Monday, December 4, 2023


"And THE WORD became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld HIS GLORY, as of the only begotten of the FATHER, full of Grace and Truth. " (John 1:14-16).

"And of HIS fullness we have all received, and Grace for Grace.

"For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through JESUS CHRIST." 

[From the footnote of John 1:16---                                                          The fact that John states that GRACE comes from HIS FULLNESS teaches us that Grace is MORE than GOD'S disposition or impersonal favor. It is GOD  meeting us at our point of need in the Person of JESUS CHRIST, including all HIS Power and provision.

"No one has seen GOD at any time  The ONLY Begotten SON WHO is in the bosom of the FATHER,  HE has declared HIM." (John 1:18).

"The next day John saw JESUS coming toward him and said, 'Behold! The LAMB OF GOD WHO takes away the sin of the world. (John 1:29).

In John 10:7-9, we can hear JESUS speaking to us:  Then JESUS says to us---"Most assuredly, I say to you, I AM the Door of the sheep.  I AM the door.  If anyone enters by ME, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture."

[Footnote for John 10:7-9---entering the sheepfold through JESUS is a saving action and provides (us) the sheep with abundant life and provision.  * To go in and out does NOT mean that one can vacillate about being in Christ one moment and outside of HIM the next.  The picture is one of security and safety in JESUS as the Door to the sheep's daily comings and goings."

The doorway was of great importance in Hebrew tradition and thought; much more so than in our culture today.  It was against the background of the Hebrew respect for 'the door' that JESUS made this assertion repeatedly - 'I AM THE DOOR'"

Early in her history as a nation, Israel had been enslaved by the Egyptians.  For hundreds of years they were driven by their taskmasters to work in slime pits in the hot sun making bricks with which to build great cities for their enemies.  In desperation they cried out to GOD for deliverance.

The final act of GOD freeing them...had to do with the Door of each man's home!  A spotless  Passover lamb was to be slaughtered for each household.  The blood of each lamb was to be liberally sprinkled on the lintel over the door and on the doorposts.  (Picture this in your Mind and Heart: Draw a line down from the blood Over the door...down to the floor where the blood would have dripped.  Then draw a line from the blood on one of the doorposts across to the blood on the other door post---These two lines form a CROSS---like the one on which JESUS died to SAVE US from OUR SINS!!!

In John 14:1-6 we hear JESUS' conversation with Thomas (and with Us):  "Let not your hearts be troubled, you believe in GOD, believe also in ME.  In MY FATHER'S House are many dwellings; if it were not so, I would have told you.  I go to prepare a place for you.  I will come again and receive you to MYSELF, that where I AM, there you may be also."

"And where I go you know, and the way you know.  Thomas said to HIM, 'LORD, we do not know where YOU are going, and how can we know the way?' "

"JESUS said to him, I AM the Way, the Truth, and the life.  No one comes to the FATHER except through ME."

How then should we live before HIM.....we shall bow our hearts before HIM---submitting to HIM, that HE will live THROUGH us--- so that others will be "Eyewitnesses of HIS MAJESTY" in and through our lives. (2 Peter 1:16).

(For many more blessings/treasures/understanding...Please read "The Shepherd Trilogy" by Phillip Keller).

(JESUS Speaking):                                                                                                                                                                                                       "It is the Spirit Who gives life; the flesh profits nothing,  The WORDS that I speak to you are Spirit and they are Life."                     (John 6:63). 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

***"THANKS........or APPRECIATE...???


Sitting in the "Visitation Room" of a Funeral Home.....with the Family of a deceased Sister-in JESUS...Reminiscing about the Faithfulness of GOD in, and through the life of our dear Sister. My wife Mary and I were sitting beside a young lady (whom we had never before met).

That young lady was sharing with us about how The HOLY SPIRIT was working in and through her life.  Her sharing was very Inspirational.

She was saying that she "appreciated the example left by her aunt; and she "appreciated" the privilege of sharing with us.

As Mary and I listened, and talked with her, the Holy Spirit brought to my remembrance, and guided us into the truth (John 14:26 and John 16:13)...that there are two (2) definitions of the word "appreciate":     1) "to recognize the quality and significance of..."; and (2) - "to increase in value".  So, as we shared with each other, the Holy Spirit  guided and enabled us to (a) "recognize the quality" of the LORD within each other; and (b) "increasing the value" of each other by the Truth of GOD'S WORD!!!

So, what does God's Word say about the conversation that we were having with that young lady?

"Blessed be the GOD and FATHER of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, the FATHER of Mercies and GOD of all comfort...HE consoles and encourages us in our every trouble, that we may be able to comfort and encourage THOSE who are in any tribulations --- with the comfort and encouragement which we have received from GOD."  (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). 

"But encourage one another daily, while it is called 'Today'... (Hebrews 3:13).

"Let us hold fast the confession of our Hope without wavering, for HE WHO *** Promised **** is 'Faithful to HIS Word and to HIS Righteous Character..." (Hebrews 10:23/2 Timothy 2:13).

"For thus says the LORD: I will extend peace to her/him like a one whom his Mother comforts, so I will comfort you...".      (Isaiah 66:12-13).

"And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, ...encouraging one another, and...So  Much...More............................ AS........YOU...SEE.....The DAY... APPROACHING." (Hebrews 10:25).

(JESUS Speaking) "...'Surely I AM coming quickly'--- "the grace of our LORD JESUS CHRIST be with you all. AMEN."  (Revelation 22: 20-21).                              

