Tuesday, March 19, 2024


"But now, Thus says the LORD...WHO created you...WHO formed you...Fear not,  for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name, you are MINE...for I AM the LORD your GOD, the HOLY ONE of ISRAEL, your SAVIOR." (Isaiah 43:1-3),

"Rejoice IN THE LORD ALWAYS (Delight, Gladden yourselves IN HIM!!! Again I say REJOICE!!! (Philippians 4:4/Amplified Bible).

"Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything...But IN every circumstance and IN everything...by prayer with Thanksgiving, continue to make your requests known to GOD." (Philippians 4:6/      Amplified Bible).

"For unto us a Child is born, to us a SON is given; and the government shall rest on HIS shoulder, and HIS NAME shall be called WONDERFUL COUNSELOR, MIGHTY GOD, EVERLASTING FATHER, PRINCE OF PEACE, of the INCREASE of HIS GOVERNMENT and of PEACE there shall be no end..." Isaiah (9:6-7)/Amplified Bible).

"And HE shall be a sanctuary (a Sacred and Indestructible safety) to those who REVERENTLY FEAR AND TRUST IN HIM..." (Isaiah 8:14/Amplified Bible).         

"...Brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, Fix your mind on/MEDITATE on these things..." (Philippians 4:8/Amplified Bible).

MEDITATE: Quietly repeating the Scriptures in a soft sound, while     Utterly Abandoning outside distractions...continually repeating JESUS' NAME, Thanking HIM... for JESUS HIMSELF is our peace.  (Ephesians 2:14)...

"And GOD'S peace shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its Salvation through JESUS CHRIST, and so fearing nothing from GOD and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace which transcends all understanding shall garrison and Mount Guard OVER your hearts and minds IN JESUS CHRIST. (Philippians 4:7/Amplified Bible).

Definition: "Peace, Shalom, ("shah-loam"), Strong's #7965. Completeness, wholeness, peace, health, welfare, safety, soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony; the absence of agitation or discord.  Thus Shalom is much MORE than the absence of war and conflict: it is the Wholeness that the entire human race seeks". (Nahum 1:15/Word Wealth).

The angels understood at HIS birth that JESUS was to be the great peace-bringer, as they called out: "Glory to GOD in the highest; and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!". (Nahum 1:15 Word wealth/Luke 2:14-17/Isaiah 9:7).

In (John 14:27) JESUS says "Peace I leave with you.  MY peace I give to you; NOT as the world gives do I give to you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

++++Please be sure to ask, and Allow, "the HOLY SPIRIT to guide you into all truth.  (John 16:13). ++++

"If we are faithless (do not believe and are untrue to Him) HE remains true (faithful to HIS WORD and HIS righteous character) for HE cannot deny HIMSELF." (2 Timothy 2:13)/Amplified Bible).

PLEASE DO READ this  ALOUD to yourself 12 times in the next 2 weeks; and frequently thereafter!!!

You will be Amazed at what all the HOLY SPIRIT teaches YOU!!!!!



Monday, March 4, 2024


In 1 Kings, Chapters 5:1 - 8:66  We learn that GOD chose Solomon to build a House/Temple for the NAME of GOD!!!

Let's seek GOD'S WORD to learn what GOD wants to teach us through His plans, materials, etc. for building His temple...And seek ALL that HE wants us to learn...

Oh HOLY SPIRIT, I submit myself to YOU - asking YOU to guide me into all truth in writing this (as JESUS says in John 16:13).

To those who are reading this - I ask You to pray/ask-Submit to the HOLY SPIRIT to guide You into all truth!!!

First, let's look at some "numbers" about the temple that Solomon built.  ++++(Please be alert for More truths about "numbers" through this message!).++++

A) How many Men did Solomon have working to build the temple?    He had 30,000 men of Israel, Plus 70,000 men who carried burdens, and 80,000 men who quarried stone in the mountains.  (These 70,000 + 80,000 men were Sidonians/Phoenicians from other nations). (1 Kings 1: 1-18).

B) Materials:                                                                                            1. (see above for) 80,000 men who quarried stone.                                2. The pillars for the temple, and some of the implements, were made of bronze.                                                                                                   3. Many of the articles used in the temple were made of Silver!            4. GOLD: Ahhh... the gold!!!                                                                   In the temple that Solomon built for The NAME of GOD...                    (a) The tables, the lampstands, etc. were made of Gold.                        (b) He overlaid the inside of the temple with pure Gold.                        (c) "The whole temple he overlaid with Gold. (1 Kings 6:22).

