Friday, April 30, 2021


 Before I relate this story which I personally experienced...I will lay the foundation with some background information:

HOLY GOD---Our HEAVENLY FATHER has richly and intimately blessed me in and through my family!!!  I have had two (2) Godly Mothers, two (2) Godly Fathers, two Godly daughters, and two (2) marriages.  (The first marriage I messed up by failing to be the man that GOD had called me to be).

But in GOD'S ABOUNDING GRACE - HOLY GOD gave me a second chance at marriage, and in this second marriage GOD has enabled me to submit myself unto HIM, and in HIS GRACE HE continues to Bless me.

Let me clarify these family relationships by giving the names of some of these family members:

My birth Mother (SARAH) died of cancer in the year of my 6th birthday.  Her sister (my Aunt Willard), adopted me---and became my "Mother who raised me".  My Mother who raised me has always been called "MAMA JOE" by her grandchildren.

Approximately 10---12 years ago, (MAMA JOE went home to Heaven!!! ) OH!!! we all miss her So Much!!!!!

Both of my Mothers are buried in the cemetery at Sunshine Methodist Church several miles south of Toccoa, Georgia.

About 8---9 years ago, my youngest daughter ("CARRIE") drove up to visit me in Toccoa, Ga. where I was employed.

When our visit was concluded, and it was time for CARRIE to return to her family---she asked me to give to her directions to Sunshine Methodist Church - because she wanted to visit "MAMA JOE'S grave.  So very tenderly-HOLY GOD our ABBA FATHER guided me to say "It would be better if I just drive down there---and you just follow me".

When we arrived at Sunshine Cemetery, it was RAINING ("Rain at Sunshine"); (neither of us had an umbrella), but I joined CARRIE beside MAMA JOE'S grave.....we were Blessed with a very intimate time together---sharing how sweetly MAMA JOE loved us, how we loved and TREASURED Her; and how MUCH WE MISS HER!!!!!!!!!  (We both cried "tears of joy" at the Grave side; and I cried "tears of joy" as I drove back to work!!!)

BUT!!! The story DOES NOT end there...

Because MAMA JOE had given her heart to JESUS CHRIST-accepting HIM as her SAVIOR AND LORD, and because I (Barry) accepted JESUS as my SAVIOR and LORD...and CARRIE has accepted JESUS as her SAVIOR and LORD-----We will (in the LORD'S timing!!!)----- we will be in HEAVEN TOGETHER FOREVER!!!!!!!!!

Now. YOU who are reading this message---JOIN us in THANKING, PRAISING, and WORSHIPING GOD for HIS PERFECT LOVE, HIS ABOUNDING GRACE, and HIS RICH MERCY!!!!!!!!!  (Read 1 John 4:18/Romans 6:1/Ephesians 2:4 !!!!!!!!!). 


DO NOT DELAY!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Too soon.....the time 

Tuesday, April 13, 2021


The BEST thing to do in that situation is to PRAY FOR THEM!!!

According to Psalm 139:1-4 (Living Bible), GOD knows our thoughts before we think them and our words before we speak them.  And HE certainly is ready to answer our Prayers!!!

Of course, when that face or name comes to our mind---We might think that we don't know HOW best to pray for we should just simply PRAY: "LORD, come YOUR kingdom, be done YOUR will" ---That is the BEST thing to pray!!!

Let me share with you a personal experience that illustrates that principle:

When I was a young man (Years ago!) I was working a full-time "day-job, AND also working at a convenience store on the "night-shift".  As the night shift person, one of my duties was to sweep and mop the entire floor each night.

Late on a particular evening, as I was mopping the floor, there was a customer in the store - he was playing a game on the "pinball machine".  (For you "younger people" that is similar to today's video games).

In order to mop the entire floor, I had to (kindly) ask the young man to I could mop where he was standing.  The young man was not pleased...but he did move for a moment.

A while later, the young man left the store.

Another while later, I heard a car drive into the parking area, then I heard a loud noise and commotion at the door---Then, quickly two (2) policemen came in the door---and they explained to me the "commotion" that I had heard at the door---

The SAME YOUNG MAN that I had asked to move so I could mop---had driven into the parking area, got out of his car,,,and was walking toward the door with a KNIFE in his hand!!!

The policemen had been parked across the street - watching the store, then saw the young with the knife, stopped him, and took him away!!!


If the policemen had not been watching the store --- I would probably have been seriously injured, possibly killed!!!

And thus I would have missed seeing my two daughters grow up, I would have missed meeting and marrying my "wife-from GOD-MARY...AND our five wonderful grandsons, And our twin Great-Grandchildren that we have!!!

"Hear my prayer, O LORD: Answer my plea.  Let me see YOUR kindness to me in the Morning, for I am trusting YOU.  Show me where to walk, for I my prayer is sincere.  Help me to do YOUR will, for YOU are my GOD.  Lead me in good paths, for YOUR SPIRIT is GOOD." (Psalm 143: 1-10/THE LIVING BIBLE)

REMEMBER!!!  When that name, or that face comes to your mind---PRAY!!!!!!!!!  Someone will be HELPED!!!!!!!!
