Friday, May 22, 2015

JESUS        CHRIST'S         TREE

A few days ago, early in the morning, it was raining  -  a very light, sprinkling rain, so I stopped and stood under a tree to get out of the rain......

A drop of rain hit me on the top of my head.
I laughed, and said -

Father, You got me!
I'm standing under a tree,
But You got me!!!

He Who knows me and loves me intimately,
"Got me" forever on a tree---
Called Jesus' cross at Calvary;
There He died for you and me.

'Though He died and was buried,
He was not done yet.
Conquering sin, death, and the grave,
He brought victory!!!
Now, giving His life to you and me.

He is still not finished---
Because you and I are not complete.
By His word and His Spirit
He is transforming us to be...
so that in you and me
Others can see
Jesus Christ the King---
Lover, Life-giver, and Eternal Victory!!!

So let us  -  His pupils,
The "apples of His eye",
Never fall far from His tree;
So His reign in, and over us,
Will bring many others
To Him for eternity.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for another inspiring and Spirit filled word!