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

S0 THANKFUL - GOD does NOT--------(and) GOD DOES!!!!!!!!

                           10 -17 - 23   [MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE]:                         Recently, my wife Mary was in the Hospital for some medical treatment, so I slept at home (alone) for the night that she was in the hospital.  The following morning when I woke up (alone).....I began to have a Greatly Increased Appreciation for the WONDERFUL, POWERFUL TRUTH that GOD HIMSELF does NOT CHANGE!!!!!!!

"I AM THE LORD, I DO NOT CHANGE."   (Malachi 3:6)


**** JESUS SPEAKS:  "...I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS"... (Matthew 28:20).

GOD loves YOU and me so MUCH that HE Chose us as HIS IN JESUS BEFORE we were born. (Ephesians 1 : 1-6).                              

HE put us together in our Mother's Womb. (Psalm 139:15).

HE wrote down our every day before the day of our birth.  (Psalm 139:16).

IN HIS PERFECT TIMING --- HE sent HIS ONLY SON JESUS to die on the cross to:                                                                                           a) save us from our sins,                                                                           b) to become the LIVING WORD,                                                           c) and to Be THE WAY to GOD IN HEAVEN. (John 14:6).

Because GOD does NOT change --- HE loves you and me the SAME every minute---as HE did when HIS SON JESUS was dying on the cross to save us from our sins!!!

I remember a specific time when I was a young man - (I am now age 78) - the church in which I worshiped...both the Worship and the preaching of His Word was so powerful and profound --- On a certain Sunday Morning --- I looked around the Sanctuary...noticing many young children, and infants --- (Silently in my heart) I said "LORD, I wish that I had grown up in a church like this!!!"

So Graciously, GOD our FATHER..over the next few days gave to me Understanding (Proverbs 8:14) that HE "gave me what I would need for the life that HE had planned for me".  (Jeremiah 29:11). 

In this (later) part of my life - several times per week, I experience something that CONFIRMS for me the Truth that "He gave to me what I needed for the life that HE had planned for me"...

My wife Mary and I both grew up in churches where we sang many of the old Classic Hymns in worship. (Now), quite often as we get dressed and begin our day --- one or both of us will be singing or "humming" one of those old Classic Hymns!!!

Those songs are Very Biblical - so we both are inspired and encouraged, and our faith is strengthened by singing those songs!!!      PLUS, it brings back Wonderful, Sweet memories of singing those songs with our families and friends!!!

Now, the fulfillment of the second part of the title ("GOD DOES...")...

HOLY GOD our FATHER is Able, Willing, Purposeful, and Intentional in changing US!!!!!

"But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of The LORD, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the LORD." (2 Corinthians 3:18).

"...being confident of this very thing, that HE WHO has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of JESUS CHRIST. (Philippians 1:6).

So - GOD is Infinitely Creative...But HIS Righteous Character/His heart toward us NEVER CHANGES.  And HE will complete the work which he has begun in us.

OH LORD GOD, How do we submit to YOU and to YOUR plans for us?                                                                                                            ***"...The HOLY SPIRIT will guide us into all truth..." (John 16:13)******                                                                                           Study HIS Word.                                                                                     Share HIS Word.                                                                                       Share HIS Love.

"What a Friend we have in JESUS, all our sins and griefs to bear...        What a Privilege to carry everything to GOD in prayer..."   

"Rescue the perishing, care for the dying, snatch them in pity from sin and the grave..."

" 'Tis so sweet to trust in JESUS,                                                               and to take Him at His Word...                                                                 Just to rest upon His promise,                                                                   And to know, 'Thus says the LORD..."

AMEN - Let it be so in our hearts, in our words, through our actions.






Saturday, September 23, 2023


ALWAYS is a word, a Concept, A Promise --- It is something that we speak, or text, or write--- But we as humans cannot live up to our words, nor can we fulfill our promises of "Always".

BUT GOD!!!  HE declares in Isaiah 55:9-11:                                         "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are MY ways higher than your ways and MY thoughts than your thoughts...(verse 11)...So shall MY word be... It shall not return to me void (empty, without any effect), But it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."

***ALL** of the Bible is GOD'S WORD.  In Genesis 1:3 - :..."And GOD said  'Let there be light; and there was light."  And thousands of years later...we still have light!!!

Let us be in WONDER...and be open to ALL that GOD was Releasing when HE said "...let there be light...!!!

HE  created the universe (Genesis 1) AND HE Upholds, Maintains, Guides, and Propels  the UNIVERSE by HIS MIGHTY WORD of POWER. (Hebrews 1:3/Amplified Bible).

HE CAN DO "... that which is infinitely beyond what we could dream, beyond what we would dare ask...". (Ephesians 3:20/Amplified Bible).

In (John 1:5 ) GOD says"...And the light shines in the darkness, and  the darkness did not comprehend it."

Definition:(the Greek word for 'comprehend') is capable of three (3) definitions: 1) "to seize, lay hold of, overcome.  As such,, verse 5 could read "the darkness does not gain control of (the light).  2) To perceive, attain, lay hold of with the mind, to apprehend with mental or moral effort.  With this meaning the verse could be translated ---    The darkness is unreceptive and does not understand the light."             3) "to quench, extinguish, snuff out the light by stifling it.  "The darkness will NEVER be able to eliminate the light."                            Light and darkness are antagonistic.  The Christian's joy is in Knowing that Light is not only greater than darkness but will also outlast the darkness!!!

