS HIM and receive
"There is no fear in love; but perfect
love casts out fear, and we have known
and believed the love that God has for us."
(I John 4:16-18)
"But God, who is rich in mercy, because of
His great love with which He loved us..."
(Ephesians 2:4)
"And God is able to make all grace
abound toward you... (II Corinthians 9:8)
"For God so loved the WORLD that He
gave His only begotten Son, that whoever
believes in Him should not perish but
have everlasting live." (John3:16)
"O Lord....You know my sitting down
and my rising up; You understand my
thoughts afar off." (Psalm 139:2)
"And in Your book they all were written
the days fashioned for me." (Psalm 139:16)
"For you did not receive the spirit of bondage
again to fear, but you received the Spirit of Adoption
by whom we cry our, 'Abba Father'.
"The Spirit Himself bears witness
with our spirits that we are children of God."
(Romans 8:15-16)
He certainly has a BIG Holy-loving heart filled with
HIs Holy love---Perfect love (I John 4:18),
rich in mercy (Ephesians 2:4), abounding in grace
(II Corinthians 9:8)--- Enough to love BILLIONS
of people (John 3:16) with His love so intimate
that He knows our thoughts before we think them,
having written our every day down BEFORE we
were born!!! (Psalm 139:16)
His heart is SO BIG --- I believe that he DOES have
a "lap". Because He has given us a "Spirit of Adoption"
by which we call Him "Abba Father"; and He has
made His Son JESUS the only way to the Father -
"Jesus said...'I am the man comes to the
Father except through Me' ". (John 14:6)
So we are WELCOME to crawl up into His lap
frequently, and REST in WHO HE IS --- and all that
He wants to be FOR US. And THROUGH us;
to "Cast on Him all our cares and fears" (I Peter 5:7)
Let's go there FREQUENTLY - Tell Him "THANK YOU"!!!,
Tell Him "I LOVE YOU", And BLESS HIM and receive
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
"... these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God,
and that believing you may have life in His name.
"After these things Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias (Galilee), and in this way He showed Himself.
"But when the morning had now come, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus.
"Then Jesus said to them, 'Children, have you any food?' They answered Him, 'No'
"And He said to them, 'Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.' So they cast, and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of the fish.
"Jesus said to them, 'Come and eat breakfast.' Yet none of the disciples dared ask Him, 'Who are You --- knowing that it was the Lord.
"Jesus then came and took the bread and gave it to them, and likewise the fish.
"This is now the third time Jesus had shown Himself to His disciples after He was raised from the dead."
The miraculous catch of fish and breakfast with their Master convinced them of who He was, and yet left too them awed to spoil with words the wonder of His presence and actions. (please read that again).
Peter and the others has gone back to their old lifestyle...and were having no success (see John 21:3).
But Jesus in His Holy love, sought them out, He "fed them" with fish, bread, and His presence, and He restored them to fruitfulness and direction. He also personally restored Peter.
When we "go back to some of our old ways", He is willing to do the same for us!!!!!
*****PLEASE read John 20:31 thru John 21:17 (just 18 verses!!!) so you get ALL of the story!!!
"Thank God for His Son, His Gift too wonderful for words." (II Corinthians 9:15/Living Bible)
ALL GLORY TO JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"... these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God,
and that believing you may have life in His name.
"After these things Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias (Galilee), and in this way He showed Himself.
"But when the morning had now come, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus.
"Then Jesus said to them, 'Children, have you any food?' They answered Him, 'No'
"And He said to them, 'Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.' So they cast, and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of the fish.
"Jesus said to them, 'Come and eat breakfast.' Yet none of the disciples dared ask Him, 'Who are You --- knowing that it was the Lord.
"Jesus then came and took the bread and gave it to them, and likewise the fish.
"This is now the third time Jesus had shown Himself to His disciples after He was raised from the dead."
The miraculous catch of fish and breakfast with their Master convinced them of who He was, and yet left too them awed to spoil with words the wonder of His presence and actions. (please read that again).
Peter and the others has gone back to their old lifestyle...and were having no success (see John 21:3).
