In 1 Samuel 14: 1-45 We find (ISRAEL'S) King Saul leading Israel into battle against the Philistines.
(A brief note to explain the presence of 8 crosses (+) in the title and elsewhere in the messages: In the the translation of the Greek into English...the letters of JESUS = have a numerical value total of (8). So, When I put (8) crosses (4+4) around a sentence or a title...I am intending to Emphasize the Majesty and Authority of JESUS!!!).
First we see that Jonathan (the son of King Saul) and Jonathan's armor-bearer/loyal friend [just the two of them] go up to battle against the Philistines.
Jonathan said, "nothing restrains the LORD from saving by many or by few." (1 Samuel 4:6). Indeed The LORD GOD enabled the 2 (two) of them to be so victorious - "that the Philistines were Trembling...all were Trembling...the garrison (small fort) and the Philistine raiders also trembled and the earth quaked." (1 Samuel 14:15).
"Saul said to Ahijah (the priest), bring the Ark of God here (1 Samuel 14:18)." (At that time in Israel's history-the Ark of GOD represented the ++++ Presence of GOD++++). (Saul was asking the priest to seek GOD'S wisdom.)
(verse 19)- "Now it happened, while Saul talked to the priest, that the noise which was in the enemies' camp continued to increase; so Saul said to the priest, 'Withdraw your hand' ."
(From the footnote: 'withdraw your hand' meant, 'stop trying to get guidance for me; I don't have time.' In verse 20 we see that there was then great confusion."
SAUL'S RASH OATH: (verse 24) "And the men of Israel were FATIGUED that day, for Saul had the people under oath, saying 'cursed is the man who eats ANY food until evening, before I have taken vengeance on my enemies.' So none of the people tasted food.
(verse 25-26) "Now all Saul's people came to a forest, and there was honey on the ground...but none of the people ate any of the honey- for the people feared the oath.
(verse 27) "But Jonathan had
Not heard his father's he dipped his rod in a honey comb and put his hand to his mouth; and his eyes brightened!"
(v. 28) "Then one of the people said to Jonathan, 'Your father charged the people with an oath, saying 'cursed is the man who eats food this day. And the people were faint."
(v. 31)"Now they had driven the Philistines back that day. So the people were faint. (v. 32) "And the people rushed upon the plunder, and took sheep, oxen, and and calves and slaughtered them ...and the people ate them---with the blood!"
(v. 33) Then they told Saul, saying, 'look, the people are sinning against the LORD by eating with the blood.' "
In verses 33b-34 Saul tries to "fix" what had doing things his own way rather than GOD'S way'
(v. 37) "So Saul asked counsel of GOD, 'Shall I go down after the Philistines? Will YOU deliver them into the hands of Israel?' But GOD did not answer Saul that day."
(v. 43-44) "Then Saul said to Jonathan, tell me what you have done...'Jonathan told him and said...'I only tasted a little honey... Saul answered 'You shall surely die, Jonathan."
(v.45 "But the people said to Saul,'shall Jonathan die, who has today accomplished this great deliverance in Israei??? Certainly Not! So the people rescued Jonathan and he did not die."
++++So, in v. 19 Saul said 'Stop trying to get guidance for me, I do not have time.' (V. 24-31 Saul made a Rash oath---causing the people to sin. (v. 44-45)- Saul sentenced his son Jonathan to die.++++
++++MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: Many years I was driving I drew near an intersection, the Holy Spirit prompted me to stop, and go into a store. I examined the items that were for sale...and found nothing that I wanted to buy. So I asked Our LORD, saying, "I don't see anything I should buy for myself nor for anyone else...So why did YOU direct me to stop here?" Our MOST GRACIOUS LORD gave me understanding...'Remember that time in Toccoa when a car pulled from a side street, and you missed hitting them by a "split second"? If you had not stopped here at this would have been involved in a very Serious accident before you reached home." I BOWED and THANKED HOLY GOD OUR FATHER++++
REMINDERS: (A) In our battles in this life---If needed. GOD can even cause an earthquake to help us!!! [1 Sam 14:15] (B) Saul was listening to the "Noise" from the Enemies' camp. (1 Sam. 14:15). You and I are to "listen" to what GOD'S WORD tells us!!!
John 1:1-15 /Jesus speaking: "I am the Good Shepherd...The Good Shepherd gives His life for His Sheep...My sheep know My voice...and they follow Me...they will not follow the voice of a stranger...for they do not know the voice of a stranger."
++++Stop and pray///Be still and Know GOD///Trust and Obey..... ...for there is no other way to be Blessed-In-JESUS++++
++++JESUS! YOU!!! ARE THE WAY"(John 14:6)++++