Wednesday, November 20, 2019

REMEMBER        MY           NAME!!!!!!!!!

It was 56 years ago-----and I still remember his name.....

Yes, older Barry here, with another story about his past-----"past".....But JESUS  CHRIST is
always PRESENT:  "I will be with you ALWAYS"!!!  (Matthew 28:20).

(56 years ago October 24, 1963-----I graduated  from high school in June 1963.....then in
October I enlisted in the US Navy.....I guess that some of you are doing some calculating...
..18 years old + 56 years = 74; yes, that means I am now age 74.

Basic Training/"Boot Camp" was all about  DISCIPLINE!!!  

Our Company "Commander/ Drill Seargent"  introduced himself to us "recruits" in a
very memorable way:  He said, "I want you to remember my name.  My name is Mister Jack."
"Ready, Begin!!!

Some of you may remember from physical education classes in high school- an exercise
named  "jumping jacks".  It is an exercise which you start from a standing position.  From that
position you jump up, and come back down with your feet spread wide apart.....while at the same
time you clap your hands above  your head!  It can be an easy exercise, but if you perform it
at a very quick pace. and for a long period of time it can then be very strenuous exercise!

Mr. Jack had us doing 'jumping jacks' at a very high rate of speed, AND for a very lo-o-n-ng
time!!!  We did 'jumping jacks' until we thought we were going to lose consciousness, or die!!!  (We did survive!) 

During the 3 months of  "boot camp", Mister Jack had us do jumping jacks many, many, many,

At the end of the 3 months, we had a graduation ceremony.  Shortly after that, we stood in line to
board buses which would take us to the airport, and thus to our next duty stations.

While standing in line to board the buses.....some of the men were talking and laughing. When
Mr. Jack saw that happening, he yelled  in a very loud, menacing tone  "READY, BEGIN!!!!!!
So... we had already completed our graduation, we were standing in line to board the buses---
GETTING OUT AND AWAY from that place...and Mr. Jack still had us doing jumping jacks!!!!!
Only THIS time we had to do the jumping jacks while holding our luggage ("sea bags") above our heads!!!  (the luggage bags each weighed 60-70 pounds!!!) CRAZY!!!  That man is crazy!!!

 (Again) We had already GRADUATED...and that man STILL has us doing jumping jacks.....
with those "seabags" held above our heads!!!

As you might imagine, it was a LONG time before I could think of Mr. Jack with other than anger!  But I do still remember his name. (And yes, I have forgiven him!!!)  I will probably
remember his name as long as I remain on the earth.

AHHH!!! But YES!!! There is the MOST POSITIVE AND ETERNAL NAME that I remember
constantly, many times per day--------The name that is above every name--JESUS!!!!!!!!!
"And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the 
point of death, even to death on the cross.

"There fore GOD also has highly exalted HIM and given HIM the NAME which is ABOVE EVERY name, that's at the NAME of JESUS every knee shall bow,  of  those in heaven, and 
those on earth, and those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that JESUS 
CHRIST IS LORD, to the glory of GOD THE FATHER." (Philippians 2:8-11).

When I remember the NAME OF JESUS, think of the One who laid down His life to save me...
my LORD, I think of HIM in reverent awe, joy, in HIS GREAT LOVE and deep peace, in deep
thanksgiving,...knowing that He will always be for me, and with me (Matthew 28:20).  I know that He will always be WORTHY of reverent awe, worship, reverence, praise, and Thanksgiving!!!
(Revelation 5:12).  I FEAST on the TRUTH that HE IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND  FOREVER." (Hebrews 13:8).  I will forever FEAST on the Wonder, awe, and deep thanks
that because of His SACRIFICE, I WILL ....."dwell in the house of the LORD forever". (Psalm 23:6).

I believe that   literally  I could fill pages, and pages, and  pages with Praise, thanksgiving, worship,
and Honor TO HIM!!!!!!!!!

Back to Philippians 2:9---"...the NAME ABOVE EVERY NAME".
Frequently, I hear people say, or sing, ' JESUS - THE NAME ABOVE ALL (OTHER) NAMES'.
The correct reading is 'His is the Name above every name'.  I am not yet totally sure why it is written that way.  I have done some study and meditation on that.....And I believe that I have 
partial understanding-----
I have read that in Hebrew thought - you cannot separate the NAME from the PERSON; And
because JESUS is King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Rev.19:16), Lord Most High (Psalm 47:2)...
that gives some clarity and deeper understanding and appreciation.  He is indeed above every
OTHER person!!!

In Luke 22:19 Jesus is sharing the Lord's Supper with His (first) disciples, and He says to them---
" 'And He took bread, gave thanks, and broke (the bread)and gave it to them, saying 'This is my
body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of ME."  A similar passage in (I Corinthians
11:24-25.....'Jesus said "This do in remembrance of ME.'

Let me testify:  I thank Him for my being able to arise from bed in the morning and to pray in HIS
NAME several times each day.  He is my peace... and He never changes!!!  I remember His Name in awe and reverence: He is my LORD and SAVIOR, the ONE Who laid down His life for me.....I 
remember  HIS NAME with love and adoration, in thanksgiving; I remember HIS NAME in blessing others; I remember that He is "...with me always; it is very important to remember His Name.  I thank Him.....He gives to us every heartbeat and every breath!!!

Seriously, I could fill many pages with Thanksgiving to Him.

I have a book that lists 344 of Jesus Christ's Names.  It is an absolute TREASURE to me!!!  Each name is like a facet of a diamond - revealing more of His very heart and character!!!

The book of Jesus' names that I have is no longer in print.

I URGE you to find a book that's teaches you about JESUS' NAMES--- It will be a rich treasure to you for reading and studying!!!


***** Remember JESUS' NAME ****
He always remembers our name!!!!!!!!!