But Jesus in His Holy love, sought them out, He "fed them" with fish, bread, and His presence, and He restored them to fruitfulness and direction. He also personally restored Peter.
When we "go back to some of our old ways", He is willing to do the same for us!!!!!
*****PLEASE read John 20:31 thru John 21:17 (just 18 verses!!!) so you get ALL of the story!!!
"Thank God for His Son, His Gift too wonderful for words." (II Corinthians 9:15/Living Bible)
ALL GLORY TO JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
With Mothers' Day coming soon, then Fathers' day in June........
There are many among us whose parents are deceased, or possibly unknown-----
Let us be reminded by the Holy Spirit of God-------
We "have been CHOSEN, ADOPTED, and ACCEPTED by God as HIS-IN-JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!! (Ephesians 1:1-6)
ONCE and FOREVER HE set our value---by sending His Son Jesus Christ to die FOR us---rather than live WITHOUT us!!!
"For we did not receive the spirit of bondage to fear, but we received the Spirit of Adoption by whom we cry out ' ABBA (PAPA) FATHER' !!!
The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God." (Romans 8:15-16)
Our Holy Father will never die, never change!!!!!!! (Malachi 3:6/Hebrews 13:8)
Let us rejoice that we are HIS FOREVER!!!!!!!
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
With Mothers' Day coming soon, then Fathers' day in June........
There are many among us whose parents are deceased, or possibly unknown-----
Let us be reminded by the Holy Spirit of God-------
We "have been CHOSEN, ADOPTED, and ACCEPTED by God as HIS-IN-JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!! (Ephesians 1:1-6)
ONCE and FOREVER HE set our value---by sending His Son Jesus Christ to die FOR us---rather than live WITHOUT us!!!
"For we did not receive the spirit of bondage to fear, but we received the Spirit of Adoption by whom we cry out ' ABBA (PAPA) FATHER' !!!
The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God." (Romans 8:15-16)
Our Holy Father will never die, never change!!!!!!! (Malachi 3:6/Hebrews 13:8)
Let us rejoice that we are HIS FOREVER!!!!!!!
Monday, April 4, 2016
Prism - " A transparent body used to distribute (or scatter) light."
(Acts 16:19-34)
"...the jailer...put them into the inner prison...
"But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.
"Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken, and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's chains were loosed.
"...the keeper of the prison supposed that the prisoners had fled...
"but Paul cauled with a loud voice saying, ' we are all here'.
Then the jailer called for a light,...fell down trembling before Paul and Silas...
and said 'what must I do to be saved?'
"So they said, ' Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.'"
"...and he (the jailer) rejoiced, having believed in God with all his household."
So,...when Paul and Silas were in prison...they became PRISMS!!!!!!!
JESUS CHRIST ["I am the Light"/John 8:12] shined so powerfully through Paul and Silas...the jailer and all his household were freed and saved!!!!!!! PRAISE GOD INDEED!!!
Now you and I do NOT have to go to prison for His light to shine through us as prisMs!
Lets be willing to let Jesus shine through us WHEREVER we are...through face-to-face conversations, phone, greeting cards, texts, deeds of kindness, and all the ways that He wants to shine through us!!!!!
God is EAGER to fill us with More and More of Jesus/His Light--- in order to free Us from our prisons, AND to shine through us as prisms-----and thus to free many others from prisons of guilt, doubt, sin, fear, addictions, shame, etc.!!!
In order for us to take in more light.....ask God for more of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and study the Bible---asking the Holy Spirit to teach us and " us into all truth." (John 16:13)
Pray that: " may have the richest measure of the divine Presence." (Ephesians 3:19/Amplified Bible).
(Psalm 119:130) "The entrance of Your words gives light."
A long time ago-----when I was a little boy-(No, there were no dinosaurs then!) When I was a little boy---there was a children's song "Let your little light shine".
But for you and me...Let us let the BRIGHTEST light---the EVERLASTING LIGHT-JESUS CHRIST shine through you and me!!!!!
FOR THE EVERLASTING GLORY OF JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Prism - " A transparent body used to distribute (or scatter) light."
(Acts 16:19-34)
"...the jailer...put them into the inner prison...
"But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.
"Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken, and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's chains were loosed.
"...the keeper of the prison supposed that the prisoners had fled...
"but Paul cauled with a loud voice saying, ' we are all here'.
Then the jailer called for a light,...fell down trembling before Paul and Silas...
and said 'what must I do to be saved?'
"So they said, ' Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.'"
"...and he (the jailer) rejoiced, having believed in God with all his household."
So,...when Paul and Silas were in prison...they became PRISMS!!!!!!!
JESUS CHRIST ["I am the Light"/John 8:12] shined so powerfully through Paul and Silas...the jailer and all his household were freed and saved!!!!!!! PRAISE GOD INDEED!!!
Now you and I do NOT have to go to prison for His light to shine through us as prisMs!
Lets be willing to let Jesus shine through us WHEREVER we are...through face-to-face conversations, phone, greeting cards, texts, deeds of kindness, and all the ways that He wants to shine through us!!!!!
God is EAGER to fill us with More and More of Jesus/His Light--- in order to free Us from our prisons, AND to shine through us as prisms-----and thus to free many others from prisons of guilt, doubt, sin, fear, addictions, shame, etc.!!!
In order for us to take in more light.....ask God for more of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and study the Bible---asking the Holy Spirit to teach us and " us into all truth." (John 16:13)
Pray that: " may have the richest measure of the divine Presence." (Ephesians 3:19/Amplified Bible).
(Psalm 119:130) "The entrance of Your words gives light."
A long time ago-----when I was a little boy-(No, there were no dinosaurs then!) When I was a little boy---there was a children's song "Let your little light shine".
But for you and me...Let us let the BRIGHTEST light---the EVERLASTING LIGHT-JESUS CHRIST shine through you and me!!!!!
FOR THE EVERLASTING GLORY OF JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, March 17, 2016
WHERE ARE -YOU- GOING IN 2016????????
Hebrews 1:3 JESUS CHRIST is "...the sole expression of the glory of GOD. He is the very image of God's nature." He is the reflection of God's Immeasurable Excellence.
"He upholds, maintains, guides, and propels the UNIVERSE by His mighty word of power." (Hebrews 1:3/Amplified Bible)
Let's all go to "Emmaus" in 2016---Just as did two of Jesus Christ's followers in Luke 24:13-35).
Let us seek Jesus, asking and allowing Him to "...explain to us in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself..." (Luke 24:27), and to open our understanding that we might comprehend the scriptures.." (Luke 24:45).
Jesus Himself does declare in John 16:13- "...He (the Holy Spirit) will guide you into all truth."
Thus we may " transformed by the renewing of our minds." (Romans 12:2)
Let us be praying that our hearts will be warmed (Luke 24:32), and our spiritual eyes opened --- that we may encounter Jesus Christ in ever deeper levels; and that we may more and more live our lives-functioning in the Mind of Christ --- "But we have the mind of Christ". (I Corinthians 2:16)
He can "do in and through us that which is infinitely beyond what we can dream or ask..." (Ephesians 3:20).
FOR THE GREATER GLORY OF JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hebrews 1:3 JESUS CHRIST is "...the sole expression of the glory of GOD. He is the very image of God's nature." He is the reflection of God's Immeasurable Excellence.
"He upholds, maintains, guides, and propels the UNIVERSE by His mighty word of power." (Hebrews 1:3/Amplified Bible)
Let's all go to "Emmaus" in 2016---Just as did two of Jesus Christ's followers in Luke 24:13-35).
Let us seek Jesus, asking and allowing Him to "...explain to us in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself..." (Luke 24:27), and to open our understanding that we might comprehend the scriptures.." (Luke 24:45).
Jesus Himself does declare in John 16:13- "...He (the Holy Spirit) will guide you into all truth."
Thus we may " transformed by the renewing of our minds." (Romans 12:2)
Let us be praying that our hearts will be warmed (Luke 24:32), and our spiritual eyes opened --- that we may encounter Jesus Christ in ever deeper levels; and that we may more and more live our lives-functioning in the Mind of Christ --- "But we have the mind of Christ". (I Corinthians 2:16)
He can "do in and through us that which is infinitely beyond what we can dream or ask..." (Ephesians 3:20).
