Tuesday, December 29, 2020


In Genesis 3:1-24 we can see the serpent [representing Satan (see Rev.12:9)] introduce DOUBT as one of His weapons against us (God's people) In verse one (1) the serpent asks Eve a question: Has GOD (INDEED(?) said, " you shall not eat of every(?) tree of the garden("?")

(verse 2) Eve answers: "We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; BUT of the fruit of the tree which is in the MIDST of the garden---GOD has said, 'You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.
*** Pause now to PICTURE this in your mind- you probably know that when a serpent bites someone/something---it injects  venom/poison into the person/animal to begin the killing process.

(verse 4) Next, the serpent  his second question/takes his second bite...His teeth are just DRIPPING with the venom of doubt --- ----
'You will NOT surely die.' For GOD knows that in the day that you
eat of it your eyes will be opened...and you will be like GOD."---there Satan is tempting Eve to think: "I could have more/better than GOD
wants me to have!!  ( What a HUGE, "kingdom-sized" LIE!!)

Genesis 3:16-19 lists some of the deadly results of ...Eve's giving in to that temptation.  Thus doubt was used by Satan to open the door of Eve's heart.........and all the other works of Satan came through while the 
door was open-----and became part of the trials that we go through
in life.

BUT, lets not all blame EVE for all this-----ALL of us have.....at times, doubted GOD in our lives!!!!!  I have...haven't you???

Now, let's look at another (VICTORIOUS!!!) "Garden Situation".....

It was in the Garden of Gethsemane (John 18-1:39) that JESUS allowed HIMSELF to be arrested and taken to trial-----leading to
HIS death on the cross to save US from OUR SINS ("the punishment necessary for us to have peace and healing... was put upon HIM....". 
(Isaiah 53:5).

".....looking unto JESUS, the author and finisher of our faith,
WHO for the joy that was before HIM endured the cross...
JESUS ON THE CROSS **PAID*** for EVERY SIN ever committed  by EVERY  PERSON who ever lived!!!

"For the joy that was before HIM, JESUS endured that!!!!!!!

So "THE JOY that was before HIM"  was EXCEEDINGLY POWERFUL!!!  JESUS on the cross was NOT a VICTIM-----
HE  was a VOLUNTEER--- AND the VICTORY for ALL of us!!!
"...be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and perfect will of GOD." (Romans 12:2)

So HOW can WE walk/live in victory now, and into the future???

Become more and more intimately familiar with JESUS OUR SAVIOR/GOD our HEAVENLY FATHER by reading HIS HOLY WORD/THE BIBLE.

If we will give an average of 15-20 minutes per day---we can read
all through the Bible in one year!!!
Go to  logostradingpost.com and you can get a reading plan.
(John 16:13"        

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Safe Passage Through Storms!!!

Monarch butterflies. One of Holy God's most beautiful and delicate creatures --- Early each fall, across North America, Monarch butterflies begin to gather in order to migrat,,e south. Yes, from all over the USA and even from parts of Canada...they gather to make their trip!!! As some of you probably know, butterlfies are considered a symbol of new life!!! Ok. Now let's put that thought "on hold" for a few moments...but don't let that thought "slip away". The "planned destination" for the Monarch butterflies is the mountains of Mexico where they gather to spend the winter. Now put that thought "on hold" also. Since the destination for the monarch butterflies is the mountains of Mexico...we don't have to wonder about the route they take to arrive at those mountains... Many of us who live in the south of the US have had the dreadful experiences of powerful, destructive hurricanes: high winds, flooding, rains - destroying homes as well as massive concrete-and-steel buildings. Most of those hurricanes come up through the Gulf of Mexico, gather strength from the warmer waters there - before they hit landfall. So here are the beautiful, FRAGILE, delicate Monarch butterflies poised near the beach areas of the Gulf of Mexico -- the very "storm track" of the hurricanes... How in the world do these butterflies get through all THAT...to get to the mountains of Mexico??? Well, their way is not "of the world". Rather, they are guided, enabled and carried by our Creator. As we are!!! To our mere human eyes --- butterflies are far more beautiful than we are -- Jesus is "the way" (NOT-directions to a location), But he is the Person who will take us there - to eternity in his radiance. (John 17:24) He does this not because of who we are, nor what we have done... But because of Who He Is. Because of What He Has Done, What He Is Doing, Which He Will Complete (Phil 1:6/2 Cor 3:18) How do we "get there"? Day by day, come to him humbly, submit to him, to him carrying us through the day and night, thanking him, praising him, and blessing him. Bringing our "thoughts captive to the obedience of Jesus" (2 Cor 10:5). Oh Lord, You are my shepherd. "You cause me to lie down in green pastures, you lead me beside still waters. You restore my soul. You lead me in the paths of righteousness for Your name's sake. Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me...your rod and your staff they comfort me...You annoint my head with oil...my cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." (Pssalm 23:1-6) Praise Jesus Forever!!!