Tuesday, October 26, 2021



The LORD will command HIS lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night His song shall be with me---                                                     A prayer to the God of my life." (Psalm 42:8). 

All the night the storm roared...

When the morning came...the storm was o'er.

We looked on the beach, we searched the shore...

Then in the distance we heard a man's voice sing...

As we drew closer, we saw him lying on the beach.                                As He was Singing -  He was Clinging to a rock.                                    (He was Singing) "Praise YOU LORD, JESUS MY KING."

As he endured the storm, and the night, he was Clinging to                  to the everlasting/everpresent arms of his Savior. (Deuteronomy 33:27).  {The word for "everlasting", can also be translated as              "everpresent".}

You and I---through every day and every night and every storm-           --WE can cling to HIS everlasting/everpresent arms and HE will         Love us with His 'Everlasting Love'. (Jeremiah 31:3).

Through every day and every night and every storm - HE is our Rock.   "...For they drank of that Spiritual Rock...and that Rock was   CHRIST."   (1 Corinthians 10:4).

"In YOU, O LORD, I put my trust...be my refuge" (to which I may resort continually, a place wherein I can Dwell."). (Psalm 71:1-3).

"I am the LORD, I do not change." (Malachi 3:6).

"JESUS CHRIST is the Same yesterday, today, and forever." (Hebrews 13:8). 

[GOD is infinitely Creative, but His Character/His heart toward us never changes.]

"HE remains true (faithful to His Word and to His righteous Character), for HE cannot deny Himself." (2 Timothy 2:13/Amplified Bible).

"I am with you Always." (Matthew 28:20).

"Where can I go from YOUR Presence?  If I ascend into heaven, You are there...if I make my bed in sheol, behold, You are there.  If I ride  the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there  Your hand will guide me, and Your strength will support me.  I could ask the darkness to hide me - and the light around me to become night---but even in darkness I cannot hide from You.  To You the night shines as bright as the day; The darkness and the light are both alike to You." (Psalm 139:7-12/New Living Translation).

Until JESUS comes back  for you and for me---to take us to Heaven--  we Will have days, nights, and storms...

"All the night the storm roared...                                                              When the morning came, the storm                                                        was o'er...                                                                                                  We looked on the beach, we looked on the shore... then in the distance we heard a man's voice sing...as we drew closer, we saw him lying on the beach.  As He was Singing - he was Clinging to The 

Rock.  He was singing "Praise You, Lord - Jesus My King". 

Until JESUS does come to take us to heaven---                                      Let us SING Praises, Worship, and Thanksgiving to JESUS...

Let us CLING to His Everlasting/everpresent arms, Let us rest in HIM - our refuge wherein we may dwell.  

(Now, please read it again.  Thank you.) 



Tuesday, October 12, 2021

*** LIGHTNING!!!!!!!!! ****


Late on a Wednesday afternoon, in Cornelia, Ga., I was in the gym...  as I was doing my planned exercises, I could hear that it was raining very hard!!!.  I could hear the rain just "pounding" on the roof!  And  I could hear the thunder!

     After I completed my exercises, I walked to the front of the building, and I could see that it was still raining very hard!!!

I sat on a chair near the door so that I could see when the rain decreased---    planning to walk across the very large parking lot to my truck.

Indeed when the rain decreased.....I opened the door and started walking (because at age 76 I no longer run), so I walked as quickly      as I could.

(This might seem "strange", but I always pray---asking the LORD ("in which specific place I should park?").  As I reached the point where I was about half-way to my truck - - - I saw a very BRIGHT FLASH of  LIGHTNING only a few feet in front me!!!!!                                              I am sure that most everyone has seen lightning before.  The Flash is so quick and brief that it is very difficult to actually measure the duration- - - probably only 1 (one) or 2 seconds.                                          Lightning is both very quick and very powerful!!!  One lightning    strike can break a large tree; or..."knock out" the electricity for a whole town, etc.                                                                                             When that "Thunderbolt" struck in front of me, I paused for a second or two, then walked on to my truck and drove home.                      I KNOW that I did not just imagine that!  Because when I returned  to the gym 2 days later- - -2 employees of the gym told me that they    SAW the lightning!!!                                                                                      By GOD'S GRACE, I am reading through the complete BIBLE      this calendar year.  So I have a reading plan that guides me to which chapters that I am to read each day.  So as I drove home, THE LORD  brought to my remembrance---                                                                (Job 28:23-26)  "GOD understands its way, and HE knows its place.    For HE looks to the ends of the earth, and sees under the whole heavens, to establish a weight for the wind, and apportion the waters by measure.  When HE made a law for the rain, And A PATH FOR THE THUNDERBOLT."  (I read that passage only 6 days before!!! the LIGHTNING/THUNDERBOLT!!!).   And also (Psalm 139:16)---"HE WROTE DOWN OUR EVERY DAY BEFORE THE DAY OF OUR BIRTH."                                                                                                         Also as I drove toward home - I remembered that (even though the  Lightning bolt was very near to me) - - - I felt neither heat nor electrical  charge!                                                                                         I can conclude only that:                                                                     1) In TRUTH - HE did "...write down our every day before the day of our birth (Psalm 139:16); so HE knew EXACTLY where I would be at that time.                                                                                      2) HE "made a path for the Lightning bolt/Thunderbolt AROUND me  (Job 28:23-26).                                                                         3)"As for GOD, HIS way is perfect;  The WORD of THE LORD is proven; HE is a shield to all who trust in HIM".  (2 Samuel 22:31).      4) HE still has work for me to do.  "...HE WHO has begun a good work in you will complete it until the Day of JESUS CHRIST...".        (Philippians 1:6).

JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF SAYS in (John 16:13):  "HE (THE HOLY  SPIRIT) will guide you into all truth."

Let us frequently ask (and submit to) the HOLY SPIRIT to "guide me into all TRUTH".