In (John 8:12) JESUS says  'I AM the light of the world.  He who follows ME shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

HOLY GOD OUR FATHER is intimately aware of each, and every one of us --- HE "put us together in our Mother's womb...and HE wrote down our every day before the date of our birth." (Psalm 139: verses 13-16).   HE knows our every thought before we think it, and our every word before we speak it. (Psalm 139:1-6).  "HE knows the plans that HE has for us...plans for good...". (Jeremiah 29:11).

Let's go forward in time --- to the next-to-last page in the Bible---

"The Glory of the New Jerusalem/Heaven":                                             "But I saw no temple in it, for the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY and the LAMB are its temple.                                                                              The city has no need of the sun or of the moon in it, for the glory of GOD illuminates it,  THE LAMB is its light." (The Revelation of Jesus Christ 21:22-23).

"HE is faithful to His Word and to His righteous Character." (2 Timothy 2:13).

Let us take In His Word daily.  Let us ALLOW His Word to TAKE OVER our heart, our mind, our soul, our spirit!!!

"I AM THE LORD. I DO NOT CHANGE." (Malachi 3:6).                    "JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND FOREVER." (Hebrews 13:8)

LET US NOT FORGET!!!!!!! In Matthew 28:20 JESUS DECLARES:   "... I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS..."  

     ALWAYS **** AND**** FOREVER

Sunday, August 27, 2023


In John 12:1-3 We follow Mary (The sister of Martha and Lazarus) as she takes a "POUND of nard (a Rare Perfume) that was breathtakingly expensive, and she poured it on JESUS' feet....and she wiped (His feet) with her hair.  And the WHOLE HOUSE WAS FILLED WITH THE FRAGRANCE OF THE PERFUME!" (John 12:1-3). 

By studying the cultural Background of JESUS' time on earth --- we find that Mary may well have been making a statement about WHO she believed JESUS was, proclaiming Him as MESSIAH (CHRIST).  The Hebrew word for MESSIAH is "MASHIACH" --- "THE ANOINTED ONE".

In the Ancient Middle East, the Majesty of a king was expressed not only by what He wore - His jewelry and robes - But by His "aroma". Even after a King was FIRST anointed, He would perfume His robes with precious oils for special occasions.  "Listen" to this from King David's "Wedding Song":

"GOD, Your GOD, has anointed You with the Oil of Gladness more than Your companions, all Your garments are scented with myrrh and aloes and cassia." (Psalm 45:7-8).  Also, consider King David's son - King Solomon --- "Who is this...Perfumed with myrrh, and incense made from all the spices..."  (Song of Solomon 3:6-7).

Instead of being crowned during a coronation, Hebrew Kings were anointed with extremely expensive spices and oil.  The marvelous scent that it left behind acted like an "Invisible Crown."  During royal processions, the fragrance of expensive oils would inform the crowds that a King was passing by.

The significance of when Mary anointed JESUS' feet was probably more than a one-day thing.  It is likely that the smell of the perfume would have lingered for Days...  Imagine, in the Garden of Gethsemane, the guards who arrested JESUS...must have wondered WHO stood before them.  When JESUS was on trial, then, mocked, whipped, and stripped naked --- even then, the aroma may have clung to HIM.


How are you and I to live - so that we may be a "sweet aroma" to GOD, and to other people?

"Therefore be imitators of GOD as dear children.  And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, and offering and a sacrifice to GOD for a sweet-smelling aroma.  (Ephesians 5:1-2).

"Now thanks be to GOD Who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us 'spreads' and makes known the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.  For we are to GOD the fragrance of Christ..."  (2 Corinthians 2: 14-16). 

Please, I urge you - you will find MANY treasures by reading the book:  "Sitting at the feet of Rabbi Jesus".  [Our Rabbi (the authors: Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg}.

Please enjoy singing the words below to the tune of a hymn/chorus titled "Nothing but the blood of JESUS":

"No-o higher that I know...

No-Lower I could go-o...

How Precious is the flow...

Bearing the aroma of Jesus."

Monday, July 31, 2023

****..... GOD SEES ALL.....Our Vision is Limited *****

In recent history, a tunnel  was constructed, stretching from Great Britain UNDER the English Channel, in order to connect Britain with the rest of Europe. The total length of the tunnel is a little more than 20 miles.

IN order to accomplish that - of course they used machines of many types - including Massive machines that can bore a hole of more than 12 feet in diameter through soil and rock.

Of course they also used Gps (Global Positioning Satellite System) to accurately measure the route while digging THROUGH the soil - UNDER the water of the English Channel!  Altogether it is a marvel of engineering  It is called "The Chunnel".  (the Tunnel under The English Channel).  

More than 2,000 years Before the "Chunnel" --- We read in 2 Kings ** 20:20 *, and then 2 Chronicles 32:30 - that King Hezekiah had his men dig a tunnel from the spring at Upper Gihon---to the west side of the City of David.

Now To quote the Footnote  for 2 Kings  20:20  "Two crews dug the tunnel through solid rock.  One group started from the pool of Siloam, the other group started at the Spring of Gihon.  This tunnel was a remarkable feat of engineering, and can be seen in modern Israel today."  (Footnote/2 Kings 20:20/page 561/New Kings Bible).

It is obvious that during King Hezekiah's reign, they did not have massive machines to do the digging.  Also, they did not have a Global Positioning System!

BUT GOD gave to Hezekiah and his team ** 20:20 * vision!!! (See 2 Kings Footnote mentioned above).

