Thursday, September 17, 2020


*** ALERT ** Seriously, because of some computer problems...some of the parts may seem out of sequence; BUT.....just read straight through from top to bottom---and be BLESSED BY HIS WORD!!! ("The HOLY SPIRIT will guide you into all the truth." (Stated by JESUS in John 16:13).** JESUS will COME!!! JESUS will CALM!!! (calm you or the storm!!!)! JESUS will BE!!! JESUS will NEVER!!! Recently I was driving through a POWERFUL THUNDERSTORM...the AIR was so full of rain that I was having difficulty seeing well enough to keep the car on the road!!!


THANK THE LORD!!! HE did enable me to drive to a place beyond the storm to a place where I could rest and recover. As I am sure you know, hurricianes are given PEOPLE names; for example: Katrina, Floyd, etc. Maybe that is a hint for us---truly the most destsructive storms are those between groups of people---wars, riots,etc.


Matthew 8:23-26--- "JESUS got into a boat, His disciples followed Him.....suddenly a great storm arose on the sea...the boat was being covered by the waves, but Jesus was asleep..... The disciples awoke Him, saying, 'Lord, save us! We are perishing!...Then HE arose and rebuked the winds and the sea...and there was a great calm.
PART 2-C (John 6:15-21) JESUS departed to pray alone. The disciples had rowed about 3 miles...they saw JESUS WALKING ON THE SEA...and they were afraid. "It is I; be not afraid." They received Him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land where they were going!!!
PART 3---JESUS WILL COME!!! Now back to the storm...shortly after the storm (on the same road) I was driving, and as I neared a church...The Holy Spirit gave to me understanding that I was to stop and pray in the parking lot and be quiet. He gave me understanding for this message, and the title.
PART 4 JESUS WILL COME OK, What about JESUS will NEVER leave you nor forsake you--- "For HE HIMSELF has said 'I WILL NEVER FORSAKE YOU..." (Hebrews 13:5) There will be times when we may FEEL forsaken-but JESUS IS, and Speaks "THE TRUTH" (John 14:6) Covid 19 is a storm around the world...Let's stay home, and wait before HIM. As we read through the New Testament, Jesus often took His first disciples aside to pray. Let us be quiet and still before Him.


PART 5 (JESUS WILL COME) GOD'S WORD PROMISES (in Psalm 22:3) that He will enthrone HIMSELF in our praises!!!!!!! JESUS WILL CALM---The storm, or HE WILL calm us!!! JESUS will BE---"with us always" (Matthew 28:20)/Jer. 23:24) JESUS will NEVER "leave us nor forsake us." (Hebrews 13:5) HE WILL ALWAYS ENTHRONE HIMSELF IN OUR PRAISES!!!!!!!!! LET'S BE PRAISE HIM AND THANK HIM FOR WHO HE IS AND FOR ALL THATS HE HAS DONE AND WILL DO!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2020


It was a Thursday afternoon in Atlanta...I had just completed an appointment with my doctor, and I was on my way to Georgia Mall, to look for a gift that my wife Mary had requested... Let me pause here for a moment to give you some background information that will clarify this story, and add inspiration to it. By God's Grace, I love to wear Christian t-shirts - that quote GOD's WORD- and thus directs people to JESUS CHRIST!!! Because HOLY GOD "...knows the plans that He has for us..." (see Jeremiah 29:11), and HE knows our thoughts before we think them and our words before we speak them (Read Psalm 139:1-4)---He knows who will see HIS WORD on my t-shirt--- and thus answers my prayers asking Him which shirt to wear each day.


Now,back to my trip to Georgia Mall... As I drove toward the parking area, the Holy Spirit made me aware that He would direct me (and He gave me the desire to obey Him). Normally, I have a specific place where I want to park...but the HOLY SPIRIT directed me to a different place. USUALLY I enter the mall at the main entrance...but the HOLY SPIRIT directed me to enter the store closest to where I was parked.

"I Stand with Israel (part 3)

On the t-shirt that I wore that day, the message was "I STAND WITH ISRAEL!" As I entered the store I noticed a "pathway" that would lead me through the store into the mall...but I sensed that the Holy Spirit was directing me to walk STRAIGHT THROUGH the area where a salesperson was helping a customer. My direction took me BEHIND the salesperson as he helped the customer "try on" a coat. As I passed behind the salesperson---I heard a voice say "I DO TOO". I then realized that the salesperson was responding to the message on my shirt! As I walked through both levels of the mall - Hundreds of people SAW the shirt; SOME READ the shirt; SOME verbally responded to it in my hearing.
( PART 4) I STAND WITH ISRAEL!!! A helpful explanation of the message - " I stand with Israel": a.In the genealogy of Jesus Christ, we learn that Jesus Christ is a descendant of Abraham. b.{Abraham was father to Jacob (Jacob's name was changed to Israel]. In Genesis 12:2-3, Holy God promises to Abram (Abraham): "I will bless you...and you will be a blessing...I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you." Throughout history, individuals and nations who blessed Abraham's descendants-- were themselves blessed by God; those who cursed Abraham's descendants were themselves cursed by God. Hebrews 1:3 Amplified Bibles says: "God's Son (Jesus)He is the sole exression of the glory of God...upholding and and maintaining and guiding and propelling the universe by His mighty word of power." Let us ask, and submit to Jesus to "uphold and maintain, guide and propel" us to Stand with Israel - Bless Israel/ the Jewish people, and the body of Christ worldwide!!! FOR HIS GLORY!!!!!!!!!