FOR THE GREATER GLORY OF JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
S. H. E. P. H. E. R. D.
S- Son of God
S.- Shepherd
H- (He is) Holy!!! Holy!!! Holy!!!
H- (He is) Here- Jesus promises in Matthew 28:20 "I am with you always."
E- "Everlasting Father" (Isaiah 9:6)
P-Path Jesus is "...the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)
P-Power Jesus is "...the head of ALL power, rule, and authority." (Colossians 2:10)
P-Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6)
P- "He is HIMSELF our peace." (Ephesians 2:14)
P-Praise Praise Jesus through every day and night!!! He is "...worthy to receive ALL praise, glory, and honor." (Revelation 5:12-13)
P-Presence - God "...inhabits the praises of Israel (His people!!!)
H-Hope He is "our hope." (I Timothy 1:1)
E-Everlasting He "...loves us with His everlasting love". (Jeremiah 31:3)
E-Everlasting He holds us with His everlasting arms. "...And underneath are His everlasting arms."
[Deuteronomy 33: 27] (The same arms that were on the cross for us!!!).
R-Righteousness He IS our RIGHTEOUSNESS!!!!!!! "But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us Wisdom from God - and righteousness and sanctification and redemption."
(I Corinthians 1:30)
D-Door "Then Jesus said to them...I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture." (John 10:7) [The picture here is one of SECURITY and SAFETY in JESUS CHRIST as THE DOOR to the sheep's daily comings and goings.]
D-Destination- "With Me"
In John 17:24 Jesus Prays---
"Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me, may be WITH ME where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me..."
WE WORSHIP YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
S. H. E. P. H. E. R. D.
S- Son of God
S.- Shepherd
H- (He is) Holy!!! Holy!!! Holy!!!
H- (He is) Here- Jesus promises in Matthew 28:20 "I am with you always."
E- "Everlasting Father" (Isaiah 9:6)
P-Path Jesus is "...the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)
P-Power Jesus is "...the head of ALL power, rule, and authority." (Colossians 2:10)
P-Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6)
P- "He is HIMSELF our peace." (Ephesians 2:14)
P-Praise Praise Jesus through every day and night!!! He is "...worthy to receive ALL praise, glory, and honor." (Revelation 5:12-13)
P-Presence - God "...inhabits the praises of Israel (His people!!!)
H-Hope He is "our hope." (I Timothy 1:1)
E-Everlasting He "...loves us with His everlasting love". (Jeremiah 31:3)
E-Everlasting He holds us with His everlasting arms. "...And underneath are His everlasting arms."
[Deuteronomy 33: 27] (The same arms that were on the cross for us!!!).
R-Righteousness He IS our RIGHTEOUSNESS!!!!!!! "But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us Wisdom from God - and righteousness and sanctification and redemption."
(I Corinthians 1:30)
D-Door "Then Jesus said to them...I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture." (John 10:7) [The picture here is one of SECURITY and SAFETY in JESUS CHRIST as THE DOOR to the sheep's daily comings and goings.]
D-Destination- "With Me"
In John 17:24 Jesus Prays---
"Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me, may be WITH ME where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me..."
WE WORSHIP YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, February 19, 2016
When I was a young boy, (NO there were no dinosaurs around at that time!); I had a horse.
The horse's name was "Penny"---because she was the color of an old copper penny coin.
During the summers, I would ride Penny almost every day! Penny was a very gentle, and a very dependable horse.
In truth, most of the time that I was on Penny's back... I RESTED. (I rode her without a saddle---it was called riding "bareback". I would ride her up into the grass of the yard around our house.
When we got up into the grassy area of our yard, I would just drop the reins on the ground, and while Penny ate grass.....I would stretch out on her back, and take a nap!
Penny never walked away from our yard, and she never caused me to fall off, nor caused me to get injured, nor even be afraid.
This story is not just my recollection.....My Mother confirmed this to me after I became an adult.
"Cast all your cares, concerns, all your anxieties and fears on Him (Jesus Christ!!), for He cares for you and He cares about you." (I Peter 5:7 Amplified Bible).
