Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Genesis 9:8-17
"Then God spoke to Noah and to his
sons with him, saying,
'And as for Me, behold, I establish
My covenant with you and with your
descendants after you.

"and with every living creature
that is with you,, the birds, the cattle,
and every beast of the earth with you,
of all that go out of the ark, every beast
of the earth.

"Thus I establish My covenant
with you.  Never again shall all flesh
be cut off by the waters of the flood;
never again shall there be a flood to
destroy the earth.

"And God said, This is the sign
 of the covenant between
Me and you, and every living creature
that is with you, for perpetual genera-

"I set My rainbow in the cloud, and
it shall be for the sign of the covenant
between Me and the earth.

"It shall be, when I bring a cloud
over the earth, that the rainbow shall
be seen in the cloud.

" and I will remember My cov-
enant which is between Me and you
and every living creature of all flesh that
is on the earth.".

"And God said to Noah, 'This is the
sign of the covenant which I have es-
tablished between Me and all flesh that
is on the earth."

A rainbow consists of light, water vapor, and the steadfast, unchanging, Faithful, covenant-keeping/ Intimate love of Almighty God!!!!!!!

"WHO"  would choose something so fragile, so ephemeral, as light, and water vapor---to bear (carry)
the weight of being the sign of the Promises of  Almighty God to all of man and of the earth?!!!!!!?

WHO?'  Almighty GOD, GOD MOST HIGH, Elohim-The Strong Creator God (Gen. 17:1-2, Psalm 47:2, Genesis 1:1).---The same ONE who chose you, and weak Barry, to bare (reveal) the "Weightiness" of His glory through us, and chose us to bear (carry) the weight of His promises.....  

glory (Strongs #3519): "Weightiness; that which is substantial or heavy; glory, honor, splendor, power, wealth, authority, magnificence, fame, dignity, riches, and excellency.   In the Old Testament,
"heaviness" represented  honor and substance."

"WHO?' HE  who chooses to reveal His power through our weaknesses"!!! (II Corinthians 12:9)

Okay, so far we have talked about "rainbows", "Promises", "you", and "me".....so what about "tears"?

Holy God, our Abba Father, loves us so deeply, and intimately, that He "keeps our tears in His bottle" (Psalm 56:8).  And He knows the story behind each tear (Psalm 139:16)

His love is so good---we can trust Him to fulfill all His promises!!!!!!!!!!!!

In Truth, Jesus Christ is the 'Yes', and the 'Amen' to all of God's promises!!!!!!!!! (II Corinthians 1:20)     '

Friday, September 11, 2015


In Your Holiness, in Yur Majesty, In Your lovingkindness, You are FOR us,

YOU  are everything we need!!!!!!!!!

You Who are ALMIGHTY,  YOU ARE OUR "strength"(Isaiah 12:2)

You Who ARE the Word of God (John 1:1, REv. 19:13) You wrote the Psalms (the Song book for the Jews....You are our song (Isaiah 12:2)   You are our song of victory, our song of praise, our song of thanksgiving, our song of peace, our song of joy, our song of grief, our song of hope.

Oh Holy Lord Jesus!!!  "Hidden in YOU are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge' (Colossians 2:3)....
and You "have been made wisdom to us"!!! (I Corinthians 1:30)

Oh Holy Lord Jesus, You Who are the Prince of peace (Isaiah 9:6), You Who are "the same
yesterday, today, and forever." (Hebrews 13:8 ,
You Who caused even the stormy wind and waves to be calm (Matt. 8:23-27,
You are Yourself our peace " (Ephesians 2:14)

You are our righteousness (II Corinthians 5:21)

YOU Lord Jesus  are "our hope". (Psalm 71:5/I Timothy 1:1)

You are our Joy(Hebrews 12:2/Zep;haniah 3:17)

You are our Shepherd (Psalm 23:1/John 1:29/I Peter  5:4)

Thank you!!!  Praise You!!!  We bow down to You and worship You!!!!!!!!

All glory, honor, praise, worship, and obedience belong to You!!!  You are worthy!!!!! (Revelation 5:12)

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


As I stood under the tree,
A drop of water hit the leaves above me...
.... and sprinkled over me!

This is the "Second Rain".....
The "Morning Rain" after the stormy night,
When the raindrops that were caught on all the trees' leaves...
..let go, and come down as a second blessing.

The sun breaks through the clouds,
shines through---then burns through the fog---
Re-establishing it's reign over the day.

Truly, the sun did not "go away",
Holy God, our Creator, merely rotated the earth---
Giving us the night for peace, and for rest;
Renewing our strength for the next day's work,
And, in His timing, the next test.

The clouds darken the sky,
Bringing thunder and rain.
The storms bring blessings,
The storms bring change.

Above the earth, above life's storms,
The sun is always shining.
On God's throne, Jesus Christ, the Son,
never stops Reigning!!! (Hebrews 8:1)

He will use our rest,
and He will use the tests
To change us more and more into the image of His Son.;
Releasing glory to.........Himself!!!!!!!!!!
(II Corinthians 3:18)

So in our days, and in our nights,
In the calm, and in our storms and fears,
Let us rest in Jesus the Son,
He always Shines!  He forever Reigns!
He knows, He understands (Hebrews 4:15)
He saves, and (keeps for Himself!!!!) our every tear.
(Psalm 56:8)

The storms bring rain,
The storms bring change.

But ABOVE ALL things
He Who does NOT change (Mal. 3:6/Heb. 13:8)---


"You make me lie down in green meadows,
You lead me beside the waters of comfort and rest.
You restore my soul."
You restore my soul.
(Psalm 23:2-3)  
