Monday, June 9, 2014

God's Perfect (and Perfecting) Love


It was after Christmas, at a time when many of us allow our thoughts to turn away from the birth, life, death, resurrection, and return of Jesus Christ...back to our "normal" life. It is as if we subconsciously think: "Well, Christmas is over, it's time to change my focus back to the routine" of work, school, etc.
But God our Father, Jesus Christ our Lord is "the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Heb 13:8). His all-knowing perfect love for everyone of us is the same December 31st (or any other day) as it is December 25th!

Yes, God has our every day written down; He knows our every need; He knows what He needs to do to continue changing us into the image of Jesus Christ.

So there it was, Dec. 31, 1985, and some friends who lived in another town called me, and asked me to come celebrate New Year's Eve with them.

Mary, and our daughters Katy and Carrie, were visiting relatives in Miami over the holidays, so I drove my mother's car to visit my friends.

It was a very cold night, with an "icy" wind making it feel even colder! About half-way to my friends' house, the car's headlights began to get weaker and weaker. With the weather becoming even rougher, I decided to turn around and go back home. (I did not want to be caught out in that weather with car trouble!).

As I drove back through Clarkesville, GA, that which I feared and dreaded -- happened! The headlights failed completely, the car stopped dead still -- on a hill! The car had no electrical power, not even enough to operate the emergency flashing lights.

(Now this was before we had cell phones). There were no service stations open. There were no pay phones on that side of town. I prayed and prayed..."Lord, what am I going to do?!"

 I was in a residential area. So all I could think to do was to go to the nearest house, and see if someone would allow (me), a complete stranger, into their house on New Year's Eve night, in order to use their phone.

A very elderly lady answered my knock on the door. I thought to myself: "If she is here alone, she won't let me in." I had underestimated God's grace. He gave me great favor with her! She invited me into her warm house. She told me that I could use the telephone - "as much as I needed to".

First I called the friends that I had planned to visit. I explained my situation, and they agreed to pray for me. Next I tried to call some service stations for one was open. After praying some more, I decided to call my mother and tell her what had happened. As we talked, she remembered that the son of one of my father's friends owned a service station in Toccoa, a town near where my mother lived. Perhaps I could call him at home, and see if maybe he could help me.

As she prayed, Mother struggled to remember the man's name, and finally succeeded. His name is Michael Purcell. Again, I was thinking..."It is not likely that I will find him at home on New Year's Eve night." I could not remember ever having met the man, so I was also doubting that he would come that far, that late at night, in order to help me.

Again, I had underestimated Got's unmerited favor! Mr. Purcell was indeed at home. After I described the failure of the headlights, and the total failure of the car's electrical system, Mr. Purcell said that he believed it was due to a battery failure. He further stated that he would go to his station, pick up a battery, then he would meet me at my car! Glory to God!!!

After talking with Mr. Purcell, I told the lady whose phone I was using, that I would go out to the car and wait for Mr. Purcell there. She insisted that it was too cold for me to wait out there; that I must "stay in the house where it was nice and warm."

I didn't have to wait long. Mr. Purcell arrived, and quickly installed the new battery. The car started promptly, the headlights and electrical system worked "like new"!  Mr. Purcell even followed me home, making sure that I arrived safely!!!

God has promised to "complete the good work (he) has begun in (us)" (Phil. 1:6).
I had had a fear of having car trouble while traveling. Because God is faithful to His word (II Tim. 2:13) -- He allowed me to go through this total car failure -- away from home -- in very bad weather.

Let's look at the names of the people He used to help me overcome. The elderly lady who allowed this total stranger into her house on New Year's Eve night, who game me access to her telephone, and a warm place to wait...Her name was Mrs. Trusty. (God saying..."Barry, trust Me."!!!). (II Chron. 20:20).

The man who came, fixed the car, and escorted me safely home...his name is Michael. God says in His word that there are "myriads" of angels; and that we each have at least two guardian angels (Psalm 91(. In all of the Bible, only two of the angels' names are listed: Gabriel and Michael. God says in Hebrews 1:14 "...the angels...are sent to serve those who will inherit salvation".

My daily commute to work was one of my most important prayer times. My route took me by Mrs. Trusty's home - and I prayed for her family daily. And of course I prayed daily also for Michael Purcell and his family.




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