Psalm 23:2 "He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the resting and stilled waters."........To rest in JESUS CHRIST........the One who rides on the WHITE horse (Revelation 19:11, 16)
Matthew 11:29 Jesus Himself says : "Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest, relief, and ease...for My yoke is wholesome and good, gracious, and My burden is light." (Amplified Bible)
Now this sounds SIMPLE, but it is NOT easy!!!!!
In truth, it is not NATURAL to do that.
It is SUPERNATURAL!!!!! So we will have to ask, and trust, the Holy Spirit to guide and enable us to do that.....ask and trust Him every day........moment by moment!!!
We are not BIG, STRONG trucks. We are not made to carry big loads, for long distances, nor for long times.
We are made to be more like "fork lifts"---to 'cast our cares on Him', rest IN Him, and to "lift Jesus up in PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING"!!!!!!!!
Colossians 2:14 Jesus took our sins, and the "decrees and demands against us-----and nailed them to His cross."!!!
I have studied the Bible...and to the best I can find out---Jesus Christ's cross is now EMPTY!!! Jesus is no longer on the cross, neither are our cares, burdens, sins, nor are the demands nor decrees that were against us.
"THE LAMB OF GOD TOOK THEM AWAY" (John 1:29)!!!!!!!
The empty cross points to the REST of the TRUTH---The OCCUPIED throne---where Jesus Christ our High Priest SITS at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens."!!!!!!! (Hebrews 8:1)
Jesus is HIMSELF "our hope". (I Tim. 1:1/I Thessalonians 1:3)
So, we as individuals, and as His church, are to ask and trust the HOLY SPIRIT to guide and enable us
1) Ride on, and rest IN Jesus Christ (He comes on a WHITE horse!!!).
2) Cast our cares on Him (He cares for us);
3) Lift up praises and thanksgiving to JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!
4) Declare that "Jesus is HIMSELF our hope and our peace!!!" (I Timothy 1:1/Ephesians 2:14)
When I was a young boy, (NO there were no dinosaurs around at that time!); I had a horse.
The horse's name was "Penny"---because she was the color of an old copper penny coin.
During the summers, I would ride Penny almost every day! Penny was a very gentle, and a very dependable horse.
In truth, most of the time that I was on Penny's back... I RESTED. (I rode her without a saddle---it was called riding "bareback". I would ride her up into the grass of the yard around our house.
When we got up into the grassy area of our yard, I would just drop the reins on the ground, and while Penny ate grass.....I would stretch out on her back, and take a nap!
Penny never walked away from our yard, and she never caused me to fall off, nor caused me to get injured, nor even be afraid.
This story is not just my recollection.....My Mother confirmed this to me after I became an adult.
"Cast all your cares, concerns, all your anxieties and fears on Him (Jesus Christ!!), for He cares for you and He cares about you." (I Peter 5:7 Amplified Bible).
Psalm 23:2 "He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the resting and stilled waters."........To rest in JESUS CHRIST........the One who rides on the WHITE horse (Revelation 19:11, 16)
Matthew 11:29 Jesus Himself says : "Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest, relief, and ease...for My yoke is wholesome and good, gracious, and My burden is light." (Amplified Bible)
Now this sounds SIMPLE, but it is NOT easy!!!!!
In truth, it is not NATURAL to do that.
It is SUPERNATURAL!!!!! So we will have to ask, and trust, the Holy Spirit to guide and enable us to do that.....ask and trust Him every day........moment by moment!!!
We are not BIG, STRONG trucks. We are not made to carry big loads, for long distances, nor for long times.
We are made to be more like "fork lifts"---to 'cast our cares on Him', rest IN Him, and to "lift Jesus up in PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING"!!!!!!!!
Colossians 2:14 Jesus took our sins, and the "decrees and demands against us-----and nailed them to His cross."!!!
I have studied the Bible...and to the best I can find out---Jesus Christ's cross is now EMPTY!!! Jesus is no longer on the cross, neither are our cares, burdens, sins, nor are the demands nor decrees that were against us.
"THE LAMB OF GOD TOOK THEM AWAY" (John 1:29)!!!!!!!
