Thursday, August 12, 2021


 "CHOSEN, ADOPTED, and ADOPTED" are not only words to learn about.....these are VITAL---VERY IMPORTANT NEEDS for EACH and EVERY ONE of us!!!

First, let's look at "CHOSEN" - the very opposite of "CHOSEN" is "REJECTED".

DEFINITION:  CHOSEN- the word designates ONE picked out...for special services or privileges.  It describes JESUS CHRIST as the chosen MESSIAH of GOD (Luke 23:35); angels as messengers of heaven; and believers (in JESUS CHRIST) as recipients of GOD'S favor (Matthew 24:22, Romans 8:33, Colossians 3:12).

In today's world, children (and adults) that are different, or difficult, they are often REJECTED.  Rejected by fathers, mothers, teachers, and others---and that makes them (us) vulnerable to seeking acceptance elsewhere...even acceptance from CRIMINALS. (more on that later).

DEFINITION> ADOPTION: The process by which one brings another person into his family, giving him/her the status and privileges of a biological son or daughter.

DEFINITION> ACCEPTANCE: To receive or treat with favor. In the Bible, a person is accepted by the grace, mercy or covenant love of GOD through faith and repentance.  [GOD has fully accepted believers through the mercies of JESUS CHRIST].

Earlier (above) I mentioned "seeking acceptance...even from criminals---In large cities there are criminal gangs who prEy on children, youth, adults who are vulnerable/desperately needy of being chosen, adopted, and accepted.  The way that the gang members do this is to make it clear that a person CANNOT be chosen/adopted/accepted (as a member unless they MURDER a person! 

OH!!! How NEEDY **WE*** ARE!!!!  In (John 14:6) JESUS CHRIST declares  "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE.  No one comes to the FATHER except through ME."

So WHEN we accept JESUS as our SAVIOR and LORD>>>HE makes us Chosen, Adopted, and Accepted as belonging to GOD our Holy Father as "HIS IN JESUS"!!!

Once again, let me share with you a Personal Experience:  On the route that I drive from my home (in Cleveland, Ga.) to Gainesville Ga.....there is a sign that reads "Whispering Angels Youth Ranch".  For many years I have driven by that place and our LORD has inspired me to pray over that place.                                                              Recently, I heard/read (the director of the youth ranch) speak of the plan that they follow with the children/youth who come to stay at the ranch:   Soon after the children arrive, they each are taken to the stables to "meet" the horses. [The horses are HIGHLY TRAINED to play their roles].  The children do NOT choose the horse they want...Instead, the children stand and wait...and the Horses CHOOSE the CHILD, walks over to the child, lowers his head before the child (in a submissive posture).  For as long as the child is there...they have the same horse.    (They feed, care for and ride (Their) horse as long as they are there.                                                                                            JESUS bowed HIS HEART in submission to FATHER GOD'S will  that HE must die to save us from our sins ('...not my will, but Yours be done' (Luke 22:42)...To save US...His rejected, damaged children.  

In worship of JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!  HE is the "Life-Giving Spirit"    (1 Corinthians 15:45).  HE is the 'Yes' and 'Amen to every promise of GOD (2 Cor. 1:20).  HE is "the Same yesterday, today, and forever."    (Hebrews 13:8).

And YOU can choose to be HIS!!!