So, no Global Positioning System --- But Hezekiah's men had GOD'S POSITIONING  SPIRIT!!!

No massive machines --- but GOD'S Power Through the men {"...Beyond what we would dare ask or dream..."} (Ephesians 3:20/Amplified Bible).

(Kings 20:20) "Now the rest of the acts of Hezekiah - all his might, and how he made a pool and a tunnel and brought water into the city...".

(2 Chronicles 32:30) "This same Hezekiah also stopped the water outlet of upper Gihon, and brought the water by tunnel to the west side of the City of David..."

You and I cannot "see" the future --- but GOD our Heavenly Father  "...wrote down all our days before the day of our birth..." (Psalm 139:12-16).  And as we "bow down before Him, and Ask and Allow HIM" - He will guide and enable us through the events (tunnels) of our lives --- all the way to "...the city (in heaven) which is illuminated by GOD.  The Lamb is its light."  (Revelation 21:23).

(James 1:5) "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of GOD, Who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him."

Because we cannot "see" the future, we can't "see" GOD--- We CAN and WILL TRUST HIS HEART.  He loves us  SO MUCH that He paid the highest  possible price for each and every one of us (the death of HIS SON JESUS on the cross); And HIS heart toward us DOES NOT CHANGE:

"I AM the LORD, I DO NOT CHANGE." (Malachi 3:6).
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."(Hebrews 13:8).

Jesus is "...the Yes and Amen to every promise of GOD." (2 Corin-
thians 1:20).

"I will guide you along the best pathways for your life.  I will advise you and watch over you."  (Psalm 32:8).

Let US Praise HIM!  Thank HIM!   Bow before HIM!  Worship HIM!

"Worthy is the Lamb". (Revelation 5:12).

Tuesday, June 20, 2023


I) GOD HAS ALWAYS ***Taken Great Care of Me** My Personal Experience!!!!!!!!!

A. Both of my Birth Parents died during the year of my 6th birthday:  My Birth father (Taft Coker), and (Mother-Sara Hemphill Coker).  [Mother was taken by cancer; Father was taken by diabetes]........          BUT GOD---HE ALREADY was working out HIS plan for Me!!!

(Now picture this in your mind and heart)---My Uncle Joe worked on the train which passed up and down the track across the street from our front yard.  When the train passed by our house --- there would come "flying out from that train into my front yard" would be a brown paper bag of candy---for Me!!!

When my Birth parents died --- Uncle Joe, and his wife (Aunt Willard) adopted me---they became my Adoptive Parents!!!

SO...before Anyone on Earth knew that both of my birth parents would die when I was age 6--- HOLY GOD our Father was already building a relationship of love and giving between me and Uncle Joe (Who would be my "Daddy" who raised me from age 6 to age 38!!!).

B) After high school - the Vietnam War was becoming very Fierce and Hot!!! Rather than having to fight in a horrible war in the terrible jungles and mountains of Southeast Asia--- GOD'S Plan brought me into the U. S. Navy --- so that for 2 years I was stationed on an island off the coast of Washington State.  After that 2 years...I was transferred to be stationed for 2 years in Hawaii. (How Good GOD is!!!).

C) When I was discharged from the Navy, I expected to go to college...but I had no idea what I should choose for my Major GOD used my Minor courses to prepare me for the job that became my career---that I truly loved for 34 years!!!

D) When it became (GOD'S Time) for me to retire --- the only "plan" that I had...was a desire to be free to walk in the woods and pray each day...But GOD'S  plan was, and is...for me to study His Word (the Bible), and to bow before Him, and to share through this (HIS) blog, and through the U. S. Mail --- how HE guides and enables my life.  And His plan of sharing His Word is indeed the most fulfilling thing that I have done!!!

II  GOD is faithful to His Word and His Righteous Character"...if we are faithless [do not believe and are untrue to Him]; HE remains True [faithful to His word and to His Righteous Character]".  (2 Timothy 2:13/Amplified Bible).                                                                            A) In (1 Kings 19:19-20), Elisha became a servant to the prophet ELIJAH.                                                                                                   In (2 Kings 2:1-10), When ELIJAH is about to go to heaven --- ELIJAH asks his servant Elisha -"Ask! What may I do for you, before I am taken away from you?"                                                                    Elisha said 'Please let a Double Portion of your Spirit be upon me.'      ELIJAH answered 'You have asked a hard thing. Nevertheless, if you See Me when I am taken from you, it shall be so for you..."                  In (2 Kings 2:11-12)  "...ELIJAH went up by a whirlwind into heaven...and Elisha saw it...".

I (Barry) am not going to list here Every one of the the Miraculous things that HOLY SPIRIT did through ELIJAH and Elisha...But if you will read 1 Kings and 2 Kings for yourself (asking the Holy Spirit to "guide you into the truth...") then you will learn it for yourself!  (In John 16:13, JESUS Says "...HE (HOLY  SPIRIT) will guide you into all truth...").                                                                                                In (2 Kings 13:14-21)  We see that "...Elisha died, and they buried him..."Moab invaded the land in the spring...So it was, as they were burying a man, that suddenly they spied a band of raiders, and put the man in the tomb of Elisha; and when the man was let down and touched the bones of Elisha, he revived and stood on his feet."

SO what are WE to learn from this?

1) Worship JESUS CHRIST!!!                                                                2) Read the Bible, asking the HOLY SPIRIT to " me into the truth...".                                                                                                    3) In GOD'S timing, HE will teach us that "HE will carry out His plan and do far over and above all that we dare to ask or think (infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams--- to Him be glory in the church and in CHRIST JESUS throughout all generations forever and ever.  Amen (so be it)". (Ephesians 3:20/Amplified Bible).         