The empty cross points to the REST of the TRUTH---The OCCUPIED throne---where Jesus Christ our High Priest SITS at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens."!!!!!!! (Hebrews 8:1)
Jesus is HIMSELF "our hope". (I Tim. 1:1/I Thessalonians 1:3)
So, we as individuals, and as His church, are to ask and trust the HOLY SPIRIT to guide and enable us
1) Ride on, and rest IN Jesus Christ (He comes on a WHITE horse!!!).
2) Cast our cares on Him (He cares for us);
3) Lift up praises and thanksgiving to JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!
4) Declare that "Jesus is HIMSELF our hope and our peace!!!" (I Timothy 1:1/Ephesians 2:14)
Saturday, February 6, 2016
"A B I D I N G C O N T I N U O U S L Y!!!!!!!!"
Continuous: uninterrupted in time, sequence, substance, or extent.
In John 19:28-30, Jesus Christ is on the cross, dying for your sins, and for my sins!!!
"After this, Jesus, knowing that all things were now accomplished.....He said 'It is finished!!!' And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.' "
"It is finished." The Greek tense indicates that the worK of REDEMPTION has been COMPLETED once for all and its results are abiding continuously!!!
Almost everything in our lives -changes with time.
HOWEVER, Jesus Christ does NOT change with the passage of time.
Hebrews 13:8--- "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."
How Perfectly-Loving and Graciously Good God our Father is---that Jesus Christ's work of redeeming us is "FINISHED!" and its results are ABIDING CONTINUOUSLY!!!
In Ephesians 2:14 God's Word declares---
"He is HIMSELF our peace."
And Jesus Christ HIMSELF declares---
"I am WITH YOU ALWAYS." (Matthew 28:20)
We can continuously strengthen and reinforce these truths in our hearts throughout the day and night by frequently whispering:
"(Jesus) You are YOURSELF my peace, You are WITH ME ALWAYS. THANK YOU!!!!!!! PRAISE YOU!!!!!!!"
Come!!! His kingdom, in our hearts,
Be done His will on earth as it is in Heaven!!!!!!!"
For the glory of JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!
Continuous: uninterrupted in time, sequence, substance, or extent.
In John 19:28-30, Jesus Christ is on the cross, dying for your sins, and for my sins!!!
"After this, Jesus, knowing that all things were now accomplished.....He said 'It is finished!!!' And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.' "
"It is finished." The Greek tense indicates that the worK of REDEMPTION has been COMPLETED once for all and its results are abiding continuously!!!
Almost everything in our lives -changes with time.
HOWEVER, Jesus Christ does NOT change with the passage of time.
Hebrews 13:8--- "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."
How Perfectly-Loving and Graciously Good God our Father is---that Jesus Christ's work of redeeming us is "FINISHED!" and its results are ABIDING CONTINUOUSLY!!!
In Ephesians 2:14 God's Word declares---
"He is HIMSELF our peace."
And Jesus Christ HIMSELF declares---
"I am WITH YOU ALWAYS." (Matthew 28:20)
We can continuously strengthen and reinforce these truths in our hearts throughout the day and night by frequently whispering:
"(Jesus) You are YOURSELF my peace, You are WITH ME ALWAYS. THANK YOU!!!!!!! PRAISE YOU!!!!!!!"
Come!!! His kingdom, in our hearts,
Be done His will on earth as it is in Heaven!!!!!!!"
For the glory of JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
HOLY GOD---OUR ABBA ("Daddy") FATHER!!!!!!!!!
As I was walking through the woods in the Tennessee mountains, I passed a flowing stream, walked around two lakes, and then walked back through the quietly beautiful woods to the place where I was staying for the week---I was praising, thanking, and worshiping God for the woods, the stream, and the lakes, AND for the ability and freedom to walk---
I remembered my younger days, and I began to be acutely aware of God's "...faithfulness to His word and to His righteous character.." [please see II Timothy 2:13/Amplified Bible].
When I was a young man, I dreamed of owning a large amount of land---including forests, pastures, streams and lakes.
Because I grew up in a rural area, I have always loved woods, pastures, streams, and lakes, etc.
