JESUS HUMBLED HIMSELF........I sometimes judge others.....
When GOD "...formed us in our Mother's womb..." (Psalm 139:13)---HE was already preparing you and me to become like JESUS!!!
GOD built into our KNEES --- the Anterior Cruciate Ligament, and the Posterior Cruciate Ligament. They are named "Cruciate" because these two (2) ligaments CROSS in the knee joint!!! The word "cruciate" is from the Latin word "crux" (cross).
[I did ask my Primary Care Doctor if this is correct - and he verified this is Correct.]
If you want --- you can "Google" 'knee joint ligaments --- and see that these two ligaments do CROSS between the patella and the tibia in the knee joint.
JESUS: The only place in the Bible where JESUS describes HIS own Character is (Matthew 11:29) - "...learn from ME, for I AM gentle (meek) and lowly in heart...".
Definition: meek - "an attitude of humility toward GOD, and genrle toward men, springing from a recognition that GOD is in control." (Nelson Bible Dictionary).
JESUS submitted to GOD'S Plan---which led to HIS death on the cross in order to save you and me from our sins.
In both (Isaiah 45:23 and Romans 14:11)- IT IS WRITTEN "...that to ME, every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess to GOD."
EVERY knee shall bow, EVERY tongue shall confess to GOD..."
Because of GOD'S grace to us - in our acceptance of JESUS as our SAVIOR and LORD.....
GOD gives to us the BLESSED PRIVILEGE that we ++++ CAN and SHALL ++++ KNEEL before HIM in prayer, in Worship, in giving thanks to HIM, in Praise of HIM Many times every month, every week, every day---until HE comes to take us HOME in Heaven!!!
JESUS Says: "...I AM meek, and lowly in heart,,," (Matthew 11: 29).
As for me, and perhaps you---we often JUDGE others. I MUST CONFESS that I am the WORST in Judging others.
In (Matthew 7:1) JESUS HIMSELF says: "Judge not, that you be not judged."
I (Barry) confess that I do judge others...And the HOLY SPIRIT is convicting Me that I MUST CEASE that!!!
When we judge others---we (WRONGLY!) feel that we are ABOVE, or OVER those whom we judge.
For example, I will share two (2) instances when I experienced Judgement: a) As a young man, early each weekday morning---(for exercise) I ran several miles with some friends. Our usual route was about 4 miles in length, On a certain morning - I was running several hundred yards BEHIND my group of friends. One of my friends remarked to me - "Barry, it looks like you are taking it easy this morning." What my friend did not know was that on that specific morning---I had already run TWELVE (12) miles BEFORE we started our usual four (4) mile run. (So i was already tired before we started running together!!~! b) On a different day, I was with a large group of runners at rhe starting line for a marathon race (26.2 miles).
As I looked around at the other runners--- I noticed a lady who was dressed in very nice clothes. All the articles of her clothing were detailed with colors that EXACTLY MATCHED!! I remember thinking to myself: "She is not a 'SERIOUS RUNNER'--- she is here just to look good."
Guess what happened!!!!! Only a few miles after the start.....that same lady PASSED me-----and I finished the marathon so far BEHIND her---that I never saw her again!!!!!
So I welcome your prayers that I will keep my heart Humbled, bowed down before our LORD GOD, and confess HE IS WORTHY to be PRAISED and "...keep my thoughts captive to the obedience of JESUS CHRIST!!! (2 Corinthians 10:5).
JESUS SAYS: "...learn from ME, for I AM meek (gentle) and lowly in heart..." (Matthew 11:29).
(James 4:10) "Humble yourselves in the sight of the LORD, and HE will lift you up."
"But we all, with unveiled face, beholding the Glory of the LORD, are being transformed into the same image, just as by the SPIRIT of the LORD." (2 Corinthians 3: 18).
HOLY GOD demonstrated HIS perfect love by sending JESUS to the Cross to save us from our sins. By HIS Perfect love HE has crafted HIS perfect plan for EACH and EVERY one of us. (Jeremiah 29:11).
"Now thanks be to GOD WHO always leads us in triumph in JESUS CHRIST...". (2 Corinthians 2:14).
JESUS says: "...HE, the Spirit of Truth, will guide you into all truth..." (John 16:13).