Tuesday, May 2, 2023


 Psalm 63 + Psalm 23 +


JESUS says in John 16:13 "He (the Holy Spirit) will guide you into all Truth."

"O GOD, You are my Strong God (God Almighty)/Genesis 17:1-2).      Early will I seek You.                                                                              My soul thirsts for You, my flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where is no water.                                                                            So I have looked for You in the sanctuary, to see Your power and Your Glory.                                                                                                        Because Your lovingkindness is better than life; my lips shall praise You, thus  I will bless You while I live.  I will lift up my hands in Your Name.   (Your "Name is above every name.")/Philippians 2:9).

My soul shall be satisfied as with Your abundance - (Your love and Presence beyond what we would dream or would dare ask)/Ephesians   3:19-20); and my mouth shall praise You with joyful lips.

When I remember You on my bed, I lay awake thinking of You, meditating on You through the night.

Because You have been my help, therefore I will rejoice (dance, leap, and sing for joy)/ Habakkuk 3:18.

My soul follows close behind You, Your right hand upholds me ("For I am your God - I will uphold you with My righteous right hand"./Isaiah 41:10).

But those who seek my life, to destroy it, shall go into the lower parts of the earth.  They shall fall by the sword, they shall be food for the jackals.

But I shall rejoice in God. Everyone who binds himself by GOD'S authority, acknowledging His supremacy, and devoting himself to His glory, and serving HIM alone; every such one shall PRAISE HIM; but the mouth of those who speak lies shall be stopped."    

Oh Lord Jesus!!!  Because You ("The good Shepherd"/John 10:11) are my Shepherd - I will not lack anything that I truly need (Luke 12:22-32). 

You make me lie down in green pastures.  I rest in You; You, "the fountain of living waters"/Revelation 21:6) lead me by the waters of rest.  (Come to Me, I will ease and relieve and restore your soul/"Return to your rest, O my soul, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you,/Psalm 116:7).

You ("the Way"/John 14:6) lead me in paths of righteousness for Your Name's sake.  Lord Jesus "...You became for us wisdom and righteousness from God."/1 Corinthians 1:30. 

Yes, O Lord, though I walk THROUGH the VALLEY of the SHADOW of death - You ("the LIGHT"/John 8:12) won the victory on the HILL of Calvary for each and every one of us,,,You are "...with us always"/Matthew 28:20). Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.  (You, the "God of all comfort.."/2 Corinthians 1:3) guide me and protect me.

You (the "Living Bread Who came down from Heaven"/John 6:51) prepare a table for me - at which I may partake of the Blessings provided by Your Death and Resurrection - by believing in You/ John 6:53-58.

"You anoint my head with oil - as Samuel anointed David the shepherd boy with oil-giving to him the wisdom, strength, and a heart for worship - equipping him to be the king of Israel /1 Samuel 16:13).  JESUS was a descendant of David; one of JESUS' names is "Son of David"/Luke 18:38.                                                                                   "But to the Son (Jesus), God says 'God, Your God, has anointed You"/ Hebrews 1:8-9.

"My cup runs over with Your Blessings - so the Table is wet - the table runs over - so the floor is wet - so my shoes are wet...OH! that I may always walk in Your anointing!!!

Surely Your goodness and mercy shall follow me ("Your mercies... are new every morning/Lamentations 3:22-23. and "they endure from everlasting to everlasting"/Psalm 103:17;  and I will dwell with You in Your house - in the new Jerusalem/Heaven forever"/Revelation 21:10).

"The city (New Jerusalem) has no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of GOD illuminates it.  The Lamb is its light.  (Revelation 21:23).

"Even so, come, LORD JESUS!"  PLEASE read this aloud for 8 days.  You will be richly Blessed!!!                                                                   AMEN.                                                               

Friday, April 7, 2023


 Something Most Important That We ALL Must Give And Receive!!!!!

The Passion of JESUS CHRIST was to die on the cross to pay the price for forgiveness for our sins, to teach His earlier disciples so that through them the Holy Spirit would write the New Testament, and to draw "all who will come" to accept HIM as Savior and Lord --- and to continue to draw others into His kingdom!!!

 HIS passion Has NOT changed, Will NOT change!!!                                  "JESUS CHRIST is the SAME yesterday, today, and Forever."              (Hebrews 13:8).

By GOD'S Goodness, HE will change us more and more into HIS image. (2 Corinthians 3:18).  He will Complete the "... good work HE has begun in you until the Day of JESUS CHRIST." (Philippians 1:6).

In Matthew 18: 21-35, Jesus is answering Peter's question: "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him?  Up to SEVEN times??!!!??"

Please, before we read JESUS' answer to Peter's question --- let's take a look at the culture in which Jesus and His disciples grew up --- JESUS knew that--- beginning at a very young age ---all children were taught what we call the "Old Testament".

In (Genesis 4:23-24), a man named Lamech is speaking to his two wives: "Adah and Zillah, hear my voice; wives of Lamech, listen to my speech!  For I have killed a man for wounding me,  Even a young man for hurting me.  If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, then Lamech Seventy-sevenfold."

Now, let us go back to Peter's question.  Peter asked Jesus:  "How often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to SEVEN times??!!!??  "Jesus said to him, I do not say to you up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven."  