As I grew older, I realized that I would not have the financial ability to purchase large tracts of land.
As I prayed about these things, and about my dreams.....the Holy Spirit "...brought to my remembrance (John 14:26) Jesus' story about the lost ("Prodigal") Son and his brother (found in
Luke 15:11-32). ***Please, read this story for yourself**
When the younger lost ("Prodigal") son returned home, the older brother, who had faithfully stayed at home and helped his father on the farm.....became very angry and upset that so MUCH had been given to the returning prodigal son, and also upset about the huge welcoming celebration for him.
In John 15:31 the father said to the older son: "Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours."
In Psalm 24:1 God's word declares: "The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein."
In recent years, as I prayed about my dreams of owning large plots of land.....God gave me understanding that all along He "...knew the plans that He had for me...plans for good, to give me a future and a hope.' (Jeremiah 29:11). He helped me understand that He did not give me abilities to maintain and operate farm machinery, farms, lakes, and forests, etc.
Ephesians 3:20---"Now He (GOD!!!) is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think..."
Psalm 139:16---He "...wrote our every day down before the day we were born."
In His intimate, perfect love, He gave, and GIVES me the ability to study His Word, to learn His lessons, and to share them with anyone and everyone in the world (including you!!!) who will look them up on the internet at:
AND He allows and enables me to drive, ride, walk, and thoroughly enjoy HIS beautiful creation (woods, pastures, streams, waterfalls, lakes, mountains).....and I do not have to spend time or money to maintain these things! JESUS paid for it all!!!!!!!!!!!
I URGE YOU to seek God's face and His righteousness, and allow Him to reveal to you His intimate, perfect love for YOU!!!!!
He is our "Abba ("Daddy") Father!!!!!!! (Romans 8:15)
As I was walking through the woods in the Tennessee mountains, I passed a flowing stream, walked around two lakes, and then walked back through the quietly beautiful woods to the place where I was staying for the week---I was praising, thanking, and worshiping God for the woods, the stream, and the lakes, AND for the ability and freedom to walk---
I remembered my younger days, and I began to be acutely aware of God's "...faithfulness to His word and to His righteous character.." [please see II Timothy 2:13/Amplified Bible].
When I was a young man, I dreamed of owning a large amount of land---including forests, pastures, streams and lakes.
Because I grew up in a rural area, I have always loved woods, pastures, streams, and lakes, etc.
As I grew older, I realized that I would not have the financial ability to purchase large tracts of land.
As I prayed about these things, and about my dreams.....the Holy Spirit "...brought to my remembrance (John 14:26) Jesus' story about the lost ("Prodigal") Son and his brother (found in
Luke 15:11-32). ***Please, read this story for yourself**
When the younger lost ("Prodigal") son returned home, the older brother, who had faithfully stayed at home and helped his father on the farm.....became very angry and upset that so MUCH had been given to the returning prodigal son, and also upset about the huge welcoming celebration for him.
In John 15:31 the father said to the older son: "Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours."
In Psalm 24:1 God's word declares: "The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein."
In recent years, as I prayed about my dreams of owning large plots of land.....God gave me understanding that all along He "...knew the plans that He had for me...plans for good, to give me a future and a hope.' (Jeremiah 29:11). He helped me understand that He did not give me abilities to maintain and operate farm machinery, farms, lakes, and forests, etc.
Ephesians 3:20---"Now He (GOD!!!) is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think..."
Psalm 139:16---He "...wrote our every day down before the day we were born."
In His intimate, perfect love, He gave, and GIVES me the ability to study His Word, to learn His lessons, and to share them with anyone and everyone in the world (including you!!!) who will look them up on the internet at:
AND He allows and enables me to drive, ride, walk, and thoroughly enjoy HIS beautiful creation (woods, pastures, streams, waterfalls, lakes, mountains).....and I do not have to spend time or money to maintain these things! JESUS paid for it all!!!!!!!!!!!
I URGE YOU to seek God's face and His righteousness, and allow Him to reveal to you His intimate, perfect love for YOU!!!!!
He is our "Abba ("Daddy") Father!!!!!!! (Romans 8:15)
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