Tuesday, June 15, 2021

A PRAYER.........A BLESSING!!!!!!!!!!!!

 May JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, GOD OUR "ABBA FATHER" (Romans 8:15), The FATHER OF MERCIES and GOD of ALL COMFORT" (2 Corinthians 1:3) hold  YOU  with HIS "Everlasting Arms" (Deuteronomy 33:27), and with HIS  nail-scarred Hands hold you up next to HIS HEART,

May HE whisper to you of HIS love for  YOU  with the same breath that declares "I have loved YOU with an everlasting love" (Jeremiah 31:3), "FATHER Forgive them..." (Luke 23:34), the same breath that says "I chose YOU...adopted YOU...and accepted YOU as MINE in JESUS CHRIST" (Ephesians 1:1-6), with the same breath that says I have called  YOU  Friend..." (John 15:15), the same voice that says "...Receive the HOLY SPIRIT... (John 20:22), the same breath that says "Come to ME... and I will give  YOU  rest." (Matthew 11:28), the same that says "...MY Beloved is MINE, and I AM His (Hers)" (Song of Solomon 2:16), the same breath that says "...You have ravished my heart with the look of your eyes..." (Song of Solomon 4:9), the same breath that says (while JESUS was on the Cross) "It is Finished!"  (John 19:30),  with the same breath that says "...you have been faithful...enter into the joy of your LORD..." (Matthew 25:23), with the same voice that says "...Surely I AM coming quickly". (Revelation 22:20).

Let it be so in YOUR heart!!!

Thursday, June 3, 2021

WHERE IS JESUS? (A new edition of this message...with NEW ADDED MEANING!!!!!

 Today/May 12, 2021---It has been almost 5 months since Christmas.  It has been 5 weeks since Easter!!!

First, JESUS was in MARY'S HEART...When the angel Gabriel spoke to Mary: "Rejoice, Highly Favored One, the LORD is with you; Blessed are you among women...and behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a SON, and shall call HIS NAME JESUS."(Luke 1:26-31).

"Now Mary arose in those days...and entered the house of Zacharias...and greeted Elizabeth.  Elizabeth...spoke with a loud voice and said to Mary, Blessed are you among women, and Blessed is the Fruit of your WOMB!!! (Luke 1:39-45).

(The manger):  "And (the shepherds) came with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the Babe lying in a manger. (Luke 2:16).

After JESUS grew up and became a man, and spent approximately 3 and 1/2 years teaching the people, healing people...even raising 2 people from the dead!!!....HE was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, then taken to trial...then sentenced to be crucified (HE Died on the cross to save us from our sins!!!).  (Matthew 27:27-31).

(On the cross) "JESUS... breathed His last." (Mark 15:37)

"Now when evening had come...Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body of JESUS. Then Joseph (of Arimathea) bought fine linen, then took JESUS'S body down from the cross...and he laid JESUS in a tomb which had been hewn out of the rock, and rolled a stone against the door of the tomb.

"Very early in the morning, on the first day of the week...the women (who had come to the tomb with Joseph), they came to the tomb when the sun had risen...but they found the stone rolled away from the tomb...and did NOT find the body of our LORD JESUS!!!

"Then two men (angels) in shining garments, said to the women, "Why do you seek the LIVING among the dead?  HE is not here, but is RISEN"!!!  (Luke 24:5-6).


Well, let's SUMMARIZE the "locations" that we have mentioned earlier:

1) Mary's womb - EMPTY!  (2) The manger - EMPTY!  (3) The Cross - EMPTY!   (4)  The Tomb - EMPTY!

Oh! And Mary's heart-----She is in HEAVEN WITH JESUS---so her heart is  FULL FOREVER!!!!!!!

And.........THE THRONE IS *** OCCUPIED *****!!!!!!!!!

"JESUS, GOD'S SON...When HE had by HIMSELF purged/cleansed our sins, HE sat down at the right hand of the MAJESTY ON HIGH..."  (Hebrews 1:3/Amplified BIBLE).

Again, where is JESUS   NOW???                                                           If JESUS is NOT YET living in your heart---then JESUS is knocking on the door of YOUR heart---saying 'I paid for all your sins, now let ME live and reign in YOUR heart'!!!

(Revelation 3:20-22)---"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears MY voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him and he with ME.  To he who overcomes I will grant to sit with ME on MY throne, as I overcame and sat down with MY FATHER on HIS throne...                                                                         "He who has an ear, let him hear what the SPIRIT says...".

If JESUS is ALREADY your Savior and Lord---then HE is knocking on the door of YOUR heart, saying...Let ME in---I want to give to you EVEN MORE of MYSELF...                                              

",,,that YOU may have the RICHEST MEASURE of the DIVINE PRESENCE,"  (Ephesians 3:19/Amplified Bible).

YOU open the door of YOUR heart...NOW!!!!!!!!!  Invite HIM in!!!

From now - and INTO ETERNITY--- YOU WILL REJOICE!!!!!!!!!