Later on in this passage (Matthew 18: 21-35/ Living Bible): "The kingdom of Heaven can be compared to a king who decided to bring his accounts up-to-date.  In the process, one of his debtors was brought in who owed him 10,000 talents (the largest sun that could be imagined).  The man could not pay that, so the king ordered him sold for the debt, also, his wife and children and everything he had.

But the man fell down before the king, his face in the dust, and said, 'Oh sir, be patient with me and I will pay it all.'  Then the king was filled with pity for him and forgave his debt.

But when the man left the king, he went to a man who owed him 100 denarii (a very small amount), he grabbed him by the throat and demanded instant payment.  The man begged him: 'give me a little time''.  But his creditor would not wait - and had the man put into prison.

And the king called before him the man He had forgiven and said 'you evil-hearted wretch!  Here I forgave you all that tremendous debt, because you asked me to---shouldn't you have mercy on others, just I had mercy on you?"

Please notice, Jesus does not give a legalistic nor mathematical formula.  HE means limitless forgiveness!!!

So, back to the numbers that Peter said ("up to SEVEN times?")  And Jesus answered: "Seventy-times seven,"                                                  The message that JESUS was teaching - was:  I want you to be at Least as Passionate about FORGIVENESS as Lamech was about vengeance!!!

*** Please, YOU read those 15 verses for yourself (Matthew 18:21-35)*****

So, let us (You and me) pray with our hearts, our speech, and our actions:                                                                                                      " Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be Your Name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.  Forgive us our debts (our sins) as we forgive (those who sin against us.) 

JESUS paid the price for ALL of the forgiveness we need--so let US be PASSIONATE about FORGIVENESS!!!!!!!!

For YOURS is the kingdom and the power and the glory Forever.

LORD, we bow before YOU and ask YOU to enable us to have, and to live out, a Passion for Forgiveness!!!

Amen. Let it be so in our hearts.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

??"AH - VEE - HAH - TOHV" ???

 "AH - VEE - HAH - TOV"... 

What in the World is That?????

Well, it is NOT of the world; Rather, It is Heavenly!!!

I am Not a Scholar in Hebrew; but by GOD'S Grace HE has saved me through faith in JESUS, filled me with HIS HOLY SPIRIT,  And HE CONTINUES to teach me beautiful, powerful, inspiring Truth in HIS WORD!!!  Through HIS WORD HE also brings to me Strength, Peace, and Wisdom.

And, HE has Promised to Continue to teach me and transform me:      "...being confident of this very thing - that HE WHO has begun a Good Work in you will complete it until the Day of JESUS CHRIST."  (Philippians 1:6).

OK, back to "AH = VEE - HAH -TOHV".  My wife (Mary) and I have learned a PRAYER/PRAISE that we recite together each morning,  The original is in the Hebrew language --- but we have learned to say it Phonetically ("by the sound")...

You sound it Out Loud:

"AH-VEE-HAH-TOHV" = YOU are my GOOD FATHER!!!                  "AH -VEE -HAH-YAH KARR" = YOU are my DEAR FATHER!!!      "MAHK-MAH-DEE" = YOU are my BELOVED"!!!                            "MAHK-MAHD-NAHF-SHEE" = YOU are the Delight of my Soul!!                                                                                                         "MEE-SOHS-CHA-YAY" = YOU are the JOY of my heart!!!               "KAH-VASH-TAH-ET-LAH-BEE = YOU conquered my Heart!!!       "KEE-TOH-VEEM-DOH-DEE-CHA-MEE-YAH-EEM" = YOUR LOVE is INFINITELY Superior to Everything, Everywhere, FOREVER!!!

***Do not be concerned about the difficulty of pronouncing these correctly --- What matters most to HOLY GOD OUR FATHER is the ATTITUDE of our HEART!!!**

By experience Mary and I now Know that making these declarations each morning --- we start our day agreeing with WHO GOD IS, and who we are IN HIM!!!!!  At various times through the day we each repeat these declarations---it keeps our hearts centered on HIM!!!

"Forever, O LORD, YOUR WORD is settled in Heaven.  YOUR FAITHFULNESS endures to all generations." (Psalms 119:89-90).       

(From Study notes):                                                                                  "This text asserts the all-encompassing, absolutely authoritative WORD of GOD as unchangingly secured in heaven, noting...              (A) The timelessness of GOD'S rule by HIS WORD.  Though times and seasons change, though social customs, human opinions, and philosophical viewpoints vary, they have NO effect on the constancy or authority of GOD'S WORD."

(B) "Whatever our past rebellion, upon accepting JESUS as our SAVIOR and LORD, a practical reinstatement of GOD'S WORD as the governing principle for all of our life is to take place.  JESUS declares this in John 8:47---...that we are no longer dominated by the world's spirit of error."

"GOD'S WORD goes shall not return to HIM empty.  But it shall accomplish what HE pleases, and it shall prosper in the thing for which HE sent it," (Isaiah 55:11).

"GOD is faithful to His Word and to His  righteous character, for HE cannot deny HIMSELF." (2 Timothy 2:13).

"The LORD is our strength and our song." (Psalm 118:14).

JESUS is the "...WORD of GOD" (Revelation 19:13).

"JESUS CHRIST is the SAME yesterday, today, and Forever." (Hebrews 13:8).

HE is "...our Hope." (Timothy 1:1). 




Monday, February 20, 2023




My Birth Parents : Father- Taft Coker, and Mother Sara, both died in the year of my sixth birthday.

