Tuesday, February 24, 2015

J   E   S   U  S,     Y   O   U   C  A  M  E  ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

{You will find yourself in this list, (maybe in different categories on different days).   He came, asking you to allow Him to live His life in you, and through you---because He loves you--- so passionately; and He came that His "...kingdom will come, His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven"!!! }  (Matthew 6:9-10)  

*** Please read this slowly, meditating as you read. ** 

For the tired, for the weary,
For the pushed, for the hurried,
You came,  Jesus , You came!!!

For the lost, for the lonely,
For the hurting, for the homeless,

Jesus Christ, Jesus  only ........can save.
Jesus, You came;  Jesus, You save!!!
(Matt. 1:21)

For those afraid, or when you're depressed-
God understands  -  He sent His Best.

Jesus, You came, You understand; (Isaiah 40:28)
You are "our glory, the Lifter of our head".
(Psalm 3:3)

God's "grace and truth", "rich in mercy";
Bringing God's favor, His "wisdom to us"!

Jesus, You came - Forever You reign!!!
 (Ephesians 2:4/John 1:17/ I Cor. 1:30)

You are "our peace", Lord , (Eph. 2:14)
Our joy and our hope. ( Psalm 43:4/I Tim. 1:1)

You are "our strength", Lord,
And  You are "our song". (Isaiah 12:2)

"So He (Jesus) came to Nazareth (to your home)...  And as His custom (is) He read...the book of the prophet Isaiah.  And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written:

'The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me
Because He has anointed  Me
To preach the gospel to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,

"To proclaim liberty to the captives,
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set at liberty those who are oppressed;
To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.'

"Then He closed the book,
and gave it back to the attendant and sat down.
And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue
were fixed on Him."

"And He began to say to them, 'Today this
Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing."
(Luke 4:16-21)

*** Paraphrase **

Then He closed the book,
and gave it to the attendant and sat down.
And the eyes and hearts of us all are fixed on HIM.

And He says to us, 'Today this Scripture is
fulfilled in your hearing.  Will you receive it?

He says  TO YOU and TO ME: "Will you allow Me
to reign in you and through you NOW...so that
you can reign WITH ME forever"???!!!!!

"Surely I am coming quickly." (Revelation 22:21)


Tuesday, February 17, 2015


February 17, 2015

Standing here in our living room.....looking out the window...at the brilliant, incredible beauty of the sun shining through the trees - that Holy God has coated with crystal-like ice - transforming each tree into a Heavenly crystal chandelier!!!

I look down, and see the sunlight shining upon a ceramic dish on the table in front of the window........The top edge of the dish is carved so that the shadow (caused by the sun shining through the dish)........spells:   F   A   I   T   H.

[Yes, read that (above) again!!!]

Jesus Christ is reminding each one of us that HE is "the light" (John 8:12)!!!  He so passionately  desires -  to so beam through us the light of the truth that shines from HIS tree (the cross upon which He was crucified for our sins) the "...truth that sets us free" (John 8:32)!!!!!!!

His light-His truth (John 8:12, 14:6) will thereby transform our lives into  "Light-bearers"  -  ones who reflect His light for all to see - HIM - the light of heaven (Revelation 21:23)!!!

TODAY  Jesus Christ calls us to bow down before Him, and to ask Him to fill-us-to-overflowing-with Himself!!!!!!!! 

In agreement with His Word in Psalm 43:3 Let us declare---

"Oh, send out Your light and Your truth!
"Let them lead me..." !!!!!

(By the power of the Holy Spirit, I am doing that right now).

Oh please join me in this!!!!!

For the glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2015


It happened when I was a young boy.....

My parents had taught me to  ALWAYS  be reverent toward God.

On a certain day, I was telling a joke to my mother.  It was a very clean, simple joke; but because it had been so strongly emphasized to me to  "always stand in awe of Holy God"--------I was a little nervous and unsure.....so I said to Mother: "Mama,  God loves a little joke, doesn't He?"

Mother answered:  "Sure! He loves you , doesn't He?"

I was a little taken aback by what she said........but after hesitating for a moment, I answered: "Yes, Ma'am";  then we both had a good laugh!

And yes!  "the Lord, the Most High God" (Genesis 14:22),  "The Holy One of Israel" (Isaiah 29:19) -
He does approve of laughter.  In Ecclesiastes 3:1-4 He declares: "To everything there is a season...' a time to weep, and a time to laugh...".   The word used in that passage for "laugh"  means: " to laugh; to rejoice; to play; to be amused..."  (Strong's # 7832).

With all that (above) in mind, may I share with you another "little joke".....

My lovely wife Mary gave to me an "early Valentine gift"  -  a new book cover for my Bible!!!  This new Bible cover is very nice.  In addition to covering and protecting my Bible, it also has a separate compartment that holds a writing pad and a highlighter pen.

Enclosed in the new cover was a pad of foam rubber - designed to maintain the cover in the proper shape during shipping.

When I described this gift to my pastor, I told him about all the various benefits of the cover (the carrying strap, separate compartment with the writing pad, highlighter pen, etc.).  Then I told him:
"Another benefit that came with the cover is a 'foam pad.....that will make a great pillow if I get to feeling sleepy during one of your sermons!!!!!"
[Yes, he very graciously laughed WITH me!!!!!]

Most Holy God!!!  I pray that you will bless my lovely wife Mary, my pastor Roger Bourgeois, and each of you dear brothers and sisters  -  in Your name :  "GOD my exceeding joy"!!!  (Psalm 43:4)    Amen.