Thursday, February 12, 2015


It happened when I was a young boy.....

My parents had taught me to  ALWAYS  be reverent toward God.

On a certain day, I was telling a joke to my mother.  It was a very clean, simple joke; but because it had been so strongly emphasized to me to  "always stand in awe of Holy God"--------I was a little nervous and I said to Mother: "Mama,  God loves a little joke, doesn't He?"

Mother answered:  "Sure! He loves you , doesn't He?"

I was a little taken aback by what she said........but after hesitating for a moment, I answered: "Yes, Ma'am";  then we both had a good laugh!

And yes!  "the Lord, the Most High God" (Genesis 14:22),  "The Holy One of Israel" (Isaiah 29:19) -
He does approve of laughter.  In Ecclesiastes 3:1-4 He declares: "To everything there is a season...' a time to weep, and a time to laugh...".   The word used in that passage for "laugh"  means: " to laugh; to rejoice; to play; to be amused..."  (Strong's # 7832).

With all that (above) in mind, may I share with you another "little joke".....

My lovely wife Mary gave to me an "early Valentine gift"  -  a new book cover for my Bible!!!  This new Bible cover is very nice.  In addition to covering and protecting my Bible, it also has a separate compartment that holds a writing pad and a highlighter pen.

Enclosed in the new cover was a pad of foam rubber - designed to maintain the cover in the proper shape during shipping.

When I described this gift to my pastor, I told him about all the various benefits of the cover (the carrying strap, separate compartment with the writing pad, highlighter pen, etc.).  Then I told him:
"Another benefit that came with the cover is a 'foam pad.....that will make a great pillow if I get to feeling sleepy during one of your sermons!!!!!"
[Yes, he very graciously laughed WITH me!!!!!]

Most Holy God!!!  I pray that you will bless my lovely wife Mary, my pastor Roger Bourgeois, and each of you dear brothers and sisters  -  in Your name :  "GOD my exceeding joy"!!!  (Psalm 43:4)    Amen.      


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