"Precious and Important in the sight of the LORD is the death of HIS saints..." (Psalm 116: 15).  This was SO IMPORTANT to GOD that HE had ALREADY planned my life BEYOND the tragic loss of my parents!!!  So I was adopted by my UNCLE JOE and AUNT WILLARD TAYLOR--- my Adoptive Parents!!!

During some of the later days of my Dear adoptive Mother, I TREASURED  the PRIVILEGE of spending 2 (Two) Fridays per month with Her. Mother then lived in an Assisted-Living Retirement Center, which was located about 35 miles from my home in Cleveland, Ga.

On those 2 Fridays each month, I would collect my Mother and drive her several miles south ("down the road") to her Hairdresser's Beauty Parlor.  I would leave her there, then I would drive about 1 (one) mile farther south, and park under the trees in the parking lot at New Hope Baptist Church.  As I sat there in my car, facing the highway, I spent the time reading the BIBLE, praying. and meditating on GOD and HIS WORD.

During those later years, Mother was gradually losing her ability to hear - so, as we rode up and down Mize road, I did not talk much, nor ask her any questions.  But Mother would talk to me, and sometimes she would tell me some things about my Birth Mother (Sara) that I did not already know.  (My Birth Mother and Adoptive Mother were Sisters).

During one of those trips driving down that road, my Dear Adoptive Mother told me that the house directly across the road from where I sat in my car and prayed...that was the First house in which my Birth Parents lived  after their wedding!!!

In all of those years (before the day that she told that to me)...I had been praying for that house and and for the families that lived there-----because 2 of my elementary school friends had lived in that house!

As I meditated on that...our LORD gave to me understanding that my  (Birth) Mother and Daddy probably prayed about their (future) children (my Sister Brenda and me) while they lived in that house!

Again, While I was parked at that same place---("down the road") to my left, about 1 (one) mile, is the church which I attended as a child and as an adult!

"Up the Road" (to my right from where I sat in my car, I could see the home of the Payne family.  Mr. and Mrs Payne had 2 (two) daughters, and because the members of that family were  my church friends---I had prayed for their Daughters from the time of their birth!  And Yes, because of GOD'S Faithfulness (2 Timothy 2:13) I continued to pray for the Payne girls into their adulthood.  NO ONE could have ever predicted how GOD would answer those prayers!!!

Stay with me now--- I am going to jump ahead... to some years later...My wife Mary and I have 2 (two) daughters (Katy and Carrie).  When Katy got married, she and her husband lived in Monroe, Ga. Therefore, Katy's Son (Chandler) attended both Elementary school and High School in Monroe, Ga.

While Chandler was attending elementary school... each year, the school  had a "GrandParents' Day",  On that day, we GrandParents could visit the school, meet our grandchildrens'  teachers, and visit their classrooms.  

When Mary and I attended "GrandParents' Day in Chandler's Second grade---We became aware that Chandler's Second grade teacher---was one of the daughters of the Payne family!!!  So, Chandler's Second Gade Teacher was a person that I *** (Chandler's GrandFather) had prayed for since she was born!!!*****

"And we KNOW that ALL THINGS work together for GOOD to those who are called according to HIS purpose."  (Roman's 8:28).

Definition: "Purpose", Strong's #4286 - The word suggests a Deliberate plan... an Advance Plan.  Our Salvation was not only well planned, but demonstrates GOD'S FAITHFULNESS"!!!


HE Knows HIS plan that HE has for YOU!!! (Jeremiah 29:11).


HE IS "OUR HOPE"!!!  (1 Timothy 1:1).

Friday, February 3, 2023



"YOUR eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.  And in YOUR book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them. (In other words, GOD wrote down our every day before we were born!!!). 

"How precious also are YOUR thoughts to me, O GOD!!!"                                (Psalm 139: 16-17).

"Now to HIM WHO is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we dare ask or think, according to the power that works in and through us...". (Ephesians 3:20/Amplified Bible).

First: Some background on our family members --- to make the story more clear, and easy to follow:

My wife Mary and I (Barry) have 5 grandsons. And we have two (2) Great-Grandchildren---who are Twins:  the boy ("C J"), and the lovely little girl ("Clover").  Also included in this Personal Experience are my youngest sister - Carole Jo, and Carole's husband - Bud.

Carole Jo is a very "tender-hearted" person.  When Mary and I found out that we were going to have GREAT-Grandchildren...I immediately called Carole Jo.  Carole Jo agreed to start praying for the twins immediately.

Because  C J and Clover were born early, they had to spend their first two months in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU).  Of course we all were eager to get them home so that we could hold them and love on them!!!

While C J and CLOVER were in the NICU our Daughter Katy, (Grandmother of C J and Clover), was able to take pictures of C J and Clover frequently...and she would send the pictures to the members of our family---so we could SEE the wonderful babies that we were all praying for---and all of us just fell in love with them!!!

By the time that the twins came home from the hospital; Carole Jo was staying at her home---taking care of her husband Bud while he was battling cancer... So she could not have the opportunity to hold and to "love on" the babies (that she had fallen in love with, and had prayed for thru the months.

A few months after C J and Clover came home from the hospital, they were strong enough to visit Mary and me here in our home in  Cleveland, Ga.  So I called Carole Jo to tell her that C J and Clover were going to be at our home on a certain day and time, and I invited her to join us!

Praise the LORD Carole Jo was able to get someone to stay with Bud for the afternoon, and she came and joined us in holding and "loving-on" C J and Clover!!!                                                      

At a certain time that afternoon, Carole Jo was holding C J---and you could see that Carole Jo's eyes were "brimming with tears" because of the JOY she was feeling at FINALLY getting  to hold C J and Clover!!!

When Carole Jo stood from her chair...she suddenly exclaimed..."C J is PATTING MY BACK!!!"

PRAYERFULLY, we came to understand that when we adults are comforting a crying baby---we hold them close to us...and pat them on their back --- So C J was comforting Carole Jo!!!!!!!!!

A few days later, I was sharing this story with my dear friend Jane, and Jane helped me understand... that GOD was comforting Carol Jo THROUGH C J !!!!!!!

As I thought and prayed about all this, the Holy Spirit brought to my remembrance the story in the Bible where GOD spoke to the Prophet Balaam...through a donkey!!!

We read in the Old Testament book of NUMBERS about Balaam - a Prophet of GOD. In this passage, Balaam was riding on his donkey while journeying to another country.  But Balaam was not planning to do what GOD had directed him to do.  When the trail led through a narrow place...three (3) times Balaam's donkey turned aside and would not go forward.  Balaam beat the donkey with his staff...            "...then GOD gave speech to the donkey...and HE spoke through the    donkey...then GOD helped Balaam see what was happening...The Angel of the LORD said to Balaam  "Go with the men...but you must say ONLY what I tell you..." (Numbers 22: 22-35).  [

[For the full story-Please DO read Numbers 22:22 thru Numbers 23:24.]

DO NOT stop reading yet--- HOLY GOD MOST HIGH  has a very      INTIMATELY TOUCHING finish to the story... A  few days later, Carole Jo told me that when (her husband) Bud wrote personal notes to HER that he addressed her as "C J"!!!  So HOLY GOD OUR FATHER (knowing that Carole Jo was taking care of Bud)---HE           comforted Carole Jo (C J) through baby C J !!!!!!!! 

"Blessed be the GOD and FATHER of our LORD JESUS CHRIST,      the FATHER of Mercies, and the GOD (WHO is the Source ) of every comfort (consolation and encouragement)".                                            (2 Corinthians 1:3/Amplified Bible).  

Thursday, January 5, 2023




"HE wrote down our every day before our day of birth...".                    (Psalm 139:16).                                                                                         Indeed HE knows the plans that HE has for us."                                    (Jeremiah 29:11).                                                                     

HE is eager and loving to direct our steps and our ways in order to fulfill HIS Most Holy plans.

Several years ago, the LORD called my wife (Mary) and me to serve HIM on a Christian retreat in Ontario, Canada.  We prayerfully decided to Drive to the location from our home in Northeast Georgia.

Our route took us through Washington, D. C.  There we saw many historical buildings and memorial locations.  [OH HIS plans!!!].          Indeed HE is able to do through us that which is BEYOND what we could DREAM, or would DARE to ASK!!! (Ephesians 3:20/Amplified Bible).

Because we had only one day to be there in Washington...I prayerfully chose to spend much time at the Vietnam War Memorial.  Because my four years in the US Navy occurred during the Vietnam War---I had a strong desire to spend most of my time Praying at the Memorial.

The Vietnam War Memorial is composed of two-(200 ft. long) walls of Black Granite.  The surface of the walls is polished to be so smooth---that it functions as a mirror.  The walls bear the names of more than 58,300 (fifty-eight thousand three hundred) casualties.  The  Names are ENGRAVED into the surface of the walls.

I talked with the Memorial Attendant, and I learned that visitors often bring flowers and other gifts which they place at the base of the wall-----underneath their beloved one's name.  [The names are listed in Chronological order by the date of their becoming a casualty].  Many people also bring blank pages of white paper---on which they use a pencil to TRACE their loved one's NAME and the date of their casualty. [The "loved ones" could be their father, grandfather, mother, grandmother, husband, wife, son, daughter, brother, sister, fiance, friend, etc].

Because of the polished (mirror-like) surface of the wall...with their    Physical eye - the visitors can see the names/dates of casualty of their lost ones---AND they can see the reflection of their Own faces; And they can see the reflection of those who walked behind them...As the visitors look closely, and touch the Names of their loved ones on the Wall...they could also see the reflection of me as I walked behind them.

As I walked behind them, I was wearing my "talit".  [Talit ("tah-leet"] is a (Hebrew) prayer shawl that I wear when I Pray, and/or Worship GOD.  Every portion of the prayer shawl is associated with/ symbolic of portions of the HOLY BIBLE.  [As I wear my Talit - it covers my face, my shoulders, my arms and hands.]

With their "Spiritual Eye" the visitors can discern a "Presence" walking behind them---making intercession for them.

DEFINITION: "make intercession" (Strongs # 1793) - "to plead with a Person on behalf of another person".  (As JESUS pleads with GOD for  Us).

"But HE (JESUS) continues Forever, HE  has an Unchangeable Priesthood. Therefore HE is ABLE to save to the Utmost those who come to GOD through HIM, since HE always lives to make intercession for them (us). (Hebrews 7:25).

Because of GOD'S faithfulness (2 Timothy 2:13)---JESUS in and through me was making intercession for those visitors/families.

So what are You and I to do?

In JESUS'S NAME- make intercession for the persons, and the families of persons who suffer loss, or grief from any, and every war,    battle, accident, illness, injury, or other traumatic event.

"Blessed be the GOD and FATHER of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, the FATHER of Mercies, and GOD of all consolation and comfort and encouragement." (2 Corinthians 1:3/Amplified Bible).