Tuesday, November 21, 2023

***"THANKS........or APPRECIATE...???


Sitting in the "Visitation Room" of a Funeral Home.....with the Family of a deceased Sister-in JESUS...Reminiscing about the Faithfulness of GOD in, and through the life of our dear Sister. My wife Mary and I were sitting beside a young lady (whom we had never before met).

That young lady was sharing with us about how The HOLY SPIRIT was working in and through her life.  Her sharing was very Inspirational.

She was saying that she "appreciated the example left by her aunt; and she "appreciated" the privilege of sharing with us.

As Mary and I listened, and talked with her, the Holy Spirit brought to my remembrance, and guided us into the truth (John 14:26 and John 16:13)...that there are two (2) definitions of the word "appreciate":     1) "to recognize the quality and significance of..."; and (2) - "to increase in value".  So, as we shared with each other, the Holy Spirit  guided and enabled us to (a) "recognize the quality" of the LORD within each other; and (b) "increasing the value" of each other by the Truth of GOD'S WORD!!!

So, what does God's Word say about the conversation that we were having with that young lady?

"Blessed be the GOD and FATHER of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, the FATHER of Mercies and GOD of all comfort...HE consoles and encourages us in our every trouble, that we may be able to comfort and encourage THOSE who are in any tribulations --- with the comfort and encouragement which we have received from GOD."  (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). 

"But encourage one another daily, while it is called 'Today'... (Hebrews 3:13).

"Let us hold fast the confession of our Hope without wavering, for HE WHO *** Promised **** is 'Faithful to HIS Word and to HIS Righteous Character..." (Hebrews 10:23/2 Timothy 2:13).

"For thus says the LORD: I will extend peace to her/him like a river...as one whom his Mother comforts, so I will comfort you...".      (Isaiah 66:12-13).

"And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, ...encouraging one another, and...So  Much...More............................ AS........YOU...SEE.....The DAY... APPROACHING." (Hebrews 10:25).

(JESUS Speaking) "...'Surely I AM coming quickly'--- "the grace of our LORD JESUS CHRIST be with you all. AMEN."  (Revelation 22: 20-21).                              

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

S0 THANKFUL - GOD does NOT--------(and) GOD DOES!!!!!!!!

                           10 -17 - 23   [MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE]:                         Recently, my wife Mary was in the Hospital for some medical treatment, so I slept at home (alone) for the night that she was in the hospital.  The following morning when I woke up (alone).....I began to have a Greatly Increased Appreciation for the WONDERFUL, POWERFUL TRUTH that GOD HIMSELF does NOT CHANGE!!!!!!!

"I AM THE LORD, I DO NOT CHANGE."   (Malachi 3:6)


**** JESUS SPEAKS:  "...I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS"... (Matthew 28:20).

GOD loves YOU and me so MUCH that HE Chose us as HIS IN JESUS BEFORE we were born. (Ephesians 1 : 1-6).                              

HE put us together in our Mother's Womb. (Psalm 139:15).

HE wrote down our every day before the day of our birth.  (Psalm 139:16).

IN HIS PERFECT TIMING --- HE sent HIS ONLY SON JESUS to die on the cross to:                                                                                           a) save us from our sins,                                                                           b) to become the LIVING WORD,                                                           c) and to Be THE WAY to GOD IN HEAVEN. (John 14:6).

Because GOD does NOT change --- HE loves you and me the SAME every minute---as HE did when HIS SON JESUS was dying on the cross to save us from our sins!!!

I remember a specific time when I was a young man - (I am now age 78) - the church in which I worshiped...both the Worship and the preaching of His Word was so powerful and profound --- On a certain Sunday Morning --- I looked around the Sanctuary...noticing many young children, and infants --- (Silently in my heart) I said "LORD, I wish that I had grown up in a church like this!!!"

So Graciously, GOD our FATHER..over the next few days gave to me Understanding (Proverbs 8:14) that HE "gave me what I would need for the life that HE had planned for me".  (Jeremiah 29:11). 

In this (later) part of my life - several times per week, I experience something that CONFIRMS for me the Truth that "He gave to me what I needed for the life that HE had planned for me"...

My wife Mary and I both grew up in churches where we sang many of the old Classic Hymns in worship. (Now), quite often as we get dressed and begin our day --- one or both of us will be singing or "humming" one of those old Classic Hymns!!!

Those songs are Very Biblical - so we both are inspired and encouraged, and our faith is strengthened by singing those songs!!!      PLUS, it brings back Wonderful, Sweet memories of singing those songs with our families and friends!!!

Now, the fulfillment of the second part of the title ("GOD DOES...")...

HOLY GOD our FATHER is Able, Willing, Purposeful, and Intentional in changing US!!!!!

"But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of The LORD, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the LORD." (2 Corinthians 3:18).

"...being confident of this very thing, that HE WHO has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of JESUS CHRIST. (Philippians 1:6).

So - GOD is Infinitely Creative...But HIS Righteous Character/His heart toward us NEVER CHANGES.  And HE will complete the work which he has begun in us.

OH LORD GOD, How do we submit to YOU and to YOUR plans for us?                                                                                                            ***"...The HOLY SPIRIT will guide us into all truth..." (John 16:13)******                                                                                           Study HIS Word.                                                                                     Share HIS Word.                                                                                       Share HIS Love.

"What a Friend we have in JESUS, all our sins and griefs to bear...        What a Privilege to carry everything to GOD in prayer..."   

"Rescue the perishing, care for the dying, snatch them in pity from sin and the grave..."

" 'Tis so sweet to trust in JESUS,                                                               and to take Him at His Word...                                                                 Just to rest upon His promise,                                                                   And to know, 'Thus says the LORD..."

AMEN - Let it be so in our hearts, in our words, through our actions.