Friday, August 14, 2015

"...BECAUSE  HIS  COMPASSIONS  FAIL  NOT,  THEY  ARE  NEW  EVERY MORNING..."    (Lamentations 3:22-23)

I look up high at the bright blue sky,
.....I see a butterfly!!! (That's a sign
of new life, new beginnings!!!)

O Holy God!  Because of Your mercies
Your "...compassions...are new every morning".
On a day full of joy,
On a day of the mundane,
Or on a day of mourning.

So let that be a praise,
And let it be a warning-
Yesterday is gone,
Tomorrow is not yet,
And of our tomorrows...only HE knows, our God has said.

So let us today be praying, praising, and reverently worshiping God,
And Thanking Him!
Loving God and loving others
And resting in Jesus - God's Son!!!

Let our praises and thanksgivings be many,
Our fears and worries -  none...
Having left them in Jesus Christ's nail-scarred hands.

"This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."
(Psalm 118:24)


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