Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Someone has said: "God answers our prayers---"Yes";  "No";  or  "Wait".

I am not going to spend time discussing that.

I am simply declaring that in His Word,  God commands us to pray.

In His Word, God calls us to pray.

In His Word, you will find that God enables us to pray.

As you pray His Word, you will experience-for-yourself that God answers your prayers........
because  " able to carry out His purpose...and do...far over and above all that we  dare
ask [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]..."
(Ephesians 3:19/Amplified Bible)

WOW!!!   WOW!!!  I have to read that verse (above) again!!!!   Yeah!  Me too!!!!!

In truth, we will find out that God Himself is the answer to our prayers!!!!!!!!

He answers all of our prayers:  "Yes."   "I am God."

"I am the Lord, I change not." (Malachi 3:6)  "I always do that which is intimately best for
you [as if you were my only child (see Psalm 139:1-18, 23-24)].....and, infinitely best for all
My kingdom.

But don't accept  (Barry's) word for all this.......ask the Holy Spirit to  " you into all truth".
[In John 16:13, Jesus Christ declares: "...He (the Holy Spirit) will guide you into all truth."]

May I please share with you how my wife (Mary) and I experienced-this-for-ourselves on a trip not
very long ago...


By God's great grace He enabled Mary and me to take a trip to Israel (Nov.26  -  Dec. 5, 2012).

As is consistent with His character - God far exceeded our highest hopes and dreams!!!

God took us to many holy places in His-Land-Israel, and He revealed His holiness into our
hearts many times.

For a few minutes, I would like to focus on a particular day..........

Friday, Nov 30th, I awoke very early.......and I was very nauseous;  I knew right away that I was
not going anywhere that day.

I urged Mary to go on with the rest of the tour group that day, and she very graciously did go.

I knew that Mary would be praying for me, that she would ask some of the tour group to pray
for me. I knew that our church members were praying for us, and our family was praying for us.

Before Mary left that morning, she thoughtfully contacted the front desk of the hotel, and asked that
housekeeping  NOT  clean our room that day - so that I would not be disturbed.

After Mary left, I went back to sleep for a while.  When I awoke..........I felt.....horrible!  I had a terrible burning sensation in my stomach - that just continued on and on!  I had some Pepto-Bismol tablets, and some other remedies.....but nothing helped.  Nothing.

I got out my Bible.....planning to read, pray, and declare portions of Psalm 119 - because recently, when I had a serious sinus infection.....I repeatedly prayed/proclaimed/sang several verses from Psalm 119 - like "Lord, revive me according to Your word.....revive me according to Your faithfulness.....revive me according to Your love..." and the Lord did indeed revive me then!!!  Praise His name!!!!!!!

But.....the Holy Spirit stopped me at Psalm 118 (Psalm One Hundred EIGHTEEN!!!), verse 15---

"The voice of rejoicing and salvation (healing) is in the tents of the righteous..."

(Only) because the blood of Jesus Christ covers me - I AM righteous.

According to God's word - my " body is the temple (tent) of the Holy Spirit." (I Corinthians 6:19)--------The voice of Jesus Christ's rejoicing and salvation (healing) is IN ME!!!!!!!! (and in you if you belong to Him!!!)

As I continued praying, declaring, proclaiming, prophesying, this word from God.....and thanking Him (Philippians 4:6-8)..........I heard a knocking on the door of our room..........
In the (physical), the person knocking on our door was a young man from "housekeeping" - asking me if I wanted him to clean our room.

(Now remember, Mary had asked housekeeping to NOT clean our room).

I told the young man that I needed more tissue.  (He gave me an abundance of tissue!)

I further explained to him that I did not want him to clean the room "because I am sick".

When I told him that I was sick.....this young man - with such earnestness, such lovingkindness, and such assurance said:  "Drink some of this hot tea, it WILL calm your stomach"
He showed me how exactly how to make the tea, and then he left.

I knew that I was to do exactly as he said.  I made the tea, drank it slowly.  Almost immediately, I began to feel better!  I made another cup of the tea and drank it.  Within a short while, I felt totally better - the sickness was gone.

As I thanked our Holy God, and reflected on how with such assurance and lovingkindness the young man told me "This tea WILL calm your stomach"........the Holy Spirit brought to my remembrance His word in Psalm 63:3--- "Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise you".

I wept tears of thanksgiving, and
I wept tears of thanksgiving, and
I wept tears of thanksgiving.

(I have prayed much about this, on that specific day, and since that day.  I do not think that it was an angel, but Jesus Christ Himself that ministered to me through that young man).

As I continued to read, pray, and proclaim His Word that afternoon, the Lord strongly emphasized some more verses to me:

Psalm 119: 49-50: "Remember the word to your servant, upon which you have caused me to hope.  This is my comfort in my affliction, for Your Word has given me life."

Psalm 119:71: "It is GOOD for me that I was afflicted, that I may learn Your (Word)".

That evening, when Mary arrived back at our room from that day's tour - I shared with her about my day.........and I could hardly speak - because I was weeping tears of joy and thanksgiving  -  for "His lovingkindness is better than life." (Psalm 63:3)

Today The LORD GOD has some questions for us:

Will you CONTINUE to pray?

Will you INCREASE your praying?


Will you TRUST ME to answer in the WAY, and TIMING, that will GLORIFY ME THE MOST?

Will you pray  "JESUS CHRIST-THE PRINCE OF PEACE-for Jerusalem;
"May they prosper who love you (Jerusalem).
"Peace be within your walls, prosperity within
"your palaces." (Psalm 122:7-8)

*****  Please remember to ask the Holy Spirit to " you into all truth". (John 16:13) ****

Jesus Christ is "...the 'Yes' answer to every promise of God." (II Corinthians 1:20)

Jesus Christ is "...the Amen". (Revelation 3:14)

PRAISE         HIS         GLORIOUS         NAME!!!!!!!!!


Abraham in Genesis 18:17-33.       Moses in Exodus 32:11-14, 30-34
Joshua in Joshua 10:12-14              Isaiah & Hezekiah in Isaiah 36:1-37:38
Ezekiel in Ezekiel 22:30                 Paul in Ephesians 1:17-21; 3:14-21
Acts 13:1-14:28                              Acts 4:1-37
II Chronicles 6:12-42; 7:1              Acts 12:1-17
The Lord's Prayer:  Matt.6:9-13      I John 5:14-15
John 4:34                                         David asks for Joy and God's Presence  -   Psalm 51:1-19


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