V-I C-T-O-R-Y!!!!!!!!!
(HE) Volunteered
Initiating (Beginning)
The (enemy"s) opposition
In Yahweh (GOD)>
What was JESUS' response to GOD?
JESUS (The TRUTH) (John 14:6) said to GOD (He prayed) "FATHER, If it is YOUR will, take this cup (His death on the cross) away from ME; never the less NOT MY will, but YOUR will be done," (Luke 22:42).
So on the cross, JESUS defeated death, hell, sin, and the grave!!!
HE said "IT IS FINISHED!!! And bowing HIS head, HE gave up His spirit. (John 19:30).
"IT IS FINISHED", The Greek tense indicates that the work of redemption has been COMPLETED ONCE FOR ALL and it's RESULTS ARE ABIDING CONTINUOUSLY.
And HE gave the VICTORY to US!!!
So what is to be our response?
A) Be imitators of JESUS---As Paul said in (1 CORINTHIANS 11:1) "Imitate me, just as I
imitate CHRIST".
HE IS WORTHY!!!!!!!!! (Rev. 5:12). HIS essential priority for us is Worship!!!
"Now therefore, if you will indeed obey MY voice and keep MY covenant, then You shall be
a SPECIAL treasure to ME...a kingdom of priests and a holy nation." (Exodus 19:5-6)
Let us (You and me) share HIS victory by Worshiping HIM and Loving others.
LORD JESUS, "YOU are my Shepherd, I shall not lack. YOU cause me to lie down ln green pastures, YOU lead me by still waters, You restore my soul. You lead me in paths of righteousness for YOUR NAME'S SAKE.
Surely Your goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will live with YOU in YOUR house FOREVER> (Psalm 23::1-6) {Living Bible]