So, it took a total of approximately 180,000 men to build the temple.  "So he was seven years in building it." (1 Kings 6:38).

The temple was destroyed approximately 400 years later by Nebuzaradan (the captain of the army of Nebuchadnezzar).                  (2 Kings 25: 8-10).

Now, another bit of information revealed to me about "numbers" by the Holy Spirit through my personal experience:

One Sunday, as I drove home after morning Worship Service...I began (speaking aloud) Thanking Holy GOD Our FATHER for enabling us to experience HIS PRESENCE during Worship!!!  I struggled with words (like): "Father, I would not exchange that experiencing YOUR PRESENCE for a Thousand Dollars!!!".  (Right away I knew that was too small a number!).  So I then said "I would not exchange that experiencing YOUR PRESENCE for a Million Dollars!!!

Over the next few days GOD our FATHER gave me understanding: "You cannot measure things of MY kingdom with earthly measures."

One more example of me trying to measure with "numbers": During my work/career, I drove the same route from home to work, then back home more than 12,000 times.  Almost every time that I crossed the Chattahoochee River bridge---I prayed for a specific person to accept JESUS as his Savior and Lord!!!

After I retired from my job I (again, foolishly) said "LORD, I have prayed thousands of times for (that person)...How many Prayers is it going to take to get him to accept JESUS as his Savior and LORD? Our Ever-Unchanging LORD ("JESUS CHRIST is the SAME yesterday, today, and forever"/1 Timothy 1:1/Malachi 3:6)...HE gave to me understanding - "you cannot measure things of MY Kingdom with earthly measures.  Continue praying."

Of course HOLY GOD MOST HIGH (Psalm 47:2) supplied all of the lumber, stone, bronze, silver, and gold that was used by Solomon to build the temple.

Let's now consider the Present days, and the Future---                            "...your body is the temple (the very sanctuary) of the HOLY SPIRIT WHO lives within you, WHOM you have received (as a gift) from GOD...you are not your own.  You were bought with a price [purchased with a preciousness and paid for, made His own].  So then, honor GOD and bring glory to HIM in your body." (1 Corinthians 6:20/Amplified Bible).

We have learned that "numbers" are wholly inadequate to "measure" Heaven.                                                                                                    While we are here on earth HE can use numbers to teach and guide us EACH and ALL:

JESUS says in HIS prayer in (John 17:3):  "YOU, the ONLY True and real GOD..."

GOD sent his ONLY BEGOTTEN SON to pay the price for you and for me (EACH and every ONE!!!). (John 1:14/John 3:16).

GOD our FATHER, JESUS His SON, The HOLY SPIRIT--- 3 in 1 (three in ONE)!!!

Solomon's temple was destroyed in 400 years.

In Heaven we will live ETERNALLY!!!

How are You and I to respond to HIS TRUTH Revealed???

++++Frequently Read HIS Word++++                                                  ++++Frequently Bow before HIM and Thank HIM, Praise HIM, and Worship HIM!!!++++                                                                              ++++ASK, and ALLOW the HOLY SPIRIT to "...guide us into all Truth..."(John 16:13) - So that through us HE can bring---Each and Every One with us into heaven++++

When You and I eat at a fast-food restaurant...often we are asked if we will "upgrade" to get a Full Meal--- rather than just one burger.

As we "Upgrade" by frequently bowing before HIM, Thank HIM, Praise and Worship HIM, ASK and ALLOW/SUBMIT The HOLY SPIRIT to "Guide us into all Truth---What will GOD give to us as HIS UPGRADE???

In Solomon's days, Gold was a most valuable thing; here on earth, we walk on dull gray concrete side walks.  In Heaven we will walk on STREETS of PURE GOLD!!!! (Revelation 21:21).

"Now to HIM WHO in HIS power that is at work within us, is able to carry out HIS purpose and do Supernaturally, far over and above all that we dare ask or think [beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams---To HIM be glory in HIS church and in CHRIST JESUS throughout all generations Forever and Ever. AMEN So be it." (Ephesians 3:20